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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 871 through 880 of 1457

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98. Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World: Group Souls of Animals, Plants, and Minerals I 02 Feb 1908, Frankfurt
Tr. Antje Heymanns

Rudolf Steiner
One could feel pain within one’s soul when those, who are announcing the religious scriptures to man, dream all sorts of things into them, because they do not want to make an effort to penetrate deeply into these records.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Probation: Scene 2
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
I know that if thou dost but speak the word This lying dream will cease to haunt my soul, Benedictus: Maria, noble grief leads thee astray To see the truth, yet call it counterfeit.
118. The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric: The Return of Christ 18 Apr 1910, Palermo
Tr. Barbara Betteridge, Ruth Pusch, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin, Margaret Ingram de Ris

Rudolf Steiner
Another faculty will be to look inward and behold, as if in a dream, the picture, the counterpart, of a deed one is about to perform. Certain persons endowed in a particular way will have still another experience.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom 25 Apr 1907, Berlin

The consciousness that we have today was not always there; it developed out of another consciousness that was dim and dream-like, that lived in images in people. This kind of consciousness, which was dull and clairvoyant at the same time, was dependent on a very specific fact.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy and Anti-theosophy 10 Nov 1913, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
If man were aware of these germinal forces, he would have to fall into a dream or sleep; if we knew of these germinal forces, we would know ourselves in the divine, we would be born theosophists.
282. Speech and Drama: Style in Gesture 13 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
PRINCESS My brother is most kind, to bring us here In this sweet season to our rural haunts; Here, by the hour, in freedom unrestrain'd, We may dream back the poet's golden age. I love this Belriguardo; in my youth Full many a joyous day I linger'd here, And this bright sunshine, and this verdant green, Bring back the feelings of that bygone time.
My father oft with Florence and with Rome Extoll'd Ferrara! Oft in youthful dream Hither I fondly turn'd, now am I here. Here was Petrarca kindly entertain'd, And Ariosto found his models here.
PRINCESS Thou hast with taste and truth portray'd the bard Who hovers in the shadowy realm of dreams. And yet reality, it seems to me, Hath also power to lure him and enchain. In the sweet sonnets, scattered here and there, With which we sometimes find our trees adorn'd, Creating like the golden fruit of old A new Hesperia, perceiv'st thou not The gentle tokens of a genuine love?
332a. The Social Future: Cultural Questions. Spiritual Science (Art, Science, Religion). The Nature of Education. Social Art 28 Oct 1919, Zürich
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
They believe they are doing this purely in the interests of exact science, and do not dream that they are influenced by the Church's pretension to the monopoly of knowledge, the knowledge of the spirit and the soul as contained in their religious creeds.
Many who now believe that they are in communion with the Christ, only believe this. They do not dream how little their thought of Christ and their words concerning Him correspond to the experiences of those who draw near to the great Mystery of Humanity with a spiritual knowledge that is suited to our time.
Coming generations will look back to our times as to a long, terrible dream. But the darkest night is followed by the dawn. Generations have sunk into graves, murdered, starved, victims of disease.
332a. Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age: About the Author, the People, and the Background of this Book

Paul Marshall Allen
On October 9, 1364 Rulman Merswin had a dream in which he was told that a most important man would shortly visit him, and that in three years he would purchase land which would make a home of peace and rest for the Friends of God in Strassburg.
In any case, The Friend of God from the Oberland visited Merswin and told him that he had had a dream that Merswin would establish a retreat for the Friends of God at Strassburg. Merswin told him that he himself had had the same dream, and the Friend of God from the Oberland told him to wait quietly, to listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that at the end of three years he would know what was to be done.
Early in October, 1367, just three years after his dream and his talk with the Friend of God from the Oberland, Merswin was walking by the river and saw the little island.
214. Esoteric Development: Attainment of Supersensible Knowledge 20 Aug 1922, Oxford
Tr. Gertrude Teutsch, Olin D. Wannamaker, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
In sleep, then, the whole of our being—the head as well as the other parts of the organism—is permeated by an inwardly moving etheric body. And when we dream, perhaps just before waking, we become aware of the last movements in the etheric body. They present themselves to us as dreams.
83. The Tension Between East and West: The Problem (Asia-Europe) 09 Jun 1922, Vienna
Tr. B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
If on the other hand this high level of Asian civilization is adopted by an individual who still lacks this sense of personality—and it is a civilization suited for adoption by a human community—then he experiences it as in a dream, without sense of personality. Obviously, in an age when human individuality had not yet attained its full development, communities were more receptive to and capable of a high level of culture than were individuals.
If we can look beyond the mere utility that typifies our time, we shall be able to understand the precise significance of the Greek view of art: that the Greeks saw in tragedy, side by side with its purely artistic aspect, something that brought man face to face with himself, drawing him away from a dream, a half-conscious perception of the world, nearer and nearer to a complete awareness of himself.

Results 871 through 880 of 1457

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