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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 861 through 870 of 1457

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349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Christ's Death, Resurrection and Ascension 09 May 1923, Dornach
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
As soon as he comes home, he writes it down carefully. That was the one theory. You see, it was a dream to him. It was given to him, a completely materialistic theory. The second is the so-called benzene theory.
Blackboard 2 Yes, gentlemen, you see, a completely materialistic chemist had to confess that he could not have come up with his ideas and inventions through thinking, but that he was enlightened about these two things through a dream. It was all a real inspiration. Now I would like to know why people object when it is said that the Jesus who was left behind became something completely different in his thirtieth year.
261. How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical: How Does One Gain Understanding of the Spiritual World II 10 May 1914, Karlsruhe
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It shows the soul as having been greatly permeated by certain influences from the spiritual world, they press into it and become as it were a great dream, which expresses itself in such a way that the soul sees in vision, though indistinctly, its own inner feelings and impressions.
When such a vision, arising chaotically and as if in a dream, presents itself clearly to the soul, it may mean something for the dreamer; it may mean for instance that his consciousness is directly stirred from the spiritual world so that he can rise to the thought: ‘What I say and do, I will so say and do that I can endure the dead looking down upon me.’
68c. Goethe and the Present: Goethe's Secret Revelation (Esoteric) 09 Jan 1911, Frankfurt

Rudolf Steiner
If we want to understand the giant, we must bear in mind that Goethe was well aware of the powers of the soul that lie below the threshold of consciousness, which in the normal person only emerge in dreams, but which belong to the subordinate clairvoyant powers. These are powers that are not acquired through the development of the soul, but that occur particularly in primitive souls in intuitions, second sight, in all that is connected with less advanced souls, from which a primitive clairvoyance emerges.
Everything that belongs to the realm of the subconscious, to the realm of the soul, that is not illuminated by clear understanding, by the light of insight, of self-control, everything that expresses itself like dream-like knowledge, is represented by the giant. In truth, one can recognize nothing through this consciousness, for it is very weak compared to real knowledge.
206. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit II: Lecture IV 20 Aug 1921, Dornach

Just as it can be felt that every time a person has a vivid dream, something happens in their physical being that leads to the constitution of dreaming, so the person of the characterized period knew that when he brought to life within himself something harmonious, rhythmic, thematic, it was as if the secrets of the world were revealed or unveiled to him, and something of the physical moved along with it.
He experienced this breathing as we only experience it in abnormal states, for example when we go through states of fear in our dreams and then wake up and notice that our breathing is disturbed. In this pathological state, we notice something of the interaction of the breathing process with the occurrence of images in front of our consciousness.
150. The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence: Two Currents within the Ongoing Development of the Human Being Must be Taken into Account in Education 14 Mar 1913, Augsburg

Rudolf Steiner
This does not come from the progressive divine spiritual beings. They would let us dream for much longer and would work through us into the world. The fact that we become self-aware so early and say 'I' so early is purely the result of the forces of Lucifer working in people.
We would only come to our independence in our twenties, but then we would also perceive world thoughts externally. We would then dream away our youth because divine spiritual powers would be working in us, and when these would cease to work from within, they would then confront us from without.
171. Goethe and the Crisis of the Nineteenth Century: Fifteenth Lecture 29 Oct 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
From the reading of the Bible, which was translated everywhere into the vernacular, the nations should learn to think: From that Bible full of struggle and harshness, full of grumbling, of the cry and rebellion of an unlearned people, whose pride, even when it chastises and breaks it, seems to love God; from that Bible, in which even the chosen leaders are continually haranguing the people and in which they must win the right to command by their service; in that strangely revolutionary book in which the dialogue between Job and God is such that God appears as the defendant, who can only defend himself against the righteous man's outcry with the crude noise of his thunder; from that Bible in which the prophets have left their appeal to the future and their curses against the unjust rich, their Messianic dream of universal brotherhood, all the heat of their anger and hope, the fire of all the glowing coals that burned on their lips.
In the noise and bustle of the cities, Jeanne's dream would certainly have been less free, less bold and less comprehensive. Solitude protected the boldness of her thinking, and she experienced the great patriotic community much more intensely because her imagination could fill the silent horizon with a pain and a hope that went beyond, without confusion.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Revelations of the Juniper Tree

Rudolf Steiner
The happiness of childhood, innocence, hope tremble in the spring buds; presentiments and wondrous dreams shiver through the forest. So say the poets; they imagine they are eavesdropping on nature and, in doing so, have grasped some great truth.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Human Tasks in the Higher Worlds 26 Aug 1906, Stuttgart
Tr. Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
He does indeed create a new astral body, but the old one combines with it, and he has to drag both of them along throughout his life. And then in bad dreams or visions the old astral body comes before him as a second Ego, playing tricks on him, harassing and tormenting him.
324a. The Fourth Dimension (2024): Four-Dimensional Space 07 Nov 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Let us imagine a two-dimensional being who makes an [intense and repeated] effort to vividly imagine such a [three-dimensional] shadow image. When it then surrenders to the dream, then (...). When you mentally build up the relationship between the third and fourth dimensions, the forces at work within you allow you to see into [real, not mathematical] four-dimensional space.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Christian Mystery 01 Jun 1906, Paris
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
He must cease to know physical or moral fear. When he has become fearless, he sees, in dream, the scene of the Scourging. In another vision he sees himself in the Christ Who is scourged. Certain symptoms in physical life accompany this event.

Results 861 through 870 of 1457

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