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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 271 through 280 of 678

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301. The Renewal of Education: Three Aspects of the Human Being 21 Apr 1920, Basel
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
People make judgments, and these judgments are either positive or negative. I could say that a tree is green, and in doing so I connect the two ideas of “tree” and “green” in a positive way. I could say you did not visit me yesterday, and in doing that I connect two ideas or complexes of ideas in a negative way.
301. The Renewal of Education: Teaching Zoology and Botany to Children Nine through Twelve 03 May 1920, Basel
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
We will leave mere intellectualism, which is so boring and arid, behind. Once people comprehend annual plants, green plants that grow out of the earth with their roots in the earth, leaves, and stems above it, and the green leaves that then go on to form the flower and seed; once people perceive a living connection with the earth and have enlivened that through their experiences of the yearly cycle; once they have experienced how the blossom comes forth when sunlight has connected itself in love with what pours forth out of the earth; once that is felt throughout people’s entire being as a felt knowledge; once people have felt the growth from the root through the leaf to the flower and finally to the seed from spring until fall; once people have felt all that, then they will realize something else.
302. Education for Adolescents: Lecture Seven 18 Jun 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by Carl Hoffmann

Rudolf Steiner
You see, today we have the surface of the earth, on it the green plants. How do we today imagine the processes taking place in the world of plants? Here, too, our knowledge is limited to the explanations of the chemical analyses and syntheses taking place in the one hundred or so elements.
One would like to see the interaction of chlorophyll, the green color of the plant, with some outer entities during the plant’s growth as a process similar to that taking place in a test tube.
345. The Essence of the Active Word: Lecture III 13 Jul 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
Every sleeping rosebud you empathise with the waiting, creating, living light rose in the earthly depths. So it is with all plants. Look at the green cover of plants over the earth and experience that which sprouts out of the earth as green, in the depths of the earth, as quite light-filled but permeated with deep violet, which appears in the world, weaving through it with life.
348. Health and Illness, Volume II: The Effect of Nicotine — Vegetarian and Meat Diets — On Taking Absinthe — Twin Births 13 Jan 1923, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
A plant manages to develop the seed that is planted in the earth all the way to green leaves and colorful flower petals. Now, you either receive your nourishment directly from grains, or you pluck a cabbage and make soup or something.
The forces that have been active up to this point have brought forth green leaves, berries, and so forth. Imagine a cow devours this plant. When the cow devours this plant, it becomes flesh in her.
6. Goethe's World View: Epilogue to the New Edition of 1918
Translated by William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
(One will find in my book, Goethe's Faust and the Fairy Tale of the Green Snake, something of what there is to say about Goethe from the particularly spiritual scientific point of view.)
181. The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit: The Earth As Seen by the Dead 01 Apr 1918, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We acquire a picture of the earth when we imagine a sphere floating in cosmic space, gleaming on one side in shades of blue and violet, on the other side burning, sparkling red and yellow; and between a belt of green. Conceptions which have the character of pictures gradually carry us over into the spiritual world.
277b. The Development of Eurythmy 1918–1920: Eurythmy Address 14 Sep 1919, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For Goethe, every single plant leaf – whether a green plant leaf or a colored flower petal – is basically a whole plant, only more simply formed than the whole plant, and again the whole plant is for him only an intricate leaf.
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age: About the Author, the People, and the Background of this Book

Paul Marshall Allen
In the Ill River near Strassburg was a little island called daz Grüne Woerth, The Green Island. In the twelfth century a convent had been established there, but had long since been deserted and had fallen into ruins.
Five years later Merswin completed arrangements whereby the group was acknowledged as a branch of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, and the place became known as “The House of Saint John of the Green Island.” Not long after this Merswin's wife died, and he spent his remaining years on the Green Island, devoting himself to the Friends of God who came there from far and near. Rulman Merswin died in the House of St. John of the Green Island on July 18, 1382. Four days after his death a sealed chest was opened which had been discovered in his room.
288. Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of the First Goetheanum: The Goetheanum in Dornach 12 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Inside the nut is the fruit, and around it is the shell. Let us first look at the hard shell inside the green shell. If you study the whole configuration, the shape of the nut shell, you will say to yourself: it could not be any different than it is, because the nut is as it is.
One is not concerned with the horizon line, but above with the blue firmament, below with the green sea, and where the two colors meet, the line and the form arise by themselves. This is how I have tried to paint here: everything from the color.
That is why all the windows are large panes of glass in a single color. These panes – red, green, blue – are engraved, etched out of the glass, which then gives the glass its visual effect. This visual effect is there when the sun shines through the windows.

Results 271 through 280 of 678

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