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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 11 through 20 of 177

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119. The Human Being's Journey Through the World of the Senses, Soul and Spirit 19 Mar 1910, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
This description shows Mephistopheles to be the representative of a world view that focuses only on external, physical existence and sees nothing in everything that can be attained through knowledge beyond this physical existence. But he who has a presentiment and a realization that forces slumber in the human being, which can be developed so that spiritual worlds break into this human soul as light and color break into the operated eye of the blind-born, will also become eternal.
All that twitches through our soul during the day as lust and suffering, as urges, desires and passions, the astral body is the carrier of it, and every night I and the astral body leave the physical and the etheric or life body of the human being, which remain in bed during sleep.
There is a kind of ascending life in the first third. The human being gradually takes possession of his physical organs as a spiritual being.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Destiny of Man in the Light of the Knowledge of Spiritual Worlds 08 May 1915, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
Now, ladies and gentlemen, since we can say that the spiritual-soul content awakened in the spiritual researcher actually slumbers in the human being in ordinary life, it must be said that even in the fully waking life, when a person is engaged in action, when a person acts in such a way that he uses his outer body and the outer sense world to carry out actions, something in the person also sleeps.
Just as the essence of the other person, who has been described and discovered through spiritual science, is hidden in the everyday life of the person, so this core of being is hidden in the human being. Only through those special occasions in our particular life, in our dream life for example, does the human soul core, which is free of the body when we fall asleep or awaken and is not yet completely at one with the bodily life, reveal itself. how it is mirrored in the bodily life, with which it is still imperfectly united, and what has passed through the human being in every action, but has been stored away, what has remained, what we have not fully lived out, what we have incorporated into our inner self.
Spiritual science leads us straight back – you can read more about this in my 'Occult Science' – to very different conditions on Earth. There, the human being has also developed out of very different conditions into a life that leads him through repeated lives on Earth.
35. Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science 16 Oct 1916, Liestal

Rudolf Steiner
The literature of Spiritual Science is not of this type. It can become an instrument in the soul of each human being. After thoroughly steeping ourselves in the ideas which are indicated there we have more than a mere dead result about which information has been gained.
But this doubt and derision will tend to disappear by degrees in the course of time, as soon as the needs awaken to which attention has already been called, and which at present slumber in the majority of human beings.
It is a super-sensible element present in the human being from birth, and indeed from conception, but its activity in the bodily organization only commences about the fourteenth year.
68b. The Human Cycle Within The World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Knowledge and Immortality 05 Feb 1910, Karlsruhe

Rudolf Steiner
In the human soul slumber forces and abilities, of them spiritual science speaks. But what must we do to cross the boundary that is drawn for people today by their organs?
To answer that, we have to imagine the essence of a human being: firstly, the physical body, which humans have in common with all of nature; the same laws and so on.
The abilities of a young child become more and more apparent. Every human being is an individual puzzle to us. The result of the knowledge of the previous life is the human being.
67. The Eternal human Soul: The Animal and Human Realms. Their Origin and Development 15 Apr 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritualists emphasise, above all, that the “spirit” is to be observed as such in the human being that one has to take the spirit as starting point in case of every world consideration.
There is another connection in the animal between the intellectual, imaginative and will element. With the human being, the organs of imagination are above the organs of will.
How does that differ from it, which lives in the human inside? This becomes to the seer like an increased, beheld memory; there he gets up something from the human being that becomes vivid.
71b. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious 26 Feb 1918, Nuremberg
Tr. Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
I tried to show the difference between the anthroposophically orientated science of spirit and an outlook founded on the unconscious like, for instance, that of Eduard von Hartmann. I discussed this difference recently in a rather personal way in the February number of the second year of the magazine Das Reich. I shall now indicate in a few words what is discussed more fully there: Eduard von Hartmann points out that everything the human being is able to reveal in his ordinary life rests on something spiritual and unconscious.
This is the essential thing about the method of the science of spirit—that it sets out to reveal what in normal life is generally hidden in the unconscious of the human soul. For the science of spirit brings nothing new to light and does not invent it, but the eternal core of the human being goes through—to use yesterday's expression—a spiritual digestion, just as the physical body has a material digestion—this exists in every human being.
It is the eternal that dreams in the human being, just as it is the eternal in the human being that investigates the spirit, but it is clothed with the events of everyday life.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research 21 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Then Goethe could show really that there is no difference between the human and the animal skeletons in this respect. He already consulted the embryological research that became especially important later and showed that with the human being relatively early during the embryonic development the other parts of the upper jaw grow together with the intermaxillary so that it does not seem to exist with the human being.
What did Schiller want, actually? Schiller wanted to show that in every human being a higher human being lives, as compared with what the usual consciousness encloses is a lower one.
One has to form a correct mental picture of that which there Goethe wanted, actually, if one envisages the other side now that arises for the soul life. If one envisages the metamorphosis of the inner soul forces as Goethe envisaged the metamorphosis of the outer forms of the human being, that arises what appears in the human being as a summary of the metamorphosing soul forces from the underlying world of spiritual beings and spiritual processes, as on the other side if one looks at the human being as a physical being in the Goethean way, this human physical being arises as a summary of the physical world.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: Morality in the Light of Spiritual Research 03 Apr 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Through these three stages of knowledge, the human soul penetrates into the spiritual world. The powers of imagination, that is, of seeing images from the supersensible world, as well as the powers of inspiration, that is, of hearing what the spiritual facts and spiritual beings of the supersensible have to reveal to us, and the powers of intuition, they slumber in every human soul.
Now you have it before you, and it shows itself to you as a different being; you are beside yourself. It is the same with the feelings, with the will of the human being in the moment of meeting the Guardian of the Threshold.
Thus, the spiritual-scientific view of morality reconciles us with what we can call the true value of the human soul. It puts the words into our mouths that allow us to accept, in the face of much that we need – in the strength of joy and abundance, in the strength of spirit and soul, in the consolation for many of life's sufferings – that there is much in every situation of the human soul, even if this soul is not aware of this or that, where the soul may say of itself: However hidden it may be, there is something in me that professes good!
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: The Educational objectives of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Those trained for the profession of educator are also accustomed to thinking in terms of such laws. But the human soul being resists cognition if one wants to grasp it through such laws.
This eurythmy is a visible language. Through it the human limbs are moved, the whole human being and groups of human beings are induced to make movements which express a soul content in the same way as spoken language or music.
It grasps the human being as a whole in body, soul and spirit. [ 19 ] Those who do not allow the present crisis of European civilization to pass them by in a kind of slumber of the soul, but experience it fully, cannot see its origins merely in misguided external institutions that need improvement, but must seek them deep within human thinking, feeling and will.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Trojan War 28 Oct 1904, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
He will be a being who began his development when incarnation started, approximately in the middle of Lemuria, one who has always been a man among men, only that he was able to advance more rapidly, and one who has gone through every stage of human evolution.
The predominance of physical matter then led to there being worldly kings. Previously there had only been kings who stood in relationship with the Divine.
The human heart will really have this fire. At first this seems to be mere symbolism but man will then really be permeated by a force which will live in his heart, so that during the sixth root-race he will no longer make a distinction between his own well-being and the well-being of the whole.

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