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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 21 through 30 of 120

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274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 22, 1920 22 Dec 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
They must have originated in completely different areas than the one in which they were last found, because in the introduction to the second piece we will hear how reference is made to the sea and the Rhine; the sea, which could be Lake Constance, and the Rhine, which in any case does not flow in the Bratislava area.
319. What can the Art of Healing Gain through Spiritual Science: Lecture I 17 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Is it not really rather an extraordinary expression that we use when we say for example “Here flows the Rhine?” What is the Rhine?” When we say “Here flows the Rhine,” we do not as a rule mean that “there is the river-bed `Rhine,'“ but we mean the flowing water which we look at. Yet it is different every moment. The Rhine has been there a hundred years, a thousand years. But what is it which is there every moment? It is what is realised as being in alteration every moment in the flowing stream.
319. Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing: Lecture I 17 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Is it not really rather an extraordinary expression that we use when we say for example ‘Here flows the Rhine?’ What is ‘the Rhine?’ When we say ‘Here flows the Rhine,’ we do not as a rule mean that there is the river bed ‘Rhine,’ but we mean the flowing water which we look at. Yet it is different every moment. The Rhine has been there a hundred years, a thousand years. But what is it which is there every moment? It is what is realised as being in alteration every moment in the flowing stream.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Richard Wagner and the Spirit World 25 Feb 1908, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
The masses of mist flowed together to form rivers where people now live. In the Rhine, the myth sees what has become of the harmonious, collective consciousness of the self. The last stragglers of those endowed with universal consciousness have been drawn into the waves of the Rhine, as it were.
353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: What did Europe Look Like at the Time of the Spread of Christianity? 15 Mar 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we go further up – this is where the Elbe rises and then flows into the North Sea: here, everywhere, they are all Goths. But here is the Rhine, which you know well; so that would be today's Cologne – here around the Rhine, the so-called Ripuarian Franks live. Further up, where the Rhine flows into the North Sea, the Salic Franks live. And here, as far as the Elbe, the Saxons live. The Saxons got their name from the people who were to the south.
The old Latin lives on in a modified form. Only further east, from the Rhine onwards, did the people as a people say to themselves: Well, the scholars in there in the schools, with their wigs, they can speak Latin, and those who want to become priests can listen to them; but the people have kept the language.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On German Mythology 10 Dec 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
The Nibelungs come from the Land of the Fogs, the land surrounded by water and fog. The hoard of the Nibelungs is sunk into the Rhine. For the peoples, the Rhine belonged to the great waters that had engulfed Atlantis with the golden city and all its treasures.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Ferdinand Freiligrath 16 Mar 1901,

Rudolf Steiner
He settled as such in the small town of Unkel on the Rhine in 1839. It was here that he met the woman who would henceforth share the burdens of life with him.
So he laments in April 1844, when he compiles the poems that are united in his "Creed" and gives them as a preface on the way: To Aßmannshausen in the Kron' Where many a thirsty man has already drunk, There I make for a crown' This booklet for the print! Freiligrath loved the Rhine region. That is probably why he was drawn to St. Goar in the difficult days of his inner struggles, when he sought and found union with the struggling soul of time, where he spent a short time in quiet seclusion and contemplation.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: First Committee Meeting with the Foreign Representatives of the “Appeal” 22 Apr 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
I recall the map that I drew up at the time according to English intentions. The Rhine forms a kind of border that continues to the south. Between the Rhine and the Vistula, a strip of German-speaking areas, to the east the Slavic Confederation, around the Danube the Danube Confederation.
51. Philosophy, History and Literature: History of the Middle Ages X 29 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Whoever wants to grasp this spiritual heretic mood independent of external church and princely power, must realize that especially in the Rhine regions - "the Holy Roman Empire's alley of the priests" - hard battles were waged by the princely power against this current for decades.
In particular, schools had been established everywhere by the Brothers of the Common Life, as already mentioned. Along the Rhine by name, what had formerly been hidden in monasteries was now brought to light. A formal transcription industry arose in Hagenau in Alsace, whose announcements, such as those of Lamberts, are similar to today's catalogs.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture I 04 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
One can arrive at Coblenz, or some other place, even at Basle, and admire the Rhine, perhaps feeling impelled to say: “This Rhine, it flows on, we don't know for how long it has done so but certainly for centuries, perhaps for an incalculable time. How old this Rhine is!”—What part of it is actually old? The water you look at will be at a quite different place in a few days; it will be far away; so it is certainly not old, for a few days ago it was not yet there, but somewhere quite else. What you see there is definitely not old; you have no right to call it centuries old. And when you speak of the Rhine, you probably do not mean its bed, the channel where its waters flow. In reality you are speaking of something not present before you.

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