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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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51. The History of the Middle Ages: Lecture I 18 Oct 1904, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Thus we find in the Germani, hemmed in by the other two races, a strong intermingling of Celts and Slavonic blood. And this mixture of the Celtic and Slavonic element, influenced the whole culture of the Middle Ages. When we look back into the far past we see a great and remarkable culture of the ancient Celts. Even to this day the Celtic blood shows itself as active, energetic, mentally alert, inclined to revolutionary impulses. To the Celtic race we owe magnificent poems, songs and scientific ideas. It was the Celts who gave the stimulus for the legends elaborated by German poets in the Middle Ages—Roland, Tristan, Parsifal, etc.
299. The Genius of Language: The Transforming Powers of Language in Relation to Spiritual Life 29 Dec 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
The Germans accepted foreign word elements from the Celts, who were then their western neighbors, much as they later accepted them from the Romans coming from the South.
There seems to have been no metamorphosis of the word, either in Central Europe or the West; apparently the Germans took over the word later from the Celts. In fact, a whole series of such words was taken over, for some of which the power of adaptation could be found.
Rix, originally Celtic, was taken up by the Celts to mean ‘the ruler,” the person of power (Gothic reiks Latin rex). It has become the German word reich (Anglo-Saxon, rice, ‘powerful’, ‘rich’), ‘to become powerful through riches’.
121. The Mission of Folk-Souls: Lecture Ten 16 Jun 1910, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There above all we find that people, that collection of peoples, that community of peoples whom we know by the name of Celts. The Folk-spirit of the Celts—of whom from former lectures we know that later he received quite different tasks—then had the task of educating the still youthful ‘I’ of the peoples of Europe. For this it was necessary that the Celts should receive an education and instruction which was communicated directly from the higher world. Hence it is perfectly true that through their Initiates, the Druid Priests, the Celts did receive instruction from the higher worlds which they could not have acquired by their own strength, and which they then had to hand on further to the other nations.
54. Parsifal and Lohengrin 29 Mar 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We know that the Teutons, the ancestors of the German and Anglo-Saxon tribes took an area in possession that other tribes inhabited, the Celts in primeval times. The Celts: one only knows a little about them; history tells a little only about these past times of Europe in which these strange people had big influence which was pushed then by the invading Teutons to the west, but was also forced back there as people. The Celts were forced back as people. Their influence has remained. A spiritual sediment of this old Celtic time exists in Europe.
Ideas of the spiritual world remained from that. Among the Celts, the old clairvoyance was preferably home, the immediate consciousness that one could have experiences in the divine-spiritual world.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Mission of Individual Peoples and Cultures in the Past, Present and Future. 16 Jun 1910, Oslo
Tr. A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
Each individual people had its appointed task; chief amongst them was that homogeneous group of peoples, that widely distributed folk community whom we know by the name of Celts. It was the responsibility of the ancient Celtic Folk Spirit, who, as we know from earlier lectures, was later given quite different tasks, to educate the still youthful ‘I’ of the peoples of Europe. To this end it was necessary that the Celts themselves should receive an education and instruction which was mediated directly from the higher world. Hence it was entirely appropriate that through their Initiates, the Druid priests, the Celts should transmit to other nations instruction received from higher worlds and which they could not have acquired of themselves.
51. The History of the Middle Ages: Lecture III 01 Nov 1904, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual strivings of the free ranks were encouraged by the influx of the Celtic element. The Celts, whose fiery blood again manifested itself, became the teachers and leaders of the spiritually less active Franks.
Their education lagged far behind that of the other clergy; the learned priests and monks were all Celts. In these centuries, therefore, the most divine tribes were gradually shaken up together; the invasion of the Huns gave rise to these changes While that which has been described was taking shape within the actual currents of civilisation, great struggles had been going on outside.
167. Things in Past and Present in the Spirit of Man: Death and Resurrection 18 Apr 1916, Berlin
Tr. E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Then the Frenchman, shall we say tries to describe the French and says that they became wise through the fact that France descends partly from the ancient Celts and then he describes the Celts. When you compare and find that person who describes the Germans in Central Europe attributes the same qualities to the Germans which the Frenchman ascribes to the ancient Celts.
300a. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner I: Fifth Meeting 23 Dec 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Steiner: The Etruscans were a southern Celtic element, a branch of the Celts transplanted in the south. A teacher asks about books on Oriental history. Dr.
127. Mendelssohn: Overture of the Hebrides 03 Mar 1911, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
No wonder that this life, this consciousness of a connection with the spiritual world which sank deep into these peoples, into the souls of the ancient Celts, is the best preparation whereby they could spread the personal divine element throughout the West in their own way and from their own soil.
All this sounded forth out of olden times in the songs about the deeds of the ancient Celts who fought out many things in mighty battles in order to prepare themselves for further deeds of spiritual life in later times, as we recognize them again today in that which the finest sons of the West have achieved.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution II 19 Oct 1904, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The sub-races of the fifth root-race 1st sub-race Indians, The race of spirituality 2nd sub-race Persians (Zoroastrian religion), The race of flames 3rd sub-race Chaldaeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, the earliest Greeks, Romans, Celts. Zeus had remained behind from the 2nd sub-race. The heroes Heracles, Theseus and Jason were sun heroes of the third sub-race.

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