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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 121 through 130 of 220

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9. Theosophy (1971): Body, Soul and Spirit
Tr. Henry B. Monges, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
Let us call what shines forth in the soul as eternal, the consciousness soul. We can speak of consciousness even in connection with the lower soul stirrings. The most ordinary everyday sensation is a matter of consciousness. To this extent animals also have consciousness. The kernel of human consciousness, that is, the soul within the soul, is what is here meant by consciousness soul.
The poet, Jean Paul, says in his autobiography, “I shall never forget the event that took place within me, hitherto narrated to no one and of which I can give place and time, when I stood present at the birth of my self-consciousness. As a small child I stood one morning at the door of the house looking towards the wood-pile on my left, when suddenly the inner vision, I am an I, came upon me like a flash of lightning from heaven and has remained shining ever since.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: The Getting Younger of Humanity while Advancing in Time 11 Jan 1918, Dornach
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
In a certain respect one can say that for humanity as such, the reverse is the case. A man is first child, then grows up and attains the age known to us as the average age of life. In so doing the man's physical forces undergo manifold changes and transformations.
This is connected however with something else. We are gradually developing a consciousness that what one can absorb through learning is really only of service for one's youth and that one gets beyond it later on.
We must absorb in another way, we must really have the feeling in the soul that one experiences something new, one is being transformed, and that one reacts to what one takes in just as the child reacts. One cannot do this in an artificial way, it can only happen when something is there which one can approach in later life precisely as one approaches the ordinary educational subjects when one is a child.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fifteenth Lecture 26 Apr 1918, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
How much benefit is derived today from bringing the child to form its own judgment as early as possible, from educating the child in a different way as early as possible, as described in my booklet “The Education of the Child from the Point of View of Spiritual Science”. It is necessary that the child live above all in pictorial representations, that the intellectual approach comes to the child as late as possible.
Or let the child observe a plant in the garden in spring, summer and autumn, and then read to him Goethe's poem “Metamorphosis of Plants”.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: The Tasks of Spiritual Research for the Future 25 Sep 1912, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
We can best recognize this when we observe the changing states between waking and sleeping and ask ourselves what occurs there. An external, experimental science cannot answer this.
And when this spiritual eye opens, then he notices, as the child enters the world through birth, this supersensible working and forming in man. Only then are the things that external research brings to light explained, when we are able to notice how the more and more distinct physiognomy of the child develops out of the more and more distinct physiognomy of the child, how speech develops, how the brain develops more and more, how the upright gait is achieved.
But in addition to this, which we have just placed before our souls, there is something else that can show us how powerless all thinking is, which has just formed itself on this flashing and dispersing star event. When we see a mother living with her child, we see her experiencing how the soul of the child works its way up; we see this mother connected with the first stages of maturation, the attempts at speaking and walking; we see her united with the child in love; we then see this mother at the child's deathbed, seeing the child die.
125. Three Lectures on the Mystery Dramas: On the Rosicrucian Mystery, The Portal of Initiation 31 Oct 1910, Berlin
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Hans Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
Just as there are natural laws, so there are also artistic laws, and these cannot be manipulated by the ordinary human consciousness, for then only dry-as-dust allegories would be the result. Artistic laws must be handled just as Mother Nature handles her own laws when she lets a child, a plant, or an animal come into existence.
The exoteric, ordinary, outside world is always changing, too, and its own karma is connected with the environment of a person who wishes to develop himself.
A room for meditation. Benedictus, Johannes, Maria, and a Child. Maria I'm bringing you the child. He needs a guiding word from you.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Moods of Soul Which Arise Out of Gestures of the Sounds 10 Jul 1924, Dornach
Tr. Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
If you employ this corrective action of the one type of child upon the other, these forms will prove to have a remarkably powerful effect. Now we have in the course of the past years made use of a number of eurythmic exercises and forms, based on such things as these.
In this way, out of the lines of the pentagram, you get a complicated and ever changing form. When this exercise is carefully practised the effect is very impressive and does actually convey the whole character of the word ‘Hallelujah’.
Naturally this need not penetrate into the intellectual consciousness. Even in our present age there are true poets who dance, as it were, with their etheric bodies before they produce a poem; and in earlier times too such poets existed, as for instance Schiller in his really beautiful poems.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: John Henry Mackay's Development 10 Jun 1899,

Rudolf Steiner
And he has every right to say of the volume of his poems under discussion here: “More than once a sentimentality, a self-deception, an exuberance has elicited a smile from me as the pen went through the pages, changing a word here and there - but always only a single one on purpose - into another. But this volume represents a development, and for that very reason, arbitrary gaps should not be torn into its independently created structure, quite apart from the fact that it was the desire to give a complete picture of this development that this edition owes its existence to in the first place.
It lies in the proud awareness that one cannot place oneself high enough. People with such a consciousness feel the great responsibility that the personality has towards itself. They do not want to omit anything that is suitable for developing all the wealth of their talents.
My ego, you raise your head! You were a child and became a warrior. He who always believed in himself remains the victor! This poem from the last part of the “Collected Poems” from the “Strong Year” expresses the attitude of a person who has found himself.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy as a Lifelong Pursuit 04 Jan 1914, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
The relationship between the natural order and the moral order cannot be grasped any more than the relationship between a mother and her child can be grasped through natural laws alone. The father could be there without the child being there. If the child is there, the child emerges from the father, but the father could be without a child. There is no necessity in the father, yet the father leads to the child.
Other theosophists are said to have stated that after death there is only consciousness but no self-awareness? This may be stated in some books, but it has nothing to do with the spiritual science referred to here.
55. The Origin of Suffering the Origin of Evil Illness and Death: What Do We Understand by Illness and Death 13 Dec 1906, Berlin
Tr. Mabel Cotterell, Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
For in an immortal body there could never live a soul who had independence, consciousness, and consequently egoism. Hence a mortal body goes together with a soul having consciousness of personality and a one-sided development of the personality towards impulses to action.
At that time the physical principle works upon the physical body in the same way as, before the birth of a child, the forces and substances of the mother's organism work upon the embryo. In the physical body from the seventh year until puberty, the working of the etheric body is paramount, and, from puberty on, that of the forces anchored in the astral body.
The human being thrusts a sheath away, and his development is understood only when we grasp that something that resembles a physical birth takes place in spiritual life at the changing of the teeth. At about the seventh year the human being is actually born a second time; that is to say, his etheric body is born to free activity just as his physical body is at the moment of physical birth.
181. Anthroposophical Life Gifts: Lecture IV 09 Apr 1918, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The dissolution of the corpse into the Universe is nothing but the external picture of the collective Ego-consciousness; for in truth our Ego-consciousness belongs to the Universe into which our corpse is dissolved.
Only between our birth and death does this Maya-consciousness come to us, of being within that content of space which is limited by our skin. But that is a Maya-consciousness which is produced in us. And death among many other things also disproves this Maya-consciousness concerning the physical material world. It leads the particles of our corpse where in reality our Ego-consciousness always dwells.

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