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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 61 through 70 of 395

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124. Background to the Gospel of St. Mark: Kyrios, The Lord of the Soul 12 Dec 1910, Munich
Tr. E. H. Goddard, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
His Initiation, though still a Sun-Initiation, may be of such a kind that the forces stream in as they do when the Sun is standing, for instance, in the constellation of Cancer; and these forces will be very different in the case of an Initiation connected with the Sun in Libra.
It was to this end that John had received the baptismal Initiation and because this was connected with the rays of the Sun streaming from its position in a particular constellation, the constellation too was known symbolically as the Waterman. The name of the constellation was derived from the human faculty connected with it, and not vice versa.
The Sun had moved forward, spiritually, from one zodiacal constellation to another, indicating that Jesus of Nazareth had passed through a Pisces Initiation. All this is hinted at in St.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): The ancient Hebrew consciousness of God 04 Sep 1910, Bern
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
People looked up to the Zodiac; and in the position of the planets to the Zodiac, constellations were expressed in which they found a language expressing the deeds of the gods. The close connection existing in the Zodiac and in the relation of the planets to the twelve signs of the Zodiac, had to be expressed in the descendants of Abraham.
It had to be indicated to Abraham, for instance, that the position in the race held by such a personality as David, was on parallel lines with that of Mercury in the Zodiac. The tribe of Judah corresponding to the constellation Leo, the entrance of David into that tribe in the course of Jewish history, corresponded in the cosmos to the occultation of Leo by Mercury.
The Spirit that brooded there was the same, in every respect, as the Spirit that created the harmonious order which finds expression in the starry constellations. The original Initiates of the Christian Mysteries recognized in the blending of the blood of Jesus of Nazareth an image of the work accomplished by the Ruach-Elohim throughout the universe.
235. Karmic Relationships I: Lecture I 16 Feb 1924, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Mabel Cotterell, Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
I must go into that which precedes the creature's life. In other words, the constellation of the stars must have become different. What influences the specifically animal nature is not the constellation in the universe simultaneous with the animal, but the constellation of the stars preceding the animal's life.
They do not come from the realm of space, but from the constellations which are simultaneous; they come from the antecedent constellations of the stars. If therefore we are speaking of the animal kingdom, we can no longer speak of simultaneity of causes in the physical and super-physical; we must refer the present effects of the physical to past superphysical causes.
And we can place-the human ether-body—both in its life and in its outward passage after death into the ether-spaces—side by side with the etheric life of the plants; for this too comes in from the ether-spaces, though from the simultaneous constellations, of that which is beyond the physical, above the earth. Moreover, we can relate the human astral body to the outer animal world.
350. Rhythms in the Cosmos and in the Human Being: The Work of the Ethereal and Astral in Man and on Earth 02 Jun 1923, Dornach
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
And this astral is rarefied by the far-out forces of the stars, the planets. So when a certain constellation of stars is above Vesuvius, as it often is – it doesn't usually occur that way, it occurs precisely at this point – then, just as here through the paper, here through the constellation of stars, because the astral is thinned above, that which is below is torn out.
Falb did not just say that earthquakes, but also volcanic eruptions, for example, come from the star constellations. That was true. But he was also a terribly vain man and liked to act important about the matter.
He indicated the so-called critical days. When special star constellations occurred, when there were special positions of the sun and moon, he said: “There must be firedamp on that day” or “There must be an earthquake.
93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture XIII 08 Oct 1905, Berlin
Tr. Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
This happens in that period of cosmic time when the sun has progressed from one constellation of the Zodiac to the next. For instance, about 800 BC the sun in spring entered the constellation of the Ram or Lamb and this continued until 1800 AD. Now, at the beginning of spring, it stands in the constellation of the Fishes. Two thousand, six hundred years elapse before the sun passes from one constellation of the zodiac to the next.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Apocalypse 22 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is not without reason that the twelve labors of Heracles have been related to the twelve constellations of the zodiac. It is a repetition of what happens in the sky above. The upper and lower correspond to each other.
There the sun enters the constellation of the Lamb of Aries. In summer we have the lion reflected in the course of the sun. What takes place in the individual personalities first took place in the celestial vault.
This has to do with the fact that these ideas were formed at a time when the position of the constellations was different [from today]. They are always shifting. Our astronomical data is also no longer correct today.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture XI 11 Sep 1910, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
To characterize these forces in any detail is of course only possible by studying the difference in cosmic constellations, and it is this mystery, as presented in the Gospel of St. Matthew, to which we shall give attention to-day.
Now certain processes in the Cosmos can be understood if the constellations are used as means of indication. The constellations are then like letters of a script. When we pass into the Cosmos in a particular direction we come to know the jumps that occur from forefather to successor—whether it be in the plant, animal or human kingdoms, or even in the realm of planetary existence.
This was meant to represent the actual transition from one condition to the other. Ancient delineations of the constellation of Cancer often consist of the figure of an ass and its foal. To know this is by no means without importance.
207. Cosmosophy Vol. I: Lecture VI 07 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Alice Wuslin, Michael Klein

Rudolf Steiner
By relating the positions of the sun to these stars, to the heaven of the fixed stars in general, in the constellations of the sun with this heaven of fixed stars we have the laws that prevail in the realm of the will of the archai.
If we were to look outside for natural laws corresponding to our natural laws, as natural laws correspond to us here on earth during earthly existence, we would have to look to these constellations of the stars. We remain a long time in the kingdom where we are dependent on the star constellations—though not more dependent than we are dependent here on earth on natural laws where our will works also, which is something higher than the laws of nature. There too we may not speak of the cosmos in the sense of a cosmic law that works with mechanical necessity. What we find in the constellations of the stars, however, is the expression, as it were, the image, of these laws that work upon us there.
235. Karma: Karma Studies, Introductory Lecture 16 Feb 1924, Dornach
Tr. Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
If, however, I wish to find the cause of what acts in the animal as sensation, then I cannot look for it in simultaneousness, but I must look for it in what preceded life; in other words, the stellar constellation must have changed, it must have become different. It is not the stellar constellation in the universe which exists simultaneously with the animal that has its influence upon the actual animal nature, but the constellation of the stars preceding its life.
These do not come out of simultaneously existing stellar constellations, they come from the constellations existing prior to birth. Thus, if we speak of the animal kingdom, we cannot speak of the simultaneousness of the causes in the physical and super-physical, but we must then speak of past super-physical causes passing over to the present effects in the physical.
You will note that we can place the human physical body in its lifelessness alongside lifeless outer nature in respect of causation; we can place the human ether body in its life and its expansion after death into the ether spaces alongside the ether life of the plant, which also comes hither out of the reaches of the ether, but, indeed, out of the simultaneous constellations of the super-physical, of the super-earthly. And we are able to place the human astral organism alongside of that which exists outside in the animal nature.
90a. Theosophy, Christology and Mythology: Further Development of our Planet 10 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Now it depends on when a certain stage of Pitri is reached. Imagine you remain behind, a certain constellation of the stars comes, in which violence has a different relationship to the realm; the spirit to the son in another relationship, and that is decisive, as we are in our state of development.
Our Christ was the twenty-fifth; in every kingdom the Son reveals Himself once. 49 times in a planetary development. The Father reveals Himself in the constellation. On our Earth it is the fourth, on the planetary chain the twenty-fifth. 7 x 49 = 343.

Results 61 through 70 of 395

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