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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 231 through 240 of 399

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231. Supersensible Man: Lecture I 13 Nov 1923, The Hague
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In ancient times men visualised this movement of the planetary bodies by saying: The paths of the planets go through the Zodiacal constellations. The Ancients knew how to describe the courses of Saturn and the other planets as each takes its way through the constellations of the Zodiac.
327. The Agriculture Course (1958): Lecture II 10 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
That which is imaged in the single plant, is always the image of some cosmic constellation. Ever and again, it is built out of the Cosmos. Therefore, if ever we want to make the forces of the Cosmos effective in our earthly realm, we must drive the earthly as far as possible into a state of chaos.
Here in this seed we have the stamp or impress of the whole Cosmos—from one cosmic aspect or another. The constellation takes effect in the seed; thereby it receives its special form. Now, the moment it is planted in the Earth-realm, the external forces of the Earth influence it very strongly, and it is permeated every moment with a longing to deny the cosmic process—that is to say, to grow hypertrophied, to grow out in all manner of directions.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): Christian Initiation and Rosicrucian Training 22 Feb 1907, Vienna
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The sun moved into the sign of the Ram, or the Lamb, about 800 years before Christ. People felt the new constellation had brought them the new fruitfulness of spring, something new and good. We see from this that they felt the Lamb or the Ram to be important.
A vortex had occurred in the realm of the spirit. This constellation with the occult sign of Cancer can still be seen in the calendar today. Many such signs are known to man.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: The Action of the Will beyond Death 15 Sep 1922, Dornach
Tr. Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
But they hold man back from experiencing those spiritual beings who have their physical replica in the constellations of the fixed stars. Yet, he now faces the necessity of entering the pure, spiritual world. As long as the moon forces influence him, they prevent him from entering.
Before man enters the actual spiritual world where he engages in a life in common with other human souls who are not incarnated and are in a condition similar to his own—as it happens, he lives together with these souls even earlier—that is to say, before he can enter into a common life with those spiritual beings of the highest rank, whose physical replica is expressed in the starry constellations, he must leave behind in the moon sphere the being that constitutes his moral evaluation. Without it, he must enter the region of the stars where the moon forces no longer prevail.
2. The Science of Knowing: Inorganic Nature
Tr. William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
The opaqueness and unclarity of a phenomenon or relationship in the sense world can be overcome only if we see, with total exactness, that it is the result of a definite constellation of facts. We must know that the process we see now arises through the working together of this and that element of the sense world.
224. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Creation of a Michael Festival out of the Spirit (extract) 23 May 1923, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
The Spring Festival, the Easter Festival, cannot therefore be fixed on a particular day, in accordance with earthly things alone, but must take into account the constellations of the stars. A deep wisdom lies in this, coming out of an age in which men were still able to perceive the spiritual nature of the year's course through an ancient instinctive clairvoyance.
223. Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man: Lecture III 30 Sep 1923, Vienna
Tr. Samuel P. Lockwood, Loni Lockwood

Rudolf Steiner
The world becomes immense; and what he is accustomed to seeing only in his outer circle of vision, namely, the zodiac and its external display of constellations, becomes something that arises from within him. If someone were to object that what thus arises might be mere recollections, this would only prove that he does not know the event in question; for what arises there are truly not recollections but mighty imaginations transfused by intuitions: here we begin to behold from within what we had previously seen only from without.
What the individual planet tells us provides the vowels of the world-script; and all that forms around the vowels when the planets pass the zodiacal constellations gives us the consonants, if I may use this comparison. By obtaining an inner view of what we ordinarily observe only from the outside we really learn to know the essence of what pertains to the planets.
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Third Lecture 05 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
They were to be organized according to the twelve constellations of the zodiac; hence the twelve tribes, which thus correspond to the number of stars in the sky and have a spiritual connection with them.
82. Anthroposophy and the Visual Arts 09 Apr 1922, The Hague
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You see other regions where the stars are more widely spaced and form constellations (as they are called). And so on. If you confront the starry heavens in this merely intellectual way—with your human understanding—you achieve nothing.
Facing a patch of sky where the stars are close together and form almost a cloud, will be a different experience from facing constellations. One experiences a patch of sky differently when the moon is there and shines. One experiences a night differently when the moon is new and not visible.
173b. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: LectureI X 25 Dec 1916, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
It is the affair of Anthroposophy to endeavour to do what is right in this matter and bring these things together to some extent in the constellation of the universe. So in attempting to describe how modern Anthroposophy, as a Gnosis brought forward into the present day, can once again understand the Christ, the wish might arise to unite this Christ idea with something that can live again in a certain place where once it lived as the feeling for Jesus in such an intense way.
It is a statement, expressed not in spoken words but in the constellation! It is up to people to understand such things. There is no need to speak about it publicly everywhere, but one must understand that not only what is said but also what is done will bring things to expression, and that in these things the Universal Logos lives in a certain way.

Results 231 through 240 of 399

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