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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 231 through 240 of 678

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68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy, Buddhism, Spiritism 26 Feb 1904, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that the nation's best belonged to it is proven by the writings of Lessing, Jean Paul, Herder, Schelling and also the Goethes; as proof, the speaker cited the fairy tale of the green snake. The ideas that the nineteenth century brought with it are irreconcilable with Theosophy. The great discoveries of natural science are based on sensory perceptions; only proof is valid for them.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Natural Science at a Crossroads 01 Dec 1907, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
One form of vibration, one speed appears to us as red, the other as blue, the third as green. Red, blue and green are nothing more than subjective impressions of what exists outside. And out there are only vibrational processes in the smallest ether particles. If you turn your eye so that what vibrates outside can reach you, you become aware of it as the impression of red, blue or green. If you turn away, then nothing else is present but a vibrating process. Then the students were tormented with the mechanical theory of heat.
93. The Temple Legend: Concerning the Lost Temple and How it is to be Restored III 29 May 1905, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Our great poet Goethe presented the idea of the bridge in a beautiful and significant way in his ‘Fairy Story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily,’6 where he has a bridge being built, by the snake laying itself across the river as a living bridge.
6 . Goethe: Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, Floris Books, 1979. See also Goethe's Standard of the Soul as illustrated in Faust and in the Fairy Story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1925; and Goethe's Secret Revelation and the Riddle of Faust, Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London, 1933.
197. Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind: Lecture IX 08 Nov 1920, Stuttgart
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
On the other hand we have pictures of human social life like those in Goethe's Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.64 This approach does achieve pictures or images, but it does not take them to a point where they become perceptions.
They were presented to human minds in the grandiose pictures created by Goethe; his ‘Tale’ of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily basically presents the idea of the state. In the West, ideas that have so far developed only in relation to material things, to economics, will one day have to evolve into the threefold social order.
‘Das Märchen von der griinen Schlange und der Lilie’ (Tale of the green Snake and the Lily) in Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten 1795, Weimarer Ausgabe, 18.
288. The Building at Dornach: Lecture III 25 Jan 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But what I mean has to do much less with single colours at with what the colours have to say to one another, whet red has to say to blue, green to blue, green to red, orange to lilac, etc. In this exchange, I might say, of speech, and exchange of activity between the colours, an entirely new world would come to expression.
If you study the colours in the small dome, you will see that in this particular shade of colour, the brownish-green, an attempt has been made to expr ess the freezing effect of Ahriman; an attempt has been made to bring everything out of the colour.
96. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
—The giant peaks that rise supernal Herald the solemn hour; for them first brightens The early radiance of the light eternal, Upon us valley-dwellers later showered. Now are the green-sunk, Alpine meadows vernal With radiance new and new distinctness dowered, And stepwise downward hath the splendour thriven.
We feel how in this night of Christ's Nativity, new, upwelling life streams towards us, This thought is indicated in the fresh roses adorning this Tree; they say to us: the Tree of the Holy Night has not yet become the wood of the Cross but the power to become that wood is beginning to arise in it. The Roses, growing out of the green, are a symbol of the Eternal which springs from the Temporal. The square is the symbol of the fourfold nature of man; physical body, ether-body, astral body and ego.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Devachan 18 Feb 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In such a person, the causal body appears as a form that is already more endowed with colors, as a form that is permeated by beautiful colors. In this case, it is the green colors, green-yellow and yellow color nuances. These are the nuances that the European has. Only when these colors expand a little further does the lower spiritual body appear.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Rosicrucian Training — The Interior of the Earth — Earthquakes and Volcanoes 04 Sep 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
If the seer disregards everything lying above it and gazes down directly into this layer, and if then, for example, he places something green before him, the green appears as red; every colour appears as its complementary opposite. A polaric reflection arises, a reversal of the original.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: On the Transformation of World Views 25 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we were to schematically depict what was there, we could say: Man once sensed nature (green) around him, but this nature everywhere ensouled and spiritualized (red). This was in an older period of human history.
In even later times, human beings again felt the soulless nature (green) within themselves, the “I am” (yellow). But the drama becomes fact. On Golgotha, the cross rises.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: Modern and Ancient Spiritual Exercises 27 May 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The moment thinking really becomes free of the bodily functions, the moment it has torn itself away from breathing and gradually united with the external rhythm, it dives down—not into the physical qualities of things—but into the spiritual within individual objects. We look at a plant: it is green and its blossoms are red. This our eyes tell us, and our intellect confirms the fact. This is the reaction of ordinary consciousness.
This thinking follows how in a rose, for example, green passes over into red. Thinking vibrates within the spiritual which lies at the foundation of each single object in the external world.

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