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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 371 through 380 of 678

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330. Supersensible Being of Man and the Evolution of Mankind 11 Jul 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
If we look at the evolving plant, and see first the green leaves developing, then the calyx, and then the transformation into petals, we see a leap from the green leaf to the coloured petal, even though there is a steady development.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The History of Humanity in the Light of Spiritual Science 12 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And it is also quite interesting that the Greeks have a word for green, xAwoög (chloros), but with these words they simultaneously designate the yellow resin, the honey and the hair – just as blue-blind people of the present do not distinguish between green and yellow, so that we can say: External history also confirms that the ancient Greeks saw the light colors as the ones that mattered to them; and that they had no strong sense of blue, of dark colors, at all, that they expressed this sense particularly.
62. The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales: The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales 06 Feb 1913, Berlin
Translated by Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
In his Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, Goethe tried to express in his own way the extraordinary soul experiences that Schiller brought forward in a more abstract, philosophical style in the Aesthetic Education of Man.
Now one can understand why Goethe put into the manifold eloquent picture-images of his Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily the rich experiences of life that Schiller expressed in abstract philosophical terms.
165. Festivals of the Seasons: Meditations on the New Year: The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year 31 Dec 1915, Dornach
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
We know that when we walk through the forest, we have not only the trees about us with their green foliage, but that in the background of existence spiritual and psychic beings are everywhere active.
94. Theosophy Based on the Gospel of John: Second Lecture 28 Oct 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The astral body of a Hottentot circles in wild dark red vortices, in a person like Schiller in bright green and yellow, in Franz of Assisi in wonderful blue. This is how the astral body is worked on. That which is consciously worked into the astral body from the I is called the spirit self or manas.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Human Consciousness in the Seven Planetary Conditions 01 Jun 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
There is a phenomenon described as “chlorosis”—anæmia or green-sickness. There the blood comes into a state where it cannot sustain the waking consciousness; such persons often lapse into a dim consciousness like that on the Moon.
165. The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year 31 Dec 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We know that when we walk through the forest, we have not only the trees about us with their green foliage, but that in the background of existence spiritual and psychic beings are everywhere active.
165. The Year's Course as a Symbol for the Great Cosmic Year 31 Dec 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We know that when we go through the woods we are not only surrounded by the trees with their green needles or leaves, but that a soul-spiritual essence weaves and works in the mysterious depths of life.
240. Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael: Lecture IV 24 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Beings are present in the mineral kingdom of nature, especially where the earth begins to grow green, and feels so fresh that we can scent its aroma and the aroma of the plants that cover it. But when we enter this sphere of elemental beings, we find that they can indeed inspire us with fear.
240. Karmic Relationships VIII: Lecture IIV 24 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Beings are present in the mineral kingdom of nature, especially where the earth begins to grow green, and feels so fresh that we can scent its aroma and the aroma of the plants that cover it. But when we enter this sphere of elemental beings, we find that they can indeed inspire us with fear.

Results 371 through 380 of 678

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