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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 431 through 440 of 1469

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26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Memory and Conscience
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Hence, in human beings who are especially developed in this direction, the contents of the soul appear like dreams in the waking state. Such a human Organisation was present in Goethe. Goethe once said that Schiller must interpret to him his own poetic dreams.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Haeckel's “The Riddle of the Universe” and Theosophy

Rudolf Steiner
Those who desire to remain within the boundary of the senses will, of course, say, “But they are only dreams!” Yet, if they, by such means, obtain an insight into the loftiest secrets of creation, it may surely be a matter of indifference to them whether they gain this through the medium of a dream or by means of the senses. Let us, for instance, suppose that Graham Bell had invented the telephone in a state of dream-consciousness. That would have been of no moment whatever to-day, for the telephone itself in any case is an important and useful invention. Clear and regular dreaming is therefore the beginning, and if in the stillness of the night hours you have come to “live in your dreams,” if, after a time, you have habituated yourself to a cognisance of worlds quite other than this, then will soon come a time when you will learn, by these new experiences, to step forth into actuality.
54. Two Essays on Haeckel: Haeckel, “The Riddle of the Universe,” Theosophy 05 Oct 1905, Berlin
Tr. Bertram Keightley

Rudolf Steiner
Those who desire to remain within the boundary of the senses will, of course, say, “But they are only dreams!” Yet, if they, by such means, obtain an insight into the loftiest secrets of creation, it may surely be a matter of indifference to them whether they gain this through the medium of a dream or by means of the senses. Let us, for instance, suppose that Graham Bell had invented the telephone in a state of dream-consciousness. That would have been of no moment whatever to-day, for the telephone itself in any case is an important and useful invention. Clear and regular dreaming is therefore the beginning, and if in the stillness of the night hours you have come to “live in your dreams,” if, after a time, you have habituated yourself to a cognisance of worlds quite other than this, then will soon come a time when you will learn, by these new experiences, to step forth into actuality.
63. The Spiritual World and Spiritual Science. Views and Aims of the Present 30 Oct 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
However, it can also penetrate as for example a dream if you awake from sleep what is, however, again endlessly more than a dream about which you say to yourself: what happens now?
Those who believe to stand firmly in the scientific habitual ways of thinking very easily regard all these matters as daydreams and fantasies. One shows by the researches about dream, hypnosis, suggestion, autosuggestion and so on how from the depths of the subconscious soul life a number of things can appear that can cause a deceptive consciousness in the human being.
One may even say, if the spiritual researcher describes these matters, it is real in such a way, as if a dreamer describes his dreams. In the dreams, memories of the outer world express themselves. Hence, one can say in a certain sense, what the spiritual researcher separates as his mental-spiritual from the bodily and puts as beings of an imagery before his soul is taken from the qualities of the pictures of the beings of the outer world.
159. The Mystery of Death: Post-mortal Experiences of the Human Being 17 Jun 1915, Düsseldorf
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Indeed, we have a clue of sorts, while also in the everyday life, which we spend between birth and death, something analogous, something similar of the experiences in the spiritual world projects. These are the dream experiences projecting into the everyday life. The dream experience does not come into being to us through our senses; our senses have really nothing to do with the dream experience. Nevertheless, it is in the pictures that sometimes remind of the sensory life. We have in these dream pictures, even if a weak reflection, just a reflection of that type, as the spiritual existence faces us as an Imaginative world between death and a new birth.
There said the father: this is quite strange, I dream very seldom. However, I dreamt this night, this same night of my son that he appeared to me and that he wanted to say something to me; however, I have not understood it.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Sixth Lesson 21 Mar 1924, Dornach
Tr. John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
In looking back over an extremely animated but troubling dream, my dear friends, let us attempt to see how such a troubling dream represents one's perspiration, the secretions of one's watery element.
You live with water being Only through feeling’s dream-weaving; Surge awakening into water existence, And the soul will reveal itself in you As plant existence dank and dull; Then lameness of yourself Must lead you on to wakefulness.
You live with water being Only through feeling’s dream-weaving; Surge awakening into water existence, And the soul will reveal itself in you As plant existence dank and dull; Then lameness of yourself Must lead you on to wakefulness.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Sixth Lecture 24 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
These materialists are prophets, only false prophets! They dream of a world that, if it were up to them, could be created in their image. The materialists are dreamers, but mari must work against their dreams. When people realize that the materialists are dreamers, that they should be told: You go through the world and do not see reality, you dream of an existence that could at best be brought about by your lack of insight into the world, you are false prophets, you make all kinds of fantasies!
So the opposite judgment of what the materialists, well, let's say, dream of themselves, that's what you'll have to have. Then the time will have come when one can really understand spiritual science.
174a. Central Europe Between East and West: Eighth Lecture 20 May 1917, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
I esteem him, as I do many of those I criticize. In this little book he also deals with dreams and asserts that in dreams a subdued, paralyzed brain life takes place, that brain life is only partially active. If someone were to tap a pin against a windowpane, Verworn says, we may dream that cannon shots are going off one after the other. That is a well-known dream. Verworn says this at the top; then he says something in between, and at the end he says further down on the same page: The dream has its peculiar character because the brain is tuned down in its activity.
Until then, until the Mystery of Golgotha, the Kingdoms of Heaven approached man as in a dream. Before the Atlantean catastrophe, they were even assimilated through digestion. But now they had to come down.
165. Festivals of the Seasons: Meditations on the New Year: The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year 31 Dec 1915, Dornach
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
If a man is but able to place himself within the plant consciousness, he can dream of—can gain a conception of—the many mysteries which then crowd into his heart, such as did in the dream of Olaf Oesteson,1 the description and explanation of which entered into and stirred our souls here, this time last year.
1. Editorial Note: The dream of Olaf Oesteson referred to above, appears in the linotyped course of lectures entitled The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death (Lecture 6.)
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: Guiding Thoughts on the Method of Presentation
Tr. Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
The soul can reach the point where it considers this feeling as an awakening out of the dream of life that it dreamt before this particular experience. [ 2 ] During the first period of his life, man develops the power of memory through which he will, in later life, recollect his experiences back to a certain moment of his childhood. What lies before this moment he feels as a dream of life from which he awoke. The human soul would not be what it should be if the power of memory did not grow out of the dim soul life of the child.
It can have the feeling that a soul life that does not awake out of its dream of life through this experience does not live up to its inner potentialities. [ 3 ] Philosophers have often pointed out that they are at a loss when asked about the nature of philosophy in the true sense of the word.

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