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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 401 through 410 of 1476

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275. Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom: Working with Sculptural Architecture II 04 Jan 1915, Dornach
Tr. Pauline Wehrle, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
If you have an impulse of will and make a mental image of it you are certainly awake. But in waking life man only dreams with regard to how the will arises and goes over into action. If you pick up a piece of chalk and make a mental image of picking it up, that is of course something you can have a mental image of. But with only your day consciousness and without clairvoyance you know no more about how the ego and astral body stream into your hand and how the will spreads out, than you know about a dream whilst you are dreaming. We can only dream about the actual will with ordinary waking consciousness, and where most things are concerned we do not even dream, we just sleep. You can clearly visualise putting a mouthful of food on your fork, and to a certain extent you can visualise chewing it, but you do not even dream about swallowing it. You are usually quite unconscious of it, as you are unconscious of your thoughts while you are asleep.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture VI 07 Mar 1919, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Only we are confusing dreaming and waking. Our task is to shake off the old dream of our present useless existence . Look at the war—can it reasonably be thought possible that such a thing could be thought-out? If the war were not what is called reality it was perhaps a dream out of which we are now waking. We are in a society in which, in spite of railway, steam and electricity, we men see nevertheless only a small part of the star on which we were born.”
For this healing nothing will serve but the realisation that all other ways of thinking, not directed to what is really spiritual, are more or less quackery. Reality must come into the dreams men dream today. Whence is this reality to come? It does not exist in the region whence practical men derive their thoughts.
117. The Ego: The Education of Humanity 07 Dec 1909, Munich
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And just as that which had been retained in a form remaining behind was thrust out in Esau, so were the old clairvoyant powers, which came to expression as an atavistic remnant in what Joseph represents, thrust out by his brothers, towards Egypt. He had dreams, and could interpret the world through them; that is the faculty which should not develop in the mission of the Abrahamitic people.
His descendants were led farther south through the dreams of Joseph, towards Egypt, and after they had here received the Egyptian Impulse, returned to Canaan.
Then the old Hebrew people had had to seek the path to Egypt. It had been led over through the dreams of the elder Joseph. And now, that Ego which was born in the Bethlehemitic Jesus, was led through the dreams—again of a Joseph—led to Egypt, the same path which the Abrahamitic people had pursued through the dreams of the elder Joseph.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fourteenth Lecture 23 Apr 1918, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Someone in the third row has seen him, but, at least I assume so, this person in the third row has listened carefully – which also happens, doesn't it – and he has only half let this personality, who has just left, pass by in his usual consciousness. He will be able to notice that he perhaps dreams very little of what I have spoken here. For if one could take a statistic on the subject, those of the honored listeners who dream a great deal about what has been said here would probably not be all that numerous.
Only the things that are clearly grasped by the consciousness are rarely dreamt of. Dreams only come when they are connected with certain sensations, certain feelings, which again are not clearly and distinctly brought to consciousness. And when one wakes up one remembers so little of the dreams, because in the previous life one paid little attention to what one dreamt. This is also connected with the limited ability to remember dreams.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Last Periods before the Division into Sexes
Tr. Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
Such images continuously filled the soul. One can compare this only with the flowing dream impressions of man. At that time the images were not completely irregular, but proceeded according to law. Therefore, in relation to this stage of mankind, one should speak of an image consciousness rather than of a dream consciousness. For the most part, colored images filled this consciousness. But these were not the only kind.
Spiritually, he would at first have had to continue a sort of dream existence if the half-superhuman beings had not intervened. Through their influence the images of his soul were directed toward the sensuous, external world.
11. Atlantis and Lemuria: The Beginnings of Sex Duality
Tr. Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
The whole can only be compared with the rising and falling dream-visions of man. Only at that time the pictures were not unregulated, but in conformity with laws; and for that reason we must not speak, at this stage of humanity, of a dream-consciousness, but rather of a picture-consciousness.
The ability to generate his kind was implanted in him as an instinctive impulse by the superhuman beings. Mentally he would have had to lead a sort of dream-existence at first, had not the semi-superhuman beings interfered. Swayed by them, his soul-pictures were directed to the world outside.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Probation: Scene 9
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Fourth Countrywoman: I always said that it would come to pass: Their lordships' rule must shortly fade away. Already hath a dream revealed to me How we can be of service to the troops When they arrive to carry out the siege, And take good care of all their creature needs. Fifth Countryman: If dreams to-day are still to be believed, That is a matter we need not discuss. The knights have tried to make us cleverer Than were our fathers.
And then, beloved brother, thou didst come, And when I first set eyes upon thy face, I felt my senses leave me; for thou vast That human figure's very counterpart. Thomas: Dream and foreboding told thee but the truth, Indeed 'twas longing guided me to thee. Cecilia: And when thou didst request me as thy wife I thought the Spirit had ordained it so.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 1
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Hilary: Thou knowest, friend, I do not dream vain dreams. How should I aim at such a lofty goal Had not kind fate already brought to me The man to realize what I propose?
Thy purpose is to serve humanity, But in reality thou wilt but serve The group which, backed by thee, will have the means To carry on awhile its spirit-dream. Soon shall we here behold activities Ordained no doubt by spirit for these souls, But which will prove a mirage to ourselves And must destroy the harvest of our work.
152. Prelude to the Mystery of Golgotha: The Three Spiritual Precursors of the Mystery of Golgotha 05 Mar 1914, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Maxentius consults the Sibyls and is given the answer: “If you march with your army outside the gates of Rome, you will defeat Rome's greatest enemy.” Maxentius then has a dream, and he follows the Sibylline oracle and dream. He marches outside Rome, against all reason, the advice and all the plans of his generals. Constantine also dreams: He sees himself carrying the banner of Christ and conquering his opponent, who is four times stronger than he is.
94. Popular Occultism: Man's Ascent into Super-sensible Worlds 29 Jun 1906, Leipzig
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In order to do this work of restoring the balance, it must go out of physical body. When we dream a lot, this work is so to speak, interrupted. Restless dreams are therefore bad for our health. What changes take place in person during sleep when he gradually becomes clairvoyant?
An untrained person experiences the astral world chaotically, in the form of dreams. But a trained person sees the astral world in regular forms. At first these will be transient realities surging up and down, but arising in a regular way.

Results 401 through 410 of 1476

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