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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 961 through 970 of 1457

˂ 1 ... 95 96 97 98 99 ... 146 ˃
159. The Mystery of Death: Moral Impulses and Their Results 14 Mar 1915, Nuremberg
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Hence, the national element is for the Russian more a soul dream. The Russian always talks of the “really Russian human being,” and the Russian writers talk of it. But it is a soul dream which is emphasised in particular, because the folk-soul is not incorporated into the human beings, because the Russian has a longing for a super-personal folk-soul.
161. Meditation and Concentration: Three Kinds of Clairvoyance: Lecture III 02 May 1915, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But—obsessed by Kant’s method of thinking—he goes on to say that representation are never more than dream-pictures and that it is impossible ever to come to reality through them. It is only through the will that we can penetrate into the reality of things—this is done by the will.
When we take his words literally—the world is representation, the world is a mere dream-picture—we have to forgo all knowledge of the world through representation and can then pass on to knowledge of the representations themselves, pass on to doing something in one's own soul with the representations—in other words to meditate, to concentrate.
297. The Spirit of the Waldorf School: Supersensible Knowledge and Social Pedagogical Life 24 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Robert F. Lathe, Nancy Parsons Whittaker

Rudolf Steiner
People attain a capacity to see the world not only through abstract concepts, but in pictures that are alive, just as dreams are alive, and that represent reality just as our abstract concepts do. The same force that previously acted upon the healthy developing human to form the capacity to love, can enable us to see such pictures of the world and to reach the first stage of supersensible knowledge.
These teach us that Imaginative pictures are filled with spiritual content, that these pictures, which appear to be dreams but really are not, reflect a spiritual reality that exists in our surroundings, outside ourselves.
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: Experiences of the Old Year and Outlook over the New Year I 31 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Alan P. Shepherd, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Today youth no longer turns to the old to ask: will the young dreams that flow out of my heart be realized? Age hardly finds it possible today to answer: Yes, they will be realized. Too frequently it says: I too have dreamt, and alas, my youthful dreams have not been fulfilled.—Life has a sobering effect upon us. All these things are bound up with the misfortunes of our time.
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: Experiences of the Old Year and Outlook over the New Year II 01 Jan 1919, Dornach
Tr. Alan P. Shepherd, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
That is the paradise usually pictured by the materialists. Their dearest dream is to have a really good sleep once they have passed through the gate of death. They love to imagine this because sleeping is, after all, very comfortable.
And while all this rumbles and rolls, the writer or the reader stands behind and feels a sensuous love for these words, so that all this has the effect upon him of rich sweetmeats. One can dream so deliciously when one says: Christ preached love for one's neighbor; Christianity must blossom again; and so on.
118. The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric: The Event of the Appearance of Christ in the Etheric World 25 Jan 1910, Karlsruhe
Tr. Barbara Betteridge, Ruth Pusch, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin, Margaret Ingram de Ris

Rudolf Steiner
One thus perceived in one’s environment, for example, facts of which the modern dream is only a shadow—spiritual events, spiritual facts, of which the dreams of the present day are as a rule no longer true representations.
192. Humanistic Treatment of Social and Educational Issues: Tenth Lecture 22 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Just as the idea of Christianity was implanted in the rough trunk of the Germanic nation and absorbed into its life, so will this vigorous trunk unfold green branches into fresh flowers; just as the body of the church in the German architectural style is already complete in its outlines, wherein the finished dogma of faith , the towers that are still missing almost everywhere will also rise to the sky with the incense of true devotion, and the ever-spiritual life and the organization of personal relationships with the divine will only mature into self-aware understanding, the symbolic framework must first be absorbed into the living movement of purpose , the heaviness of the church must be lightened, the stability of the dogma of separateness must be guided into the current of the universally human; just as freedom should move within the laws of justice, so religion must become an enlightened truth with the light of science, and art a cultivator of spiritual beauty in natural material! Is it not a utopian dream and will Germany be even remotely able to fulfill such a requirement? Germany will fulfill its calling, or perish most ignominiously and with it European culture.
And will not reaction guide the wheel back onto the old track? Fools, who delight only in the dreams of their youth! You can extinguish the fire that erupts in many directions, but you cannot extinguish the inner embers once they have been ignited; reaction itself becomes the means to freedom, pressure brings accelerated movement, the hatred of the parties has a stronger effect than love on the events of the future; perhaps only some kind of spark is needed, and the suppressed intellectual power of the whole nation breaks out in bright flames of enthusiasm.
9. Theosophy (1965): The Physical World and its Connection with the Soul-world and Spiritland
Tr. Mabel Cotterell, Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
Through insight into what is hidden from the senses the human being expands his nature in such a way that he feels his life prior to this expansion to be no more than “a dream about the world.”
40. The Calendar of the Soul (Pusch)
Tr. Hans Pusch, Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
When godly being Desires union with my soul, Must human thinking In quiet dream-life rest content. Week 45 My power of thought grows firm United with the spirit's birth.
3. Truth and Knowledge (1963): The Starting Point of Epistemology
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
[ 9 ] This directly given world-content includes everything that enters our experience in the widest sense: sensations. perceptions, opinions, feelings, deeds, pictures of dreams and imaginations, representations, concepts and ideas. [ 10 ] Illusions and hallucinations too, at this stage are equal to the rest of the world-content.

Results 961 through 970 of 1457

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