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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 641 through 650 of 1461

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72. The Nature of the Soul and Body of Man as Illuminated by Spiritual Science 30 Oct 1918, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Indeed, you find tips with single psychologists everywhere that one says, even if one does not know that one dreams perpetually, one dreams perpetually. However, one not only dreams—this is the discovery, which the strengthened thinking accomplishes—, but one also learns to recognise that the wake consciousness is something else than to be filled with thoughts.
53. Fundamentals of Theosophy The Origin of the Earth 09 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If we trace back the Lemurians still farther, we find that the human ancestors have sensation already, indeed, that the external objects make impressions on them but that they could not connect ideas with these external percepts. If you imagine a soul-life like that of the dream, then you have something similar. However, it is not completely the same. For the pictorial ideas which surged up and down in the soul at that time were much clearer, much more original and more elementary, much more saturated than the confused dream pictures of the present-day average person are.
There he would miss any control and would face it like the chaotic dream world. Not before you get into the habit of logical, clear, reasonable thinking, so that you walk through the spiritual things as the reasonable human being walks through tables and chairs, so that it is no longer anything special, you can understand that the gift of clairvoyance guides one into the riddle of the world.
143. The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ: The Path through the Gospels and The Path of Inner Experience 16 Apr 1912, Stockholm
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
With this fact another may be contrasted, namely that in the first years of life, in normal consciousness, we really dream ourselves, sleep ourselves into life, and that only after a certain point of time does life take such a course that our own memory begins.
The force of ideals, the power of living himself into his life-dreams would have become immensely significant for him. Life-dreams would have sprung from his heart, and then full Ego-consciousness would have appeared in his 20th and 21st years.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children from the Tenth to the Fourteenth Years II 03 Jan 1922, Dornach
Tr. Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
The astral body is instrumental mainly in directing our dreams. These, as you know, bear little relationship to the normal sequence of time. We may dream about something that happened only yesterday yet, mixed up in the dream, people may appear whom we met in early childhood.
204. Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy: Lecture IX 24 Apr 1921, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
Then, when their ego was alone with its astral body, these experiences arose powerfully in the form of true dreams. Then, in the form of true dreams, these people experienced after the fact what they had only dimly experienced during the day.
The fact that it takes along nothing is the reason that at most reminiscences, dream images of an unrealistic kind, can arise in the human being, and that this ego can in no way be permeated by anything from the cosmos.
207. Cosmosophy Vol. I: Lecture VI 07 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Alice Wuslin, Michael Klein

Rudolf Steiner
We can also say that in life between birth and death man is nearest to the angel being when he is living in the condition out of which dreams arise, which certainly also have something to do with his individual being, and which on the one hand deny and on the other hand hold fast to this mineral-thought being. Man would be unable to find even the subconscious relationship to the hierarchy of the angels were not this mineral consciousness colored by the conditions that in a certain sense he sleeps through but that reach up out of the sleeping condition and live out their life in the world of dreams. The dream itself, though in its outlines it does not adhere to outer sense reality and often actually denies contact with it, is nevertheless woven out of the same substance as the world of thoughts is woven between birth and death.
347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: Adam Kadmon in Lemuria 30 Sep 1922, Dornach
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
So the ancient Germans here in Europe – it was figurative, as if they had dreamt, but the dream was much more correct than later, when the Old Testament was misunderstood and instead of speaking of the whole earth, of the Adam Kadmon, one spoke of the little Adam – still had an old, albeit merely dream-like, figurative science. Yes, you get a huge respect for what has been eradicated, old, but only dream-like pictorial science. But it was there, and it has been eradicated. It does not need to be surprised.
101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: Germanic and Persian Mythology 28 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The old Atlantean dreamed during the day and dreamed at night. The dreams of the night corresponded more to reality than the dreams of today's man. And the dreams of the day were a real perception of the spiritual world that lived around the Atlantean people, especially in the early days of Atlantis.
213. Human Questions and World Answers: Thirteenth Lecture 22 Jul 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Even if this ancient knowledge was not the fully conscious knowledge that we are striving for today through anthroposophy, for example, there was still a kind of dream-like but clairvoyant knowledge in those ancient times, at least up to the Mystery of Golgotha. And those people who were recognized as knowing something about the world had no doubt at all that when they looked at a plant blossom, they had to relate it to some configurations in the starry sky.
If you do not believe this, then study the geography of moles or earthworms from a spiritual scientific point of view. This is a dream-like geography, but it is magnificent; it is just not suited to man. And if you were to study the geography of plants! The plant does not even dream in its etheric body, but what can be discovered in the etheric body is truly more magnificent than what can be learned at a faculty today.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 4
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Romanus: I were a dreamer if I acted thus. I spin no dreams about mankind's whole life With eyes fast closed. I ne'er had use for thoughts That show themselves and forthwith fade away.
‘The magical web That forms their own life.’ Johannes: ‘And clairvoyant dreams Make clear unto souls The magical web That forms their own life.’ (While Johannes is speaking these lines his Double approaches him.

Results 641 through 650 of 1461

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