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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 411 through 420 of 1476

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29. Collected Essays on Drama 1889–1900: “The Three Heron Feathers” 22 Jan 1899,
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
If he burns the second, she will stand before him in a dream. He will hold her in his hands and yet strive in vain to possess her. And if the third finally becomes the nourishment of the flame, the woman who represents his happiness will die before his eyes.
In the first scene of the drama, he reveals his entire life's destiny to us: "For in every great work, That is accomplished on earth, Strength alone shall reign, He alone shall reign who laughs, Never shall sorrow reign, Never he who foams at the mouth in anger, Never he who needs women to slumber, And least of all he who dreams, Therefore how I sweat and steel him To what he can become, I sit firmly in his soul - I, the fighter - I, the man."
329. The Liberation of the Human Being as the Basis for a Social Reorganization: The Spirit as a Guide Through the Senses and into the Super Sensible World 10 Nov 1919, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
And what comes to light then occurs, I might say, like a dream. I say “like a dream” for the following reason: When we fall asleep, we fall asleep into an unconscious. Then, out of this unconscious, this or that emerges as a dream. One can compare this falling asleep into the unconscious with submerging into the souls of our fellow human beings, as I have just characterized it.
And what shines out like a dream from our social life becomes a complete certainty when we train the human will in the same way as I have described for memory.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy and Anti-theosophy 27 Jan 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We see that in the early stages of a child's development, the body is almost dream-like. Not only does the child have to sleep through a large part of its existence in order to stay healthy, but there is something dream-like about its life.
As long as this inner work lasts, the child must live a kind of dream life, especially as long as this work is still focused on the physical development of the brain and the finer limbs of the nervous system.
From a certain moment on, one knows what it means to be outside one's body in a spiritual-soul state. It occurs when one begins to have dream-like images with a kind of inner soul activity, just as dreams can interrupt the night's sleep, intermingling with it, and we know that they are not caused by external things in the usual way.
183. The Science of Human Development: Ninth Lecture 02 Sep 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
To do this, they need the trick of making us believe in ideals that are actually mere dreams. Just as Ahriman, on the one hand, presents us with a world that is a mere natural order, so Lucifer, on the other hand, presents us with a world that consists purely of imagined ideals.
But when the earth has reached its end, the whole dream of ideas will have been dreamt. Nothing else is possible according to such a philosophy. Therefore such a philosophy always remains abstract and must finally confess: “A philosophy which, like the one above, neither takes the theocentric point of view, inaccessible to human knowledge, as in theosophy, and regards the ‘dream of reason’ as a reality that has long since been created, nor, like anthropology, takes the anthropocentric but uncritical standpoint of common experience, in order to view from there a reality filled with ideas as a 'dream of reason', which thus simultaneously wants to be anthropocentric, that is, starting from human experience, and yet philosophical, that is, going beyond it, at the hand of logical thinking, is Arihroposophie.”
When this understanding of the perspectivity of time comes among people, then they will no longer say: Here is idealism, but it is only a mere dream that has no force of nature, and on the other side lies the natural order. Instead, people will come to recognize that what lives in us as ideals is the germ for the future, and that what is the natural order is the fruit of the past.
137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture VIII 10 Jun 1912, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Many of you will know how difficult it is to bring over a dream from the other state of consciousness into the present moment. And it can happen all too easily that when man has entered the super-sensible world, this “ I” thought is like a dream that he has had in the Earth world and does not remember. Like a forgotten dream is this “ I ” thought, when he has come into the other consciousness; and the difficulty of holding it has even increased for man in the course of evolution.
For the present-day pupil in occultism, the thought often does indeed come. It does not merely remain with man as a dream picture,—no, it can flash up in him beyond as a sudden memory. For this to happen, however, help is needed.
155. Anthroposophical Ethics: Lecture I 28 May 1912, Norrköping
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Afterwards, when in the service of chivalry, a necessary expedition was going to be undertaken against Naples, he had a vision in a dream. He saw a great palace and everywhere weapons and shields. Up to the time of his dream he had only seen all kinds of cloth in his father's house and place of business.
He heard something like a voice which said “Go no further, you have wrongly interpreted the dream picture which is very important to you. Go back to Assisi and you shall there hear the right interpretation!”
After that he passed through something like a retrospection of the whole of his life and in this he lived, for several days. The young knight who in his boldest dreams had only longed to become a great warrior was transformed into a man who now most earnestly sought all the impulses of mercy, compassion and love.
155. The Spiritual Foundation of Morality: Lecture I 28 May 1912, Norrköping
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Afterwards, when in the service of chivalry, a necessary expedition was going to be undertaken against Naples, he had a vision in a dream. He saw a great palace and everywhere weapons and shields. Up to the time of his dream he had only seen all kinds of cloth in his father's house and place of business.
He heard something like a voice which said “Go no further, you have wrongly interpreted the dream picture which is very important to you. Go back to Assisi and you shall there hear the right interpretation!”
After that he passed through something like a retrospection of the whole of his life and in this he lived, for several days. The young knight who in his boldest dreams had only longed to become a great warrior was transformed into a man who now most earnestly sought all the impulses of mercy, compassion and love.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture X 16 Mar 1915, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Because of this it is easy to consider such experiences mere dreams. We only realize that we have something to do with it when we come to see that our own self has been confronting us there in another form.
To make it even clearer let me put it like this. Let us assume you have a dream which brings back something you experienced when very young. When you wake from the dream you only realize that those were dream experiences because among the mass of images you encountered there was also that childhood experience. Then you knew that the dream must have something to do with you. That is how it is with our first clairvoyant experiences. You gradually come to realize that really it is someone else who is dreaming there and yet at the same time it is also you yourself.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Harmonization of the Inner Forces of Man through the Christ-Impulse 04 Jul 1909, Kassel
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It runs this way: Once upon a time there was a married couple, and for a long time this couple had no son. Then it was revealed to the mother in a dream—note this well—that she would have a son, but that this son would first kill his father and then unite with his mother, and that he would bring frightful disaster upon his whole tribe. Again we have a dream, corresponding to the oracle in the case of Oedipus; that is, we are again dealing with what had come down from primeval clairvoyance.
Let us ask the legend, which informs us further: Under the influence of the wisdom gleaned in her dream, the mother took the child she had borne to the island of Kariot and there abandoned him. But he was found by the queen of a neighboring realm, who being childless, reared him herself.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: Learning to Live Correctly in the Outer World 18 Jul 1923, Dornach
Tr. Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
There are many questions still pending from those asked recently, but I will tie in some of these with the recent subject of dreams. We shall start with a question that seems to have broken many scholars' heads, and that is the question of the lizard's tail.
So we can now see a remarkable thing: the radishes stimulate thinking, and it is not necessary to be really active oneself thoughts come naturally as a result of eating radishes thoughts so strong that they also stimulate very powerful dreams. On the other hand, one who eats a lot of potatoes will not have strong thoughts, and his dreams will make him heavier. If you habitually eat potatoes, you will find yourself constantly tired and always wanting to sleep and dream. You can see that there is enormous cultural and historical meaning in what foods people actually have access to.

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