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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1371 through 1380 of 1423

˂ 1 ... 136 137 138 139 140 ... 143
191. Cosmogony, Freedom, Altruism: Fundamental Impulses in History 12 Oct 1919, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now, as everything is crumbling away, as everything is in decadence, so also, in a certain respect, economic conditions are in a state of decadence; and only a fool could believe that It Is possible to-day to regenerate economic conditions simply by means o economic conditions alone. Anyone to-day who dreams of bringing about an economic paradise on earth by purely economic measures, is much the same as someone who has a corpse in front of him and believes that he can galvanise it back into life, wake it up again.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: Reactionary World Conceptions
Tr. Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
Reason, according to his mode of thinking, has no power over unreason, for it is itself the result of unreason; it is illusion and dream, produced out of will. Schopenhauer's world conception is the dark, melancholy mood of his soul translated into thought.
329. The Liberation of the Human Being as the Basis for a Social Reorganization: What is the Purpose of the Modern Proletarian's Work? 17 Mar 1919, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
People today truly do not put up with this with regard to material goods Possession in social life is not what these or those social economists so often dream of in a strange way; it can only be understood in this way for social life: Possession is the exclusive right of disposal over a thing; possession in the productive sense, in the sense of land, is a right.
325. Natural Science and the Historical Development of Humanity: Lecture IV 24 May 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
I have already characterized to you: when one ascends to imaginative, to inspired knowledge, then one gradually becomes acquainted with the inner organs of the human being, concretely acquainted, and it does not result in that mystical world of fog that so many false mystics dream of, but rather it results in an objective insight into the inner organicity of the human being. It is precisely by understanding this inner organicity of man as a result of the spirit, by being able to see through it spiritually, that one gets to know it as material.
119. The Human Being's Journey Through the World of the Senses, Soul and Spirit 19 Mar 1910, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
All human knowledge, all human insight would be vain dreams, would be nothing but fantasy if the thoughts that we ultimately form in our minds did not already underlie things as thoughts, that things have sprung from thoughts.
174a. Central Europe Between East and West: Second Lecture 03 Dec 1914, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
There are still many people in our time who cannot yet see what lies behind the veil of Maya, and therefore cannot understand that there is such a supersensible, invisible world and that in it the relationship of the human soul to the other folk-souls is quite different from anything one could dream of. If one takes spiritual science seriously precisely where it points to the spheres that are connected with our life, then one must bear that spiritual science points to conditions in the spiritual world that are so uncomfortable to immerse oneself in, even just with one's consciousness, that one resists it with one's will.
84. What is the Purpose of Anthroposophy and the Goetheanum?: The Development and Education of the Human Being in the Light of Anthroposophy 30 Apr 1923, Prague

Rudolf Steiner
What happens to the soul and spirit in the physical and bodily is beyond human consciousness. What plays into human life are confused dreams without cognitive value. So that we can say: the entire development of human life consists of what we live through while awake and what we spend while sleeping.
60. What Has Astronomy to Say about the Origin of the World? 16 Mar 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Going back, we have also approached another condition of consciousness more and more in which the human being was connected dream-like, vividly with a spiritual world. That is why we must regard these two things as related: the type and the pictorial, dreamlike consciousness of the ancient times on the one hand and, on the other hand, the development of the individuality and our individual consciousness by that what the human being has to obtain in the course of the times.
57. Goethe's Secret Revelation: Goethe's Secret Revelation: Esoteric 24 Oct 1908, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Take all the conditions possible to man when his consciousness is reduced, as in hypnotism, somnambulism and even dream-conditions; everything by which the clear consciousness of day is subdued, whereby man is subject to lower soul-power than in clear consciousness, belongs to this second way.
62. The World View of Herman Grimm 16 Jan 1913, Berlin
Tr. Peter Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
I would render something incomplete if I did not add in conclusion Herman Grimm's own words on the death of Emmy: “This was Emmy's dream. “Between midnight and morning, she believed she woke up. “Her initial glance at the window, through which a pale light streamed in, was free and clear and she knew where she was.

Results 1371 through 1380 of 1423

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