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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 381 through 390 of 1476

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317. Curative Education: Lecture VIII 03 Jul 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Clearly, her life of fantasy comes from her limbs. The child often has restless dreams. Now, it is important to take careful note of how she dreams—in particular, whether the dreams occur just after falling asleep or before waking up. Up to now, according to this report of her case, it is the former alone that have been observed. But the waking-up dreams must also come under observation. If we can bring her now and then to relate these, they will be found to reveal much that is of very great interest for us when they are in this way recalled to memory.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Stages of Evolution of the Human Form The Expulsion of the Animal Beings 10 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
In the periods of subdued consciousness, when man rose out of the physical world into the spiritual, fructification took place, and man noticed this only through a symbolical dream-act. In tender, noble fashion he felt that fertilization had occurred in his sleep, and in his consciousness there was only a delicate and wonderful dream; for example, that he threw a stone, that the stone fell into the earth, and that a flower rose out of the earth.
They remained in that state of cognition in which this act of fructification was a dream. One may say that these men lived in Paradise. We find that the men who descended earliest to earth had especially strongly formed bodies, with crude and brutal countenances; while the men who wished first to mold the nobler parts had a much more human form.
It has already been said that such pictures should not be regarded as allegories, that their content has a relation to the real facts. Such pictures arose like dreams. So the Osiris myth also was dreamed before the pupil could actually see the facts of human evolution, and only what prepares the way for real seeing is a symbol in the occult sense.
228. The Spiritual Individualities of Our Planets 27 Jul 1923, Dornach
Tr. John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
And many who have come to a better understanding of a day-riddle at night, as if out of a dream, many would have to admit, if they were really to look at the truth, that the Jupiter-powers bring spirited animated impetus into human thinking, if I may so depict it.
In the reflection she transforms everything, just as a dream transforms the happenings of physical existence. Venus transforms the occurrences of earthly life into dream-pictures.
The secrets of human beings in their earthly existence are transformed by Venus into dream-pictures of infinite diversity. She has a very great deal to do with poets, although they are not aware of it.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Details From the Domain of Spiritual Science
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The State of Consciousness In Dreaming [ 8 ] In some respects the dream has been described in the third chapter of this book. Dream-consciousness is on the one hand a relic of the picture-consciousness which man enjoyed on the Old Moon, and -for a long time too—in former periods of Earth evolution.
Dreaming is thus a relic of the normal state of consciousness of former times. And yet the dream-condition of today differs essentially from the old picture-consciousness, for the Ego, which has since developed, influences what goes on in the astral body during sleep while we are dreaming.
Yet inasmuch as the Ego's influence on the dreaming astral body is unconscious, nothing deriving from the dream-life can be a direct source of spiritual-scientific knowledge of higher worlds. The same applied to what is often spoken of as visions, premonitions and second sight.
28. The Story of My Life: Chapter XXXII
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But these pictures were not evolved by the will-to-knowledge in full clarity of mind. They appeared in the soul, given to it like dreams from the cosmos. This ancient spiritual knowledge came to an end in the Middle Ages. Man came into possession of the consciousness-soul. He no longer had dream-knowledge. He drew ideas in full clarity of mind by his will-to-knowledge into the soul. This capacity first became a living reality in the sense-world.
The process was only to the point of a return to the ancient dream consciousness with the suppression of full consciousness. And this turning back was true of Mrs.
34. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: The Secret Doctrine and the Animal Men in Modern Science

Rudolf Steiner
Those who attain vision of the astral world first see their own drives, desires and passions as an astral dream; and they appear to them like animals or demons that are outside of them. How clearly this makes a passage that Liebenfels, for example, cites from the Talmud: “All animals are good in a dream, except for the monkey and the guenon.”
29. Collected Essays on Drama 1889–1900: Max Halbe 25 Sep 1897,
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Emerson's comparison of the poet with the dreamer is delightful: "This reminds me that we all possess a key to the wonder of the poet, that the stupidest fool has experiences of his own which can explain Shakespeare to him - namely dreams. In dreams we are perfect poets, we create the characters of the drama, we give them appropriate figures, faces and clothes.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Goethe and Love and Goethe's Dramas 24 Dec 1884,

Rudolf Steiner
In his imagination, the beloved is transfigured into a dream being, which of course only lives within him and goes far beyond reality. The latter was not enough to satisfy his powerful spirit.
Poetry and truth merge into one for him at such moments, love casts a poetic spell over the factual, he lives himself into an ideal situation, into a poetic dream and - a poetic creation naturally arises in his mind. In the aforementioned writings, Schröer introduces us to the spirit of a series of Goethe's poems on the basis of the views presented.
40. The Calendar of the Soul (Mellett)

Rudolf Steiner
Week 8 The power of the senses, entwined with gods' creating, now begins to grow— and thus reduces the force of thinking to the dullness of a dream. If a divine being would unite with my soul— then human thinking must resign itself to this dull dream existence.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The Three Aspects of the World 04 Dec 1906, Cologne
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Human beings enter into this inner world of theirs in their dreams. They are then removed from the world perceived by the senses and given over to the chaotic whirl of the inner responses that arise in images before the mind's eye. Those dream images become more regular and meaningful as they are able to bring order into their inner responses.

Results 381 through 390 of 1476

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