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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 631 through 640 of 1469

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165. The Year's Course as a Symbol for the Great Cosmic Year 31 Dec 1915, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If the human being can transfer himself into the consciousness of the plants, he can see and dream of many mysteries which pass through his heart in many forms—he can have dreams such as that of Olaf Åsteson.
195. The Cosmic New Year: The Breaking-in of Spiritual Revelations Since the Last Third of the Nineteenth Century 31 Dec 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
In earlier periods of earth evolution men knew more. Just as in ordinary daily life, the dreams of an individual dimly emerge out of his nightly experiences, so the clairvoyant-atavistic perceptions of the human beings of earlier periods emerged out of the Ego. These clairvoyant-atavistic perceptions were dreams only in their form; what they contained was reality. We may say: The Ego of present-day man has been emptied of the clairvoyant-atavistic content which was the support of men of past ages, permeating them with the conviction that they had something in common with a divine element, that they were connected with something divine.
26. The Michael Mystery: First Contemplation: How Michael prepares his earthly mission supersensibly, by the conquest of Lucifer.
Tr. Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 22 ] The impulse which makes the soul adopt Imaginations into her personal store of life-experience, corresponds less with the faculties that she possessed in primeval times—through dream-like clairvoyance—and more with those already in existence in the eighth to the fourteenth centuries.
They want to keep him with his consciousness in spiritual regions that were suited to him in primeval times. They want to keep his dream-like, imaginative world-vision from the influence of that pure thinking which is trained to the understanding of physical existence.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Guardian of the Threshold: Scene 3
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Capesius (in astral garb): O speak not to me of Capesius Who in the kingdom of the Earth erewhile Strove through a life which he hath long since known Was but a dream. Whilst there he bent his mind Upon such things as ever come to pass As time streams on.
He thought the pictures he possessed were true And could reveal to him reality; But, viewed from here, they clearly show themselves As naught but empty dreams, which Spirit-hands Have woven round about weak men of Earth. They cannot bear the cold clear light of truth.
21. The Case for Anthroposophy: Concerning the Limits of Knowledge
Tr. Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
Consider how the profoundly able mind of Friedrich Theodor Vischer, in the packed essay he wrote on Johannes Volkelt’s book Dream-Phantasy (Traumphantasie), reports its own reaction to one such limit of cognition: “No mind where no nerve-centre, where no brain”, say our opponents.
21. The Riddles of the Soul: The Appearance of Limits to Knowledge
Tr. William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
Take a look, for example, at the way the gifted thinker Friedrich Theodore Vischer, in the important essay he wrote on Johannes Volkelt's book Dream Fantasy, describes the cognitive experience he had in the encounter with one such limit: “No spirit where there is no nerve center, where there is no brain,” declare our opponents.
29. Collected Essays on Drama 1889–1900: “Josephine” 24 Dec 1898,
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
This is what I wanted to portray: in "Josephine, how the unknown power captures him, sends the dreamer to war and lets the poet become a hero, even if he resists and wants nothing to do with his heroism; in the second part, his love for Walewska, how he has become a man who has surrendered to fate and knows that we must serve, and obediently performs his incomprehensible role. ... in the third part, on the island, how he has played out and become free of fate, how he is finally allowed to live according to himself, and how the emperor and hero falls from him and he becomes a Corsican enthusiast again, gazing out with wild dreams...". It's funny how the world is reflected in this poet's head. The man who wants to be free to make love to Josephine, but whom fate makes unfree, a man who shakes up the peoples of Europe from West to East because he must "serve, obey", and who finally becomes "free" when he spends his last days imprisoned on a lonely little island!!!!
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 20 Jun 1910, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Thoughts that can lead to deeper insights into spiritual connections relatively quickly are the following: The Gods sleep in the mineral kingdom. They dream in the plant kingdom. They wake and think in the animal kingdom. Taking the animal kingdom first, we have to imagine that the spiritual beings were previously at our level and had thoughts that were just as confused as ours, whereas their thoughts have now become so regular and definite that they spread out before us as the animals we see.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: What Is Needed
Tr. Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
A one-sided transformation of the economic life, a one-sided reconstruction of political institutions without nurturing a socially healthy and productive state of soul, is more likely to lull humanity with deceptive dreams than to fill it with a sense for reality. It is because there are so few who can bring themselves to look on the problems of today and tomorrow as questions comprehending both external arrangements and inner renewal that we move so slowly along the road to a new social order.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Structure of Man II 30 Aug 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
So through seven planets he develops seven states of consciousness. When they migrate from the moon, they had dream trance, before that plant trances, before that deep trances. Seven planets or states of consciousness.

Results 631 through 640 of 1469

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