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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 251 through 260 of 374

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102. An Outline of Religious Ideas in post-Atlantean Times 13 May 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Before the great Atlantic flood, when our ancestors lived for the most part in the area of ancient Atlantis, people still had more or less direct experiences and perceptions of the supernatural. In a time when people lived in the spiritual world itself, when they had experiences at all times as today's humanity has them in the sensual world, no religion was needed.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture VI 10 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we look back at the last big event which separates the Atlantean age from the present age which is now in its fifth cultural period, we have what is known as the ice age or flood between the two the sinking of Atlantis and the rising of new continents. We are living in the fifth post Atlantean period, a sixth one will follow and a seventh one will follow.
13. An Outline of Occult Science: The Evolution of the Cosmos and Man
Translated by Henry B. Monges, Maud B. Monges, Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
[ 91 ] Evolution on Atlantis is the time of the actual separation of mankind into the Saturn, Sun, Jupiter, and Mars men.
For our present day the most important of these migrations were those that went eastward from Atlantis. What is now Europe, Asia, Africa, became gradually colonized by the descendants of the Atlanteans.
This union appeared by degrees in mankind in consequence of the transformation of Atlantis and the earth generally. The physical and ether bodies of human beings coincided more and more with one another.
89. Theosophic/Esoteric Cosmology: Esoteric Cosmology II 09 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
A particular result of the evolution of the Atlantean race was the development of a phenomenal memory. After Atlantis was destroyed by water, continued evolution resulted in our contemporary fifth race, during which deductive reasoning was a special achievement.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Lemurian Race
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
This was the case to such a degree that when men left the colony in order to found the different Atlantean races, they could take with them a highly developed knowledge of the breeding of animals and plants. The labor of cultivation in Atlantis was then essentially a consequence of the knowledge thus brought along. But here again it must be emphasized that this knowledge had an instinctive character.
93. The Temple Legend: The Contrast between Cain and Abel 10 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Some things were preserved and carried over into the new world. The Deluge is the flood which destroyed Atlantis. Men who were seduced by the Rakshasas disappeared by degrees. And now I have to tell you something which will in any case appear extraordinary to you, which is particularly important.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Stages of Evolution of the Human Form The Expulsion of the Animal Beings 10 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
These transmuted themselves into the full human form, and this gradually transmuted itself into the shape that was present in the middle of Atlantis. Something else occurred through all these events. Four different elements, four forms, merged harmoniously in man.
107. The Being of Man and His Future Evolution: Rhythm in the Bodies of Man 21 Dec 1908, Berlin
Translated by Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
In earlier times this rhythm always coincided with the outer one. In Atlantis something very serious would have happened if man had wished to sleep in the daytime and stay awake at night.
109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: Evolutionary Stages of our Earth before the Lemurian Epoch 09 Jun 1909, Budapest
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
The epoch of the formation of the races is that embraced by Lemuria and Atlantis. Today only stragglers of the races are present.
97. Parsifal 29 Jul 1906, Landin
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Very long ago, there was land in the region of the Atlantic Ocean—the so-called land of Atlantis, where dwelt the Atlanteans, our ancient ancestors. All the people who lived later on in Europe and also in Asia as far East as India, were descendants of the Atlanteans.

Results 251 through 260 of 374

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