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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1711 through 1720 of 1823

˂ 1 ... 170 171 172 173 174 ... 183 ˃
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): Christian Initiation and Rosicrucian Training 22 Feb 1907, Vienna
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
One must have made the effort to gain some idea, and it is possible for everyone to do so, that there is truth in anthroposophy. Finally one must have tried, using human logic, to grasp the inner connections in what is taught in the science of the spirit.
98. Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World: The Rosicrucian Initiation 15 Dec 1907, Düsseldorf
Translated by Antje Heymanns

Rudolf Steiner
Refer to Rudolf Steiner, The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz in Philosophy and Anthroposophy. Collected Essays 1904-1923, GA 35. The essay is also contained in the translation of The Chymical Wedding into New High German by Walter Weber, Basel 1978.
182. The Dead are with Us 10 Feb 1918, Nuremberg
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When good friends in the Society have passed away, I have often said that it is not the task of Anthroposophy to offer people shallow consolation for their pain or try to talk them out of their sorrow. Sorrow is justified; one should grow strong to bear it, not let oneself be talked out of it.
182. The Dead are with Us 10 Feb 1918, Nuremberg
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When good friends pass away, I have often said that it is not the task of Anthroposophy to offer people shallow consolation for their pain or try to talk them out of their sorrow One should grow strong enough to bear sorrow; not allow oneself to be talked out of it.
182. What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? 09 Oct 1918, Zürich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For in thus uniting our souls with the anthroposophical conception of spirit we have become, in a certain sense, guardians who watch over definite and significant processes in human evolution. Apart from Anthroposophy, whether men are followers of one system or of another they are as a rule convinced that thoughts and ideas, besides what they are in their own minds, are not also something else in their connection with the outer world.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture III 21 Feb 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But we do misunderstand it when we allow ourselves, especially in this sphere of Anthroposophy, to be carried away by any kind of sectarianism. Everyone should take counsel with himself concerning the question: How much sectarianism is there still in me?
194. The Michael Revelation 07 Dec 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
You know that an old true perception which we can only understand aright through anthroposophy, says that at the end of the ordinary year, when Christmas time draws near, these days come in which the spiritual influences which work on man within the earthly sphere are most intense in their working.
158. The Kalevala: Third Lecture 15 Nov 1914, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
When they are in the spiritual world with their ego and astral body, they come into contact with the truths that are to be true anthroposophy in humanity. What future physical knowledge is to become comes to her consciousness. One could say that Emerson receives something like this in his sleep.
210. Old and New Methods of Initiation: Lecture XIII 19 Jan 1922, Mannheim
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
Our task is to illumine the whole of reality with the light of the spirit through Anthroposophy. These lectures have beenan example of this. 1 .
214. The Mystery of the Trinity: The Mystery of Truth I 23 Jul 1922, Dornach
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner: Occult History (Lecture Four), Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha (Lecture Seven), World History in the light of Anthroposophy (Lecture Six).2 . Ernst von Wildenbruch (1845–1909), German writer, author of historical dramas, novels, and verse.

Results 1711 through 1720 of 1823

˂ 1 ... 170 171 172 173 174 ... 183 ˃