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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 141 through 150 of 220

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232. Mystery Centres: Lecture IX 09 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And so if one organ in your organism is made sensitive to another through attention to light, you may describe the internal organs so that at least you can get shadow-pictures of them in your consciousness. To a high degree it was implanted in the pupil of the Hibernian Mysteries that by the flowing out into the blue Ether-distance, by the flowing in of the astral light, he would not now pre-eminently feel himself, but he would feel in his consciousness a mighty world, a world of which he now said as follows: I live wholly in an element with other beings.
As Jupiter-men we shall come to this, if we caress in love a human being, or it may be a child, we shall be to that child at the same time an actual pourer-forth of heat. To pour forth love and heat will not be separated as now, we shall actually come to this that we shall pour forth from our souls into our surroundings the heat we experience.
This reckoned upon the human understanding, which by this time was dependent upon what today we call the ordinary consciousness bound up with the reason and the senses. This stream spread in the most magnificent way. But it finally overwhelmed that stream which came over from the West, from Hibernia, which as a last echo of the ancient instinctive earth-wisdom relied on the ancient treasures of wisdom of humanity, which were now to be illuminated by the new consciousness.
240. Karmic Relationships VI: Lecture II 28 Jan 1924, Zürich
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
In the course of a man's earthly life the physical substances in his body are perpetually changing. After a period of seven to eight years, all the substances originally within us have been replaced.
To ignore such things simply denotes lack of thought. The child had already set out upon the path that led inevitably to the other human being and the latter's path too led to the common meeting-point.
Common experiences of the past incarnation rise up into consciousness; no wonder that we hear them speak both from within ourselves and from within the other individual.
206. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit II: Lecture II 13 Aug 1921, Dornach

Let us once again bring to mind some of what was said yesterday. For ordinary consciousness, the I lives in sensory perception. As far as our sense perceptions reach, so far reaches this ordinary I-consciousness. I do not say the I, I say the I-consciousness. And we tie in with what we experience as I and sense perception, our imaginative experiences.
Something is at work here that is not at all close to our present consciousness. I would like to say that there is only a thin veil between our present consciousness and the angels, archangels, and archai.
55. The Occult Significance of Blood 25 Oct 1906, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The sentient life of an elementary creature is thus an image of the life of the universe, just as the crystal is an image of its form. The consciousness of such living creatures is, of course, but dim. Yet this very vagueness of consciousness is counterbalanced by its far greater range, for the whole cosmos is felt in the dim consciousness of an elementary being.
Certain lower animals indeed still retain this state of consciousness, and, dim and indistinct though it is, yet it is essentially more far-reaching than the consciousness of the man of the present day.
Everything in the world is in a state of evolution, human consciousness included. Man has not always had the consciousness he now possesses; when we go back to the times of our earliest ancestors, we find a consciousness of a very different kind.
10. Initiation and Its Results (1909): The Astral Centers and the Constitution of the Etheric Body
Tr. Clifford Bax

Rudolf Steiner
He held them as a gift of Nature, when he was yet in a dreamy, dull state of consciousness. At that stage of human evolution they were already active. The manner of their activity, however, was only compatible with the dull state of consciousness already mentioned.
These currents and movements are almost entirely independent of the human will and consciousness, just as the action of the heart or stomach in the physical body is independent of our will.
The spiritual ego matures in the physical self, as the child in the mother's womb. The health of the child depends upon the normal working of natural laws in the womb of the mother.
10. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (1947): Some Results of Initiation
Tr. George Metaxa, Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Man himself contributed nothing to this development; he received them as a gift from nature, at a time when his consciousness was in a dull, dreamy condition. At that stage of human evolution they were in active use, but the manner of their activity was only compatible with that dull state of consciousness.
The spiritual self matures in the physical self as a child in the mother's womb. The child's health depends upon the normal functioning of natural laws in the maternal womb.
And even as the child, out of a dim life instinct, acquired the requisite forces, so, too, can man acquire the powers of the spiritual world before his higher self is born.
204. Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy: Lecture VIII 23 Apr 1921, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
Sentient Soul 5. Intellectual or Mind Soul 6. Consciousness Soul 7. Spirit Self 8. Life Spirit 9. Spirit Man To list the members of the human being side by side like this, however, signifies counting them off abstractly one after the other; it means that we do not delve into reality.
You might now say that depending on what is counted a distinction has to be made. When you count, one man, one woman, one child, man and woman are equal to a duality, hence not closed off to the world; the child closes this duality off, forms a totality.
Just think how different people's frame of mind was in the first post-Atlantean period when they continuously experienced a changing equilibrium in placing one leg in front of the other. They always felt themselves become heavy, sensed a falling and floating.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: The weather and its causes 13 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
This is due to the fact that the position of the heavenly bodies changes as they revolve, and the aspect they present is therefore always changing. The sunspots do not appear at the same place every year, but—according to how the sun is turning—in the course of years they appear in that place again.
From this you will realize that when weather conditions are observed over ten-year periods, they are not the same; the weather is changing all the time. Now if in a given year, in accordance with the height of the earth's surface a certain warm temperature prevails over regions of the earth, there are still other factors to be considered.
What the animals sense, we also sense; it is only that we don't bring it up to our consciousness. So just suppose, Herr Burle, that although you know nothing about it, your fingertips, like the tree frogs, have a delicate feeling for the kind of weather that is coming.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Portal of Initiation: Scene 1
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Mine eye, grown dull, doth no more catch the gleam Shed by the flickering sunlight o'er the earth. No feeling stirs my heart, when changing moods Of light and shade flow o'er the scenes around; Still lies my hand, seeking no more to chain Into a lasting present fleeting charms, Shown forth by magic elemental powers From utmost depths of Life before mine eyes.
Maria: My heart is deeply grieved to hear that thou Dost find such emptiness in everything Which thrives as highest good and very source Of sacred life itself within my heart. All, friend, behind the changing scenes of life That men call ‘Being,’ true life lies concealed Spiritual, everlasting, infinite; And in that life each soul doth weave its thread.
Thus whilst this weighty speech hath been for all The motive to probe deep within themselves, Within my heart it hath brought forth alone The consciousness of this most grievous guilt. By this new means of sight I can perceive How far astray my striving footsteps erred.
15. The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity: Lecture Two 07 Jun 1911, Copenhagen
Tr. Samuel Desch

Rudolf Steiner
In higher beings, then, instinct and reflective consciousness are one and the same. What instincts are for animals at their evolutionary level, in their kingdom, direct spiritual thinking, or direct spiritual conceptualization, is for these dhyanic beings or angels.
Here we can see again that the development of humanity as a whole parallels that of the child. At first the divine-spiritual world still extends into the child's unconscious soul, which is active in the formation of the body.
This is why it is said that even the wisest among us can still learn something from the soul of the child as it is in the time before memory develops. Thereafter, the individual is left to his or her own devices; I-consciousness appears, and we become able to remember our experiences.

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