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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 281 through 290 of 374

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93. The Temple Legend: Concerning the Lost Temple and How it is to be Restored IV 05 Jun 1905, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Because of that we are the first missionaries of the second half [of evolution], the first apostles of an ascending arc: whereas man was in a descending arc until the time of Atlantis, was involved in a kind of descending evolution until he had submerged himself in the uttermost depths of material life.
93. The Temple Legend: Freemasonry and Human Evolution (men only) 23 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
What began with Lemuria, developed itself throughout Atlantis, and was recapitulated in our three cultural epochs in a specific higher realm. So that we thus have a recapitulation of what occurred earlier, in Lemurian times, in a less-developed realm.
121. The Mission of Folk-Souls: Lecture Seven 12 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we wish to comprehend what was thus accomplished in Europe, Africa and America, in the way of the division of races, whilst Atlantis was gradually crumbling away, and what was then sent later on, towards the end of the Atlantean epoch, and part of which was only sent during the post-Atlantean evolution,—then we must clearly understand that we are dealing with that mighty stream of humanity which pushed forward into Asia, into Indian territory, and that, as has often been pointed out, bodies of people remained at the different points, from which then the various peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe arose.
170. Memory and Habit: Lecture III 28 Aug 1916, Dornach
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The first event fell in the Lemurian epoch, the second in the age of Atlantis. It behoves us to increase our knowledge and understanding of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences.
164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Value of Thinking III 19 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And then the puzzle can arise: Yes, there is a person who describes in pictures, in very beautiful pictures, Atlantis or other things that come to him in a visionary way, and that is absolutely logically intelligent.
216. Supersensible Influences in the History of Mankind: Lecture IV 29 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But these enigmas are unveiled to spiritual science when we know that the sphinxes represent forms that were actually visible to men in the time of Atlantis, and when we remember that the teachings concerning the mummy given by the Egyptian Initiates to their pupils were an echo of the Yoga teaching imparted, for example, by Initiates of ancient India to their pupils.
205. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit I: Ninth Lecture 09 Jul 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
We thus come back more and more, I would say, from the region which I characterized above as the soul region, to what is here below the bodily region, which is permeated by the other stream of will. And as we go further back in Atlantis, we come back to the metamorphoses that relate to the shaping of the body. So that we can say that during the passage of the vernal point through Pisces, human beings were scarcely present in the bodily form as it is (light shading).
177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: Humanity's Struggle for Morality 30 Sep 1917, Dornach
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
If we go back in time—for our present purposes we need only go back as far as the watershed between Atlantean and post-Atlantean life when the catastrophe happened on Atlantis—we come first of all to ancient Indian times. Conditions were very different then; humanity as a whole remained capable of further development beyond the 50s.
224. The Recovery of the Living Source of Speech 13 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But in order to study the times when man's relationship to external Nature was pre-eminently one of will, we must take our thoughts right back to Atlantis. For we have to reckon with long epochs of time when we are considering the evolution of language.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Essence of the Theosophical Movement and Its Relationship to the Theosophical Society 02 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And we also know that when the floods began to break in, through which the Atlantic continent perished, the Manu sent a small group to the center of Asia. And when the old Atlantis was drawing to a close, the Manu led his little band, which was to form the basis for our race, into the Gobi or Shamo desert.

Results 281 through 290 of 374

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