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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 41 through 50 of 120

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196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: First Lecture 09 Jan 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And if we go to the East, let us start this East at the Rhine, because very soon life from the Rhine eastwards will become more and more similar to the East. Let us take a look at what is present in the East.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture VIII 11 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
1 It was stated that after Siegfried was dead, she took for herself the treasure of the Nibelung and did a great deal of good with it; but Hagen took it from her and threw it into the Rhine. When later on, in the kingdom of King Etzel she demanded it again of Hagen he did not disclose to her the place where it lay.
In the second place one cannot conceal a symbol from any one, even from Kriemhilde, by throwing it into the Rhine; at least I cannot very well imagine a symbol of the sort many expounders allege this to be, being sunk in the Rhine.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Franz Ferdinand Heitmüller 14 Jul 1900,

Rudolf Steiner
The abbot sees in Johanna only the artist, but the brother loves her as a woman. And when she finds death in the floods of the Rhine, the full contrast between the natures of the two brothers is revealed. Wolf von Winkelsheim – that is David's brother's name – describes this contrast: “At the time when she lost her father so suddenly in Florence, when she had to return home alone, she may well have had the adventurous idea.
31. Individualist Anarchism 30 Nov 1898,
Translated by Daniel Hafner

Rudolf Steiner
With friendly greetings, your devoted John Henry Mackay for now, Saarbrucken, Rhine Province, Pesterstr. 4 15 September 1898. Answer to John Henry Mackay Dear Herr Mackay!
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 24, 1922 24 Dec 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
These Christmas plays probably originated in the 16th century or even earlier among the people when they still lived more in western Germany, as far as the Rhine. We can still see this from certain sentences in the plays themselves. When they had to emigrate, they were taken with them by the people and were performed again and again every year in the colonists' land, in Hungary.
203. Social Life (single) 22 Jan 1921, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
So to-day, something is strongly expressed in an economic relationship when the Rhine boundaries are discussed, because it is desired to have on one side of the Rhine a different economic arrangement to what exists on the other side, because of the different racial and national considerations.
353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: The Trinity - The three forms of Christianity and Islam — The Crusades 19 Mar 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Take, for example, these areas of present-day Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Bavaria, or take these areas here on the Rhine, from Holland to Germany – I could also name many other areas – where fraternities formed everywhere. Here the “Brotherhood of Common Life” formed in Holland on the Rhine. Here (pointing to the drawing) the brotherhoods formed that were called the “Moravian Brothers”.
260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 29 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
For the Warsaw circle: For the Lemberg circle: For the remaining circles: Luna Drechsler as their representative.’ Furthermore from Cologne on the Rhine: ‘For the celebration of the laying of the Foundation Stone in 1923 I wish you and ... (unclear) that the significance of this laying of the Foundation Stone may be revealed to all the world.
277b. The Development of Eurythmy 1918–1920: Address on Eurythmy and the Passion Play 10 Jan 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
So tomorrow, for example, we will perform a play for you, a pastoral play, in which the Rhine is mentioned, from which one can see how these plays were originally, at least as late as the sixteenth century, were performed near Lake Constance.
51. The History of the Middle Ages: Lecture III 01 Nov 1904, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we follow the records of the Romans, we find warlike tribes along the Rhine, whose main occupation, apart from fighting, was the chase. Farther east we find agriculture and cattle raising among the Germani; and farther still the Romans speak of the tribes in the northeast as of something nebulous and obscure.

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