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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 161 through 170 of 430

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327. The Agriculture Course (1958): Lecture VIII 16 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Question: Might we have the indications as to the proper constellations? Answer (by Dr. Vreede): The exact indications cannot be given now. The necessary calculations cannot be done in a moment.
Question: Can insects, unobtainable at the season of the given constellation, be kept until the proper time arrives? Answer: We shall give more exact indications of the time when the preparations should be made.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture I 05 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The ceremonies were certainly determined by the eternal laws of which I spoke. From certain constellations of the stars, which one learned in the true old astrology and the coincidence of these constellations with the circumstances that can determine people, the path was paved from the gods to the people and from the people to the gods.
94. Popular Occultism: Lemurian Development 06 Jul 1906, Leipzig
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The genius of the Dog-star, Sirius, was the one who indicated the inundations of the Nile, when that star appeared in a special constellation. A fourth epoch of culture is the Graeco-Latin one. It imprints on matter the Wisdom of things.
60. Turning Points Spiritual History: Zarathustra 19 Jan 1911, Berlin
Translated by Walter F. Knox

Rudolf Steiner
In other words, the passage of the sun across the constellations of the Zodiac is an expression of the activity of Ormuzd; while the Zodiac itself is the symbol of Zaruana Akarana.
That part of the Zodiac traversed by Ahura Mazdao in the daytime, or during the summer, denotes the manner in which He works and weaves unhindered by Ahriman. On the other hand, those Zodiacal constellations which lie far beneath the horizon—dark regions through which we might picture the passage of Angra Mainyus—are symbolical of the Kingdom of The Shadows.
Zarathustra regarded the changing aspects of the sun in connection with the Zodiacal constellations as symbolical of the activities of Ormuzd proceeding from different directions, and from which came those spiritual beings that are both His servants and His sons, and who are ready at all times to execute His commands.
342. Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity: Third Lecture 14 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And what is the consequence? That the extra-earthly natural law, the constellation of the planets, the whole extra-earthly world begins to act on this chaos in order to give this chaos a constitution again.
Consider the abundance of bull legends, bull narratives at the beginning of the 3rd millennium at the transition of the vernal point into the constellation of Taurus. Consider the legends of the Argonauts' journey when, in the pre-Christian 8th century, the sun entered the constellation of Aries. Now it is in the constellation of Pisces. This legend still has to be made up. We need a pictorial legend. Although the matter is already alive, we still have no legend for it.
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: Imagination as a Preliminary Stage of Higher Soul Faculties 21 Nov 1910, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
His instrument is precisely himself — not in his everyday state, but only when, through spiritual-scientific methods, he has transformed his cognitive faculty into a different soul constellation and created new spiritual organs for himself, when he can therefore testify from his own experiences.
In the course of further practice, a feeling develops: it depends on what is expressed in the images. — If you press on your eye or apply an electric current to it, a glow of light may appear, determined by the inner constellation of the eye. This is roughly how it is when the images appear; they flash through the soul like spiritual lightning.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Cosmos According to Annie Besant's “Ancient Wisdom” 26 Jan 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The mental world is limited to one kind of sphere. Instead of the stars and constellations, the Akasha Chronicle appears. The formers are not active in the mental sphere, they are active in the realm of Budhi, so the planetary formers can only be found in the sphere of Budhi.
126. Occult History: Lecture IV 30 Dec 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
In the case of other measures too, such as the “foot,” derived from a human limb, or the “ell,” derived from the human hand and arm, we could find underlying them something that had been discovered as law prevailing in man, the macrocosm, In point of fact the ancient Babylonian way of thinking still underlay our system of measure until a time not so very long ago. The twelve zodiacal constellations and the five planets gave the Babylonians 5 times 12 = 60—this they took as a basic number. They counted up to 60 and then began again.
For example, he very soon noticed a definite position of Saturn and Jupiter in the constellation of Leo, turned to the books and found that they recorded it quite erroneously. The longing then arose in him to acquire as exact a knowledge as possible of this star-script, to record as accurately as possible the course of the stars.
On one Occasion, when he was at Rostock, he prophesied, from the constellation of the stars, the death of the Sultan Soliman, which came true within a few days of the date he had foretold.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Man and the Super-Terrestrial 13 Mar 1917, Berlin
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that in the old Christian traditions the Legend of Christ Jesus was part of the yearly celebration of the Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide Festivals, is connected with this; and, as I stated in a former lecture, the fact that the Festival of Christmas is kept at a fixed date, while Easter is regulated according to the heavenly constellations, is also connected with this. Christmas is celebrated in accordance with the earth-conditions, it is kept in what is always the very depth of winter and this hangs together with the meeting with Christ, with the Son, which meeting really takes place at that season.
He descended from thence, yet is One with it; and this is expressed in the fixing of Easter by the heavens in spring, according to the constellations of sun and moon;—for the Easter Festival is intended to show that Christ belongs to the whole universe, just as Christmas should point to the descent of Christ to the earth.
For this cannot be brought about at any hour; it will depend on the constellations. Whether life arises from the lifeless, will depend on the forces that do not belong to the earth, but come from the universe.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Discreet Anti-Semitism 13 Nov 1901,

Rudolf Steiner
Admission to citizenship was apparently based on equality not only of language and education, but above all of their political aspirations with those of the population group that had gained decisive influence on state life since 1848. With the change in the political constellation since 1866, the view of the position of the Jews in relation to the nation states has changed in wide circles of the population.
What does Paulsen do instead? He says: "With the change in the political constellation since 1866, the view of the position of the Jews in relation to the nation states has changed in wider circles of the population."

Results 161 through 170 of 430

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