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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1351 through 1360 of 1424

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178. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Psychoanalysis I 10 Nov 1917, Dornach
Tr. Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
Her mother had left her for a time, and Anna (the patient) sat by the sickbed, her right arm across the back of the chair. She fell into a kind of waking dream, and saw, as if issuing from the wall, a black snake approaching, to bite her father. ...” Men of the present day are always stricken by materialism, so we find in the report at this point the following suggestion, which is of no value whatever: (“It is very probable that in the meadow behind the house there were a few snakes which had frightened the girl previously, and which now furnished material for the hallucination.”)
205. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit I: First Lecture 16 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
There we speak of imagination, there we speak of imaginative knowledge, there we describe how the soul, through certain exercises, comes to have a pictorial content in its contemplation, but which, although it appears as a pictorial content, is not seen by the spiritual researcher as a dream, but is seen as something that refers to a reality, that depicts a reality. We have, so to speak, three stages of the soul's life before us: the hallucination, which we recognize as a complete deception; the fantasy, which we know that we have somehow brought out of reality, but which nevertheless does not, as it arises in us as a figment of the imagination, have anything directly to do with reality.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Truths of Spiritual Research 02 Jan 1913, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that man can experience spiritual things in himself, that he can awaken supernaturality in himself, is proof that the supernatural is not only in him and that he does not dream it, but that the spiritual that interweaves all space and time has brought forth the spiritual in us in the first place, as light brings forth the eye.
150. The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence: Freedom of the Soul in the Light of Anthroposophical Knowledge 10 Jun 1913, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
A working dynamo would resemble a conflagration, and a magnet would even fulfill the dream of medieval mystics of an eternal lamp that never goes out. William Crookes has dealt with this beautifully, and in this way one can already give an idea of how nonsensical it is to claim that this sensual-physical world is the only one, that there is no other world than just ours, and that there cannot be beings other than human beings.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Attachment, Giftedness and Education of the Human Being in the Light of Spiritual Science 23 Feb 1911, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
And by accepting this, it leads us to the fact of repeated earthly lives, which today not only annoys so many people, but is felt by many people as a dream or a fantasy, as something quite abominable. The doctrine of repeated earthly lives tells us that the life we are now living, in which our abilities and qualities unfold, is a repetition of earlier earthly lives and the basis of later lives.
4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1949): The Idea of Freedom
Tr. Hermann Poppelbaum

Rudolf Steiner
Doubtless; but it is an ideal which is a real element in us working its way to the surface of our nature. It is no ideal born of mere imagination or dream, but one which has life, and which announces itself clearly even in the least perfect form of its existence.
5. Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom: Nietzsche's Path of Development
Tr. Margaret Ingram de Ris

Rudolf Steiner
In addition, the more advanced Christians who no longer believe that they will resurrect at the end of time in their actual physical body in order to be either received into Paradise or thrown into Hell, these Christians dream about “divine providence,” about a “supersensible” order of things. They also believe that man must raise himself above his merely terrestrial goals, and adapt himself to an ideal realm.
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture V 13 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Tr. Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
For example, we use yeast to bake our bread for daily consumption. But no one would dream of eating yeast every day. What can even act as a poison when consumed in large doses can in other circumstances have the most beneficial effects.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: Purifying the Blood by Removing Egoism through the Mystery of Golgotha, an Easter Lecture 01 Apr 1907, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
You would see an Atlantean in such a permanent state of sleep; yet this would be full of lively dreams. One individual approaching another in those times would not have seen the other the way we do today, sharply defined; instead, a colour form would arise in the first individual's soul.
157. Esoteric Development: The Three Decisions on the Path of Imaginative Cognition 02 Mar 1915, Berlin
Tr. Gertrude Teutsch, Olin D. Wannamaker, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
When, with the power acquired from identifying oneself with destiny, one begins to weave in the thoughts in such a way that they do not carry one along as in a dream-picture but one is able to eliminate a thought and call up another—to manipulate them at will—when this begins one experiences what may be called the “passing through the portal.”

Results 1351 through 1360 of 1424

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