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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1731 through 1740 of 1823

˂ 1 ... 172 173 174 175 176 ... 183 ˃
15. The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity: Lecture Two 07 Jun 1911, Copenhagen
Translated by Samuel Desch

Rudolf Steiner
These normally developed spiritual guides of our evolution are at work in everything that can lead us to the great treasures of spiritual wisdom that theosophy [ anthroposophy] can impart to us. However, the beings who did not develop properly during the Egypto-Chaldean period are also shaping the cultural trends of our time.
72. Spiritual Scientific Results of the Idea of Freedom and the Social-Moral Life 30 Nov 1917, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Somebody who hears something about anthroposophy forms an opinion very often from this or that which he hears about the matter, that he has to deal with a sect or something similar.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Social Question and Theosophy 26 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by John Root Sr.

Rudolf Steiner
No. 134, and in the Hamburg lecture of the same name of 2 March 1908 in Die Welträtsel und die Anthroposophie (Anthroposophy and the Riddle of the World), Bn/GA Bibl. No. 54.3. Saint Simon (Claude Henri de Rouvroy), 1760-1825: social reformer.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture XII 30 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
The souls now living in bodies which have the heart to hear and feel Anthroposophy, are now preparing them-selves to live in bodies in the future in which power will be given them to serve their fellow-creatures, who up to that time had been unable to feel this heart beat within them.
137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture VII 09 Jun 1912, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It was at first intended to erect a Building for Anthroposophy in Munich. The project had, however, to be abandoned in 1914. (Note by Translator.)
171. Goethe and the Crisis of the Nineteenth Century: Fourteenth Lecture 28 Oct 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But further, after the man in question has told horrible things about anthroposophy, he then says: "We now also recognize in what sense Dr. Steiner in particular can claim: we are not against Christianity, we are in fact ultimately the true Christians.
174a. Central Europe Between East and West: Eleventh Lecture 02 May 1918, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
In truth, nothing is talked about more than what Anthroposophy wants to bring to conscious human knowledge. Now people find that it is necessary to give the matter a name of unknown origin.
188. Goetheanism as an Impulse for Man's Transformation: Goetheanism as an Impulse for Man's Transformation 12 Jan 1919, Dornach
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
The way back to Goethe must be found through the Spiritual Science of Anthroposophy. This can be understood only by one who can go straight for the question: where did Goethe stand actually and in reality?
193. The Social Question as a Problem of All Humanity 08 Feb 1919, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
And he who consciously realizes that the things that must enter humanity today can be deepened for him by not merely developing anthroposophy as something that is only science, but by having it as something that penetrates all his perceptions, which permeates his whole perception of life, transforms it too, makes it so that he can enter as a worthy member into that which must begin with the present and which alone can become a salvation for the future of humanity.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Tenth Lecture 13 May 1917, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Let us try to equip ourselves with the way of looking at things that we can already have after having developed so many years of anthroposophy. From what we have already absorbed into our souls, we can know that not only does the individual human being undergo a development in the physical world between birth and death, but that humanity itself also undergoes a development.

Results 1731 through 1740 of 1823

˂ 1 ... 172 173 174 175 176 ... 183 ˃