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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 131 through 140 of 220

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80c. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: The Science of the Spirit and Modern Questions 20 Feb 1921, Hilversum
Tr. Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
We have to say to ourselves: supposing, for instance, we give a volume of Shakespeare to a five year old child—what will the child do with it? He will tear it to bits or play with it in some other way. If the child is ten or fifteen years old he will no longer tear the volume of Shakespeare to pieces, but will treat it according to what it is really for. Even as a five year old, a child has certain capacities in his soul which can be brought out and developed so that through the development of these capacities the child becomes different from what he was before.
We have arrived at quite a different form of self-consciousness since the time of Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler. We have progressed to abstract thinking. We are developing our intellectuality to an extent which was unknown to the ancient peoples with their less awake kind of consciousness.
121. The Mission of Folk-Souls: Lecture Four 10 Jun 1910, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If you remember what has been said about the education of the child from the standpoint of spiritual science, you will admit that man, in the period between his physical birth and the changing of the teeth, that is up to his seventh year, principally develops his physical body.
In the second stage, in the time between his seventh and his fourteenth year, he would have a sleep consciousness. From his fourteenth to his twentieth year, he would be very active inwardly, but he would live in a sort of dream-consciousness. Only after this consciousness as a Moon-being, at about his one-and-twentieth year, would man really wake up. Then only would he arrive at the ‘I’-consciousness.
59. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience II: Error and Mental Disorder 28 Apr 1910, Berlin
Tr. Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
Similarly, the intellectual or mind soul is in constant interchange with the ether body, and the consciousness soul is in a certain sense intimately connected with the physical body. That is why we are dependent on waking consciousness as far as everything which is to enter the consciousness soul is concerned.
The soul-life which takes place under the full control of the consciousness shows what is present in the consciousness soul on the one hand and in the intellectual soul on the other.
But here, too, the principle is the same. The work of the consciousness soul can find an obstacle in the active laws of the physical body. And when the consciousness soul meets these obstacles then all the things arise which appear so cruelly in certain symptoms of mental disorder.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research 21 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
There are certain persons who have a kind of naive clairvoyance, a kind of naive beholding consciousness. Now it is far from my mind to state that Goethe had a kind of naive beholding consciousness only, but Goethe had a special disposition by which he differs from someone who only is able to get to the beholding consciousness by the conscious development of the deeper abilities of his soul.
. Goethe did not have the beholding consciousness from the start, but in the course of his development it was to him a self-evident fact to develop certain abilities unlike other people do.
Then without fail Goethe is a model of the development of the beholding consciousness, of those spiritual forces, which really lead into the spiritual world, into the everlasting.
56. Heaven 14 May 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This cover flows into the spiritual world itself. The human consciousness flashes in another state. The only difference between the disembodied and the embodied human being is that the disembodied one lives in another state of consciousness, and that he perceives the creative forces.
Thus, we must get clear about the fact that the state of consciousness is different from that in the supersensible world. By a comparison, we can still bring to our mind how the state of consciousness is different between the physical world and the supersensible world.
It is no concept of a dream world in which we shall be. The creative consciousness is much brighter and more intense than in the physical world. Hence, we have to imagine the life, the consciousness of the human being in the creative world also as more intense than in the physical world.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Sleep And Death
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] The essence of man's waking consciousness cannot be penetrated without observing the condition he lives through in sleep; so too, is the riddle of life insoluble without the study of death.
For instance, a man dreams that he is standing near the edge of a cliff and sees a child running towards it. The dream lets him undergo all the tortures of the thought, “What if the child should fail to notice and fall over!”
[ 13 ] After the time of purification an entirely new state of consciousness begins for the I of man. Before death, perceptions came to him from without, for the light of his consciousness to fall upon them.
299. The Genius of Language: History of Language in Its Relation to the Folk Souls 31 Dec 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Leichnam ‘corpse’ is really a somewhat redundant expression, a structure such as a child creates when it combines two similar sounding words like bow-wow or quack-quack, where the meaning arises through repetition.
Speech itself is being pushed down into an unconscious region, while the upper consciousness tries to catch the thought. Look closely at what is going on as soul-event. By letting the sound associations fall into unconsciousness, human beings have raised their consciousness to mental pictures (Vorstellen) and perceptions that no longer are immersed in language sounds and sound associations.
[In English we have many similar double phrases from earliest times: might and main; time and tide; rack and ruin; part and parcel; top to toe; neither chick nor child—and many of them are alliterative, that is, repeating the same consonant at the beginning of both words.].
53. Fundamentals of Theosophy The Origin of the Earth 09 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The view of the human being, as I have described it, was similar in the pre-Lemurian time. But it was not pervaded with consciousness. Only a dim consciousness existed in the human being. Indeed, at that time on this level he already felt what was hot and cold; he had a sense of touch and could perceive certain differences of density.
He will regain this ability maintaining his present reasonability and his clear waking consciousness. Once the whole humankind attains a state which today only the practical mystic, the clairvoyant has.
What we work today becomes our ability later. I have often pointed to the child that learns to write and read. When the child has grown up, it can write and read. What was labour, what was intercourse with the outside world before has disappeared, but the fruit, the result has remained.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Knowledge and Immortality 24 May 1910, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
However, what has been emphasized so far by such efforts leads to an empty soul, which is not unconscious, but whose consciousness is contracted into the basic feeling: You are there, but have nothing in you; you have yourself, but there is nothing in you.
Thus, the soul-spiritual comes from another soul-spiritual and has nothing to do with the inherited characteristics of the body. So when a child comes into existence, its soul-spiritual must be traced back to another soul-spiritual. It has nothing to do with the line of ancestors. The child receives its facial features and so on from its father and mother. But in the same way, we are led from the spiritual soul of the child to an earlier spiritual soul, because we will not be led from the spiritual soul of the child to the characteristics of the ancestors.
326. The Origins of Natural Science: Lecture V 28 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar, Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
This inner experience of birth and death had its gradations. When a child was seen to grow more and more animated, when its face began to express its soul, when one really entered into this growing process of the child, this could be seen as a continuation of the process of birth, albeit a less pronounced and intensive one.
This gradually leads to the suspicion that we formulate our theories according to our changing needs. Just as we must breath in and out, so we must, supposedly, think first continuistically for a while, then atomistically for a while.
The “Ego” is for him “a summary of surface-like, physiologically accompanied pieces of consciousness, which are brought into being by invisible forces.” Some writings: The Whole of Philosophy and Its End, 1894; About the Mechanism of the Spiritual Life, 1906; The Tragic Comedy of Wisdom, 1915; Development of Characters, 1928; Basics of a New Psychiatry, 1931.

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