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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 31 through 40 of 120

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24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Today's Challenges and Yesterday's Thoughts
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
One can see how England does not want to respond to France's desire for a precisely defined military alliance treaty; one notices how London is not inclined to meet the economic and financial demands emanating from Paris without further ado, and how England does not treat France's request regarding the Rhine border with unconditional benevolence. One turns one's attention to Wilson's political behavior after the conclusion of peace and to similar things more.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: First Lecture 30 Sep 1914, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
After presenting French contemporary philosophy, I had to move on to what had been thought this side of the Rhine, in Germany. But the page was blank, because war broke out. I often had to look at the empty spaces of the thirteenth page. And at that time, various voices came from across the Rhine. You are well aware of those voices. They spoke of German barbarism and the like, and hurled the most hateful accusations and slanders at us.
And in this case, the personal can be seen as symptomatic: If in a book on the history of the development of philosophy one had to deal with French philosophy, and if one tried hard to do full justice to it, then it could truly fill one's soul with bitterness when, while trying with all one's might to immerse oneself with the greatest possible objectivity in the philosophy of the West, one had to experience that this philosophy, regardless of all the facts, cries out about the “barbaric nature beyond the Rhine”. It was all the more bitter because one of the worst attackers and haters of the German character was Maurice Maeterlinck.
294. Practical Course for Teachers: On the Teaching of Geography 02 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
You can go on from this to draw for him the Rhone, the Rhine, the Inn, the Danube, with their tributaries. Then you can draw in the separate arms of the Alpine range.
Do not hesitate to mark, all along the blue lines of the rivers, red lines, which are now imaginary lines, up the Rhone from Lake Geneva to its source, and along the Rhine. Then continue the line over the Arlberg Pass, etc., then draw another line along the Drau, etc., dividing the Alps by these red lines drawn from west to east, so that you can say to the child: “You see, along the course of the rivers, I have drawn red lines.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: January 8, 1922 08 Jan 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
These are the German tribes that probably moved from western areas of Central Europe, even from areas on the Rhine, from the Siebengebirge, even further east during the 15th and 16th centuries, and settled as colonists in the Hungarian areas.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Evolution of Mankind on the Earth II 04 Jun 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The Germanic Sagas and Myths are the relics of what was still seen by the old Atlanteans within the vapoury masses. The rivers, the Rhine, for instance, lived in the consciousness of these old Atlanteans as if the wisdom, which was in the mists of ancient Nivelheim had been cast down into their waters. This wisdom seemed to them to be in the rivers, it lived within them as the Rhine Nixies or similar beings. So here in these regions of Europe lived echoes of the Atlantean culture, but over in India another arose, that still showed remembrances of that picture world.
101. Occult Signs and Symbols: Lecture II 14 Sep 1907, Stuttgart
Translated by Sarah Kurland, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
Toward the middle of the Middle Ages there arose along the Rhine that remarkable religious movement called Christian Mysticism. It is linked up with such leading spirits as Master Eckhart, Tauler, Suso, Ruysbroeck, and others.
Because there emanated such a deepening from these great souls, the Rhine was named at that time, “Europe's Great Parson Street”. Do you know where these soul forces were bred that were searching for an inner union with the godly forces of being?
261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Grave of Johanna Peelen 12 May 1920, Arlesheim

Rudolf Steiner
We found you again and again on our journey through life within our aspirations. We found you in the circle of friends on the Rhine, we found you there, how you were sun through the mild kindness, through the loving power of your nature, to the circle of friends there.
92. Richard Wagner in the Light of Anthroposophy: Lecture Two 05 May 1905, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The soul is referred to as water; possession, implying power, is still guarded by the surging astral forces, by the Daughters of the Rhine. The Ego, or egoism coming out of Atlantis is gradually prepared. But this human being who was originally a soul-being possessed something which he must renounce: it is love, which does not, as yet seek another being outside, but finds its satisfaction within itself.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The “Barbarians” of Schiller and Fichte 03 Nov 1914, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
At his deathbed, his son brought him the news of Blücher's crossing of the Rhine. He was feverish, thought he was on the battlefield, and that was when German philosophy came into play.
92. Richard Wagner in the Light of Anthroposophy: Lecture Three 12 May 1905, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Brunhilde realizes the relationship of facts and understands what is at stake. So she yields the ring to the Daughters of the Rhine, to an element which has not penetrated into the working influences of this world. The whole evolution of the world goes back to the originally virgin substance.

Results 31 through 40 of 120

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