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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 201 through 210 of 374

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93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture X 05 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Cosmic events—metamorphoses such as those of Atlantis—remain at a still higher level, no longer in the Ether, but in the actual Akasha. That is the Akashic Chronicle.
93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture XXIV 26 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Seven Sub-Races together form a Root-Race. The preceding Root-Race inhabited Atlantis, that part of the Earth which later was flooded by the Atlantic Ocean. To this Root-Race belong the following Sub-Races: Firstly the Rmoahals, secondly the Tlavtlis, thirdly the Toltecs, fourthly the original Turanians, fifthly the original Semites, sixthly the Akkadians, seventhly the Mongols.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Devachanic World (Heaven) I 07 Jun 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Reference is made to this in the legend of the Golden Fleece and in the name of the Lamb of God—the Christ. 2,160 years before that, the vernal equinox fell with the Sun in the sign of the Bull, a fact expressed in the cults of the Egyptian Apis or the Mithras Bull in Persia. 2,160 years before that again, the vernal equinox fell with the Sun in the sign of the Twins and we find this expressed in the cosmogony of the very ancient Persians, in the two opposing figures of Ormuzd and Ahriman. When the civilisation of Atlantis was destroyed and the age of the Vedas was beginning, the Sun at the vernal equinox was in the sign of Cancer, (inscribed as the sign of cancer) indicating the end of one period and the beginning of another.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: The Egyptian Mysteries of Osiris and Isis 25 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Not indeed into the mineral kingdom as it is now, but as it was at the time when it came into existence in the ancient Lemurian epoch. Our present epoch followed that of Atlantis, and the Lemurian epoch preceded Atlantis. Before the great Atlantean catastrophe the face of the Earth was quite different from what it is today.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: The Theory of Heredity, Old Isis Inscription 08 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
We will use it as a means of further studying the riddle that was first propounded. Now when the time of the flooding of Atlantis, the submergence of Atlantis, which separates our post-Atlantean culture from the Atlantean culture, had passed by, the first post-Atlantean culture-epoch arose.
289. The Ideas Behind the Building of the Goetheanum: Guided Tour of the Goetheanum 25 Aug 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But when one experiences what was experienced in the ancient Indian culture in the relationship between the disciple and the guru, the teacher, one feels as if the ancient Indian did not have a skullcap, but as if it had evaporated and as if he were not the one human being who lives in his skin, but one feels as a sevenfold being, as if his soul power was composed of the seven soul rays of the holy Rishis of ancient Atlantis, enlightening him, and that he then communicated to his world that which he revealed, not from his own spirit but from the spirit of the holy Rishis.
The intuitive perception has first placed itself in ancient India, in ancient Atlantis. That which can be seen there has been painted on the wall here, and only afterwards can one speculate when it is there.
117. The Universal Human: Individuality and the Group-Soul 04 Dec 1909, Munich
Translated by Gilbert Church, Sabine H. Seiler

Rudolf Steiner
The races we distinguish today are merely vestiges of these significant differences between human beings in ancient Atlantis. The concept of race is only fully applicable to Atlantis. Because we are dealing with the real evolution of humanity, we have therefore never used this concept of race in its original meaning.
284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Planetary Evolution and the Evolution of Humanity 20 May 1907, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
If you look back to the ancient Atlantean times, the predecessor of our present time, when man lived on Atlantis – which science has at least already discovered for the animal world – you have the human ancestor who does not yet possess the same consciousness as the human being of today, who can calculate and manufacture industrial objects.
You would find that physically, too, this old Atlantis differs quite considerably from the configuration of the earth today. What we call air and water today was not yet there.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Symbols reflecting original wisdom 27 Mar 1905, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Speech only evolved in the main age preceding our time, in Atlantis. The Atlanteans lived on a continent which no longer exists and under completely different circumstances than those we know today.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Children of Lucifer 14 Dec 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
The air circle was not only a mass of water, but filled with substances that had not yet settled. The land that emerged later, Atlantis, was submerged by floods. With it perished the fourth root race. The civilization of the fifth root race is spread over Europe, Asia and Africa.

Results 201 through 210 of 374

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