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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 291 through 300 of 374

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323. Astronomy as Compared to Other Sciences: Lecture VII 07 Jan 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Those who have made a more intensive study of Anthroposophical Science may be reminded here of what I have often described from spiritual perception; the conditions of life in old Atlantis, that is before the last Ice-Age. For I was there describing from another aspect—namely from direct spiritual sight—the very same things which we are here approaching more by the light of reason, taking our start from the facts of the external world.
96. Festivals of the Seasons: The Mystery of Golgotha I 25 Mar 1907, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
We know whence these schools of initiation originated; they can be traced back to the ancient Turanian Adept-Schools of Atlantis. And let us now call to mind how initiation took place. We know that when the pupil was sufficiently prepared he was put into a sleep by the Initiator for three days, and this made it possible for the Initiator to lift the etheric body of the pupil out of his physical body.
57. The European Mysteries and Their Initiates 06 May 1909, Berlin
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
—So, for instance, there is a connection between Bacon of Verulam's New Atlantis and Rosicrucianism. This work is more than a Utopia. Bacon there tries to lead those who would revive the dim clairvoyant faculties of the old Atlanteans, to higher levels.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Present and Future Evolution of the World and of Mankind
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Since the tremendous upheaval that brought the life of old Atlantis to an end, there have been the successive stages in man's development described in this book as the ancient Indian, the ancient Persian, the Egypto-Chaldean and the Graeco-Latin epochs.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): Interchanging activity of Thoth-Hermes and Moses 03 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But in ancient times there were intermediate conditions between waking and sleeping which can only be induced to-day by abnormal means; and these ought never to be employed in ordinary life, for they are fraught with danger. In Atlantis these intermediate conditions of perception were evolved normally. Through them man was able to place himself within that which lived and moved in the harmony of the spheres and the life-ether.
126. Occult History: Lecture I 27 Dec 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
5—I can tell you at once that this journey to the West is nothing else than the search for the secrets of ancient Atlantis, for happenings prior to the great Atlantean catastrophe. Gilgamesh sets out on his journey.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: Inner Earth and Volcanic Eruptions 16 Apr 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The end of the Lemurian continent was brought about by the magnificent egoism of the last Lemurian races who practised a form of black magic that is beyond our powers of imagining. The end of Atlantis, the Flood, as it is called, was also connected with the moral quality of Atlantean peoples. Only traces remain of all this, yet up to a certain level we can show a definite connection between the lives people led and such phenomena.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Study, Movement and Change an Essential Principle 18 Feb 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
93. The Turanians were the fourth sub-race on Atlantis. See Steiner R. Cosmic Memory (GA 11), chapter on our Atlantic ancestors. Tr. K. E. Zimmer.
96. The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Study 28 Jan 1907, Berlin
Translated by Floyd McKnight

Rudolf Steiner
Tracing man backward from the present epoch through the Greco-Latin, Egypto-Chaldean, Persian and Indian periods of mankind to the great Atlantean flood recorded in the deluge-myths of all nations, we reach those ancestors of ours who lived on the land-mass we call Atlantis, between present-day Europe and America. Still further back, we come to a primeval land-mass, which we call Lemuria, lying between Australia and India.
130. Faith, Love and Hope: Towards the Sixth Epoch 03 Dec 1911, Nuremberg
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
When the lectures on the Apocalypse were given here in Nuremberg, you heard a description of this coming catastrophe, of how it will resemble and how it will differ from the one in old Atlantis. If we observe life around us, we might express the particular feature of our age in this way: The most active element in human beings to-day is their intellectualism, their intellectual conception of the world.

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