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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 941 through 950 of 1457

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93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture XXVIII 31 Oct 1905, Berlin
Tr. Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Third revelation: The peoples of the near East, Babylonians and Egyptians, perceived through Manas in picture-consciousness; they had visions or dream-sight. Fourth revelation: Clear waking-day consciousness was developed by the Semites, the Greeks and Romans.
239. Karmic Relationships V: Lecture I 29 Mar 1924, Prague
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We may get to know another person extremely well; we may be with him every day but we never by any chance dream about him because we have not been stirred inwardly. Very rarely indeed will there by anyone like Garibaldi,1 who felt the inner bond even before there was any direct, personal relationship.
10. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (1947): The Splitting of the Human Personality During Spiritual Training
Tr. George Metaxa, Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] These characteristics of life during sleep or in dreams illustrate what is continually taking place in the human being. The soul lives in uninterrupted activity in the higher worlds, even gathering from them the impulse to act upon the physical body.
11. Cosmic Memory: Some Necessary Points of View
Tr. Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
The one who will have nothing to do with mystery science and from the judgment-seat of his prejudices, simply consigns everything coming from that quarter to the realm of fantasy and dreams—he will understand this relationship to the future least of all. Yet a simple logical consideration could make clear what is in question here.
16. A Road to Self-Knowledge: Seventh Meditation
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Man himself makes his own value dependent on this judgment, when he comes so far that he is able to judge himself impartially. Nobody, however, would dream of considering the laws of nature as identical with or even similar to moral laws, if he considers physical existence in the right way.
16. Easter and the Awakening to Cosmic Thought 12 Apr 1907, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Yet it is in the soul of an undeveloped human being that this wisdom first begins to manifest. The soul hardly so much as dreams of the great cosmic thoughts according to which the human being has evolved. Nevertheless, we can glimpse a future when people will be conscious of the reality of soul and spirit still lying in man as though asleep.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Literature and Spiritual Life in the 19th Century

Rudolf Steiner
The glaring contradiction between the baseness of human instincts and passions and the noble ideals that the mind dreams of occupies his imagination. Man wants to be a god and yet is only a plaything of his animal desires: this confession speaks from Sacher-Masoch's works.
Influenced by him and Hamerling, the Viennese poet Marie Eugenie delle Grazie attempted to portray the idealistic dreams of humanity in their worthlessness in the face of the blind, base forces of nature in artistic poems and in a comprehensive epic "Robespierre" (1894).
282. Speech and Drama: How to Attain Style in Speech and Drama 08 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
It has been said of Lessing, and not without justification, that he was a man who never dreamed, that he was too dry and prosaic ever to have dreams. It is quite true, and his poetry bears it out. (I am not referring now to Lessing's prose works, but to his poems.)
I lay and slumbered and dreamed it was not well with me, neither was it ill. And lo, in my dream, a voice came rushing towards me from afar. It came nearer and nearer. Bahall!’ I heard, Bohan’, and with the third ‘Bahall’ I stand before thee.
56. Heaven 14 May 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Now we understand what it means: the human being is taken up in a supersensible world at death. It is no dream world, no world of lower reality than our world; it is a world of denser and stronger intensity and reality, because in it the creative beings are for our physical world.
Thus, the concept of the “heaven” gets a significance for the future human being again. It is no concept of a dream world in which we shall be. The creative consciousness is much brighter and more intense than in the physical world.
63. The Meaning of the Immortality of the Human Soul 04 Dec 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One can dismiss easily this testament that he gave as the completion of his striving saying: also great spirits grow old and proclaim many a pipe dream. However, someone who has learnt to have respect for spiritual life and pursuit cannot dismiss Lessing's Education of the Human Race (1780), his ripest work, in such a way.
Since the spiritual researcher can ascend on his way in such a way that he sees a Fata Morgana of his life events and some of his spiritual experiences at first that are obvious; then his body can reclaim that subtle etheric body in his inside, and he enters like from an initiation dream again into the everyday reality. However, if he continues the exercises on and on, he comes so far that he even beholds what lifts out itself from this Fata Morgana, so that that appears which we are not yet which we must become, if we did anything wrong, for example.

Results 941 through 950 of 1457

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