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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 61 through 70 of 120

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292. The History of Art II: Fourth and Fifth Post-Atlantean Epochs, Medieval Art in the Middle, West, and South of Europe 15 Oct 1917, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You can encounter amazing images of central European life, life in the areas of the Rhine, the Donau and the northern coastline in the depiction of the songs of the Nibelungen, the Walthari and `Gudrun'.
Let us look more towards the South, to Bavaria, Ulm or the Rhine area and we will see the how conditions appear before and after the incision of the 5th into the 4th post-Atlantean epoch.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 30, 1917 30 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
He was truly an exemplary man, a remarkable man, and his memory must be preserved with such things; he was deeply imbued with the idea of how such and similar things actually created the cement that culturally held together this state structure of Austria on the land that was created by those colonists who migrated from the Rhine, from southern Germany, from central Germany, migrated to Upper Hungary, migrated from west to east; also to Styria, to the more southern regions of Hungary, migrated as the Zipser Saxons to Transylvania, migrated as Swabians to the Banat, which, I would like to say, tragically gave up the land on which this culture developed.
186. The Challenge of the Times: The Mechanistic, Eugenic and Hygienic Aspects of the Future 01 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
You see the essence of the thing is that if no resistance is raised from the East, and by the East I mean the whole region lying from the Rhine eastward even into Asia, British world domination will develop after the destruction of the Roman-Latin French element in the way intended by those forces that I have indicated once more today, as I have frequently done already, as lying behind the instincts.
Whatever people may say today on the basis of their consciousness, the goal striven for is to establish a caste of masters in the West and a caste of economic slaves in the East, beginning with the Rhine and extending eastward all the way into Asia. This does not mean a caste of slaves in the ancient Greek sense, but a caste of economic slaves organized in a socialistic way to take up all sorts of impossibilities in the social structure that then shall not be applied among the English-speaking peoples.
In the case of the population occupying the area approximately eastward from the Rhine and all the way into Asia, these capacities will be present on the basis of birth. The population of the Central countries cannot acquire the eugenic occult potentialities through birth, but may acquire them in the course of their lives if they become apprentices of the people of the East.
173c. The Karma of Untruthfulness II: Lecture XVIX 14 Jan 1917, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
Then would come France which, starting at the Rhine estuary, would cover the territory over as far as the Rhine and the French-speaking part of Switzerland and would be bounded here by the Pyrenees, and here something like this.
295. Discussions with Teachers: Discussion Eleven 02 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Helen Fox, Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
The geographical treatment of the region of the lower Rhine, from the Lahn onward, “in the way I showed you today when speaking of lessons in geography”: mountains, rivers, towns, civilization, and economics.
295. Discussions with Teachers: Discussion Fourteen 05 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Helen Fox, Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
You would have to express what you mean by saying “towns on the Rhine” or “towns on the Danube” in the districts that later became “German.”2 Before the tenth century the Magyars are not involved at all, but there were invasions of Huns, Avars, and so on.
28. The Story of My Life: Chapter V
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The roving Germans who had come from the west into Hungary hundreds of years before had brought with them these plays of the old home, and continued to perform them as they had done at the Christmas festival in regions which no doubt lay in the neighbourhood of the Rhine. The Paradise story, the birth of Christ, the coming of the three kings were alive in popular form in these plays.
281. The Art Of Recitation And Declamation: Lienhard Jordan Matinée 26 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Like greedy vultures The Franks estrange The best of the castles On the rushing Rhine. But the flames do not burn for long The shining embers; We overthrow the proud From the defiant throne, And it repents in exile On a lonely island The despot despairing The disruption of the realm.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Part II: Appendix N/A
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
In the Pfaffengasse—popular name given to the region on the left bank of the Rhine where ecclesiastical states were numerous—Chur, Constance, Basle, Speyer, Worms, Mainz, Trier, Cologne.
292. The History of Art I: Dürer and Holbein 08 Nov 1916, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The classical and Romanesque grew into it, spreading into the tributary valleys of the Rhone and Rhine. Into these regions especially, but further afield as well, a Classical impulse found its way. The two impulses coalesced and attained their height towards the 12th and 13th centuries.
But meanwhile in the West a different impulse was preparing, and grew into the union of the other two, till from the 12th and 13th centuries it was completely interwoven with the united impulse which I characterised just now, raying outward from the basins of the Rhone and the Rhine. This other impulse, prepared in the West, also resulted from the flowing together of two distinct impulses.

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