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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 271 through 280 of 2213

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128. An Occult Physiology: Man's Inner Cosmic System 23 Mar 1911, Prague
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have in this human blood-system, as I have often stated, the physical instrument of our ego. Indeed, we know that our ego as constituted is only possible by reason of the fact that it is built up on the foundation of a physical body, an ether-body, and an astral body. An ego free to fly about in the world by itself, as a human ego, is unthinkable. A human ego within this world, which is the world that for the moment concerns us, presupposes as its basis an astral body, an ether-body, and a physical body.
We now find, however, through observation of the soul-life attained through exercises of the soul, that in the moment when we have developed our soul-life far enough to be able to store up mental pictures in the memory we are not working with our soul experiences only in our ego. We first confront the outside world with our ego, take impressions from it into our ego, and work these over in our astral body.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): The Beatitudes 10 Sep 1910, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The gradual endowment of the human ego-forces with the knowledge of the Mysteries. The Beatitudes. The Healings. The Heavenly Bread. The new Essene teaching We showed in the last lecture that what Christ Jesus means for human evolution is the gradual equipment of the human ego with those forces and capacities formerly only possible of attainment in the Mysteries of the past, when the ego was to a certain extent suppressed. In all ancient initiations it was possible to rise up into the spiritual worlds, into what we called the Kingdoms of Heaven, but with human nature constituted as it was in pre-Christian times, this could not be done while within the ego or while the nature of the ego remained as it was on the physical plane. We have, therefore, to distinguish two conditions of the human soul; one, recognized to-day as normal during waking life, when the objects of the physical plane are perceived by means of the ego; another, in which the ego is clouded, and there is no clear consciousness.
Formerly only those could heal who had received spiritual forces through a suppressed ego-consciousness induced in the Mysteries—but now there is One among us Who has become a healer without undergoing the procedure of the Mysteries, and without suppression of His ego-consciousness.’
109. The Principle of Spiritual Economy: The Event of Golgotha. The Brotherhood of the Holy Grail. The Spiritualized Fire 11 Apr 1909, Cologne
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
In addition to copies of the etheric and of the astral body of Jesus of Nazareth, countless copies of His ego were preserved for posterity as well. His ego had disappeared from the three sheaths when Christ moved into them, but a copy of this ego—heightened through the Christ-Event—remained and was multiplied into an infinite number of copies.
The external expression for the ego is the blood. That is a great secret, but there have always been human beings who were acquainted with it and who were aware of the fact that copies of the ego of Jesus of Nazareth are present in the spiritual world.
If Spiritual Science can kindle souls so that they warm up to an engaged and lively understanding of such mysteries, these very souls will become mature enough, through casting a glance at that Holy Grail, to get to know the mystery of the Christ-Ego—the eternal ego into which any human ego can be transformed. This mystery is a reality. All that people have to do is to follow the call by Spiritual Science to understand this mystery as a given fact so that they can receive the Christ-Ego at the mere sight of the Holy Grail.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: The Event of Death, and its Relationship with the Christ 14 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
In reality, as we have seen in the previous lectures, the reason for this is that when we wake up an etheric and astral organism as well as an ego being are contained in man's physical organization. In a certain respect, man's astral organization and ego being are outside his physical body during sleep, or, more accurately, outside the head organization of the physical body.
During sleep, the soul's own system of forces is not strong enough to become conscious of what it experiences in the astral and ego organisms. On the other hand, in the waking condition only that enters clearly into ordinary consciousness which the physical body reflects as thoughts from the activity of the etheric and astral organism and the ego being.
Along with his astral body, he naturally also carries into the cosmic spirit world what lives in his ego being. This ego being, however, must be worked on in still another way. That can be the subject of tomorrow's lecture.
243. True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation: Potential Aberrations in Spiritual Investigation 19 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, at certain times, those parts of the brain which sustain the Ego-activity in particular, no longer serve as a basis for this Ego-activity. When we say “I” to ourselves, when we are fully Ego-conscious, this consciousness is rooted in specific parts of the brain.
The Ego is expelled from those parts which still retain weight and then elementary beings can enter immediately.
We must pay heed to this dim shadow, for it is only there that our Ego can enter. The moment our Ego is insulated and we manifest mediumistic powers, an elementary being slips into this faint shadow or into the feeble tones that proceed from the auditory sense.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): Jesus ben Pandira and Initiation among the Essenes 05 Sep 1910, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The astral body and ego had also to be prepared in order to appear later in the appropriate manner. How this happened we shall now explain.
Modern man is normally unconscious during sleep when with his astral body and ego he goes forth from his physical and etheric bodies; clairvoyant consciousness must, however, become capable of perception by means of the astral body and ego, without the aid of the physical and etheric bodies.
He who is in quest of what is divinely spiritual must guide his astral body and ego in this way through eleven times seven stages, and at the twelfth he is in the spiritual world. If Divinity wished to descend and assume a human ego, it would likewise have to pass down through eleven times seven stages.
The Festivals and Their Meaning III : Ascension and Pentecost: Whitsun: the Festival of United Soul-Endeavour 07 Jun 1908, Cologne
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
Salamanders, as we have seen, are beings who require a special relationship between man and animal. Now the kind of ego man has to-day is only to be found in man, in the human being living on the earth; every man has his ego enclosed within himself. It is different with the animals: they have a group-ego, a group-soul; that is to say, a group of animals with the same form have a common group-ego. When the lion says ‘I’, its ego is up above in the astral world.
The man himself cannot be seen, but every intelligent observer would conclude that someone is behind, a single entity who owns the ten fingers. It is the same with the group-ego. The separate animals are simply the limbs: the being they belong to is in the astral world. We must not imagine the animal-ego to be like the human being of course, though if we consider man as he is as a spiritual being, we can then certainly compare the animal group-ego with him.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Planetary Evolution II 03 Jun 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Now consider one thing; man had as yet no independent. Ego, only the three other bodies were independent. This human ego was in the atmosphere surrounding the Moon, just as formerly the etheric body had been on Saturn and the astral body on the Sun, and from there this ego, embedded in its divine origin, worked upon the physical body.
The egos worked from the divine-spiritual substance. If an ego works down today from the astral plane on to the physical body, it is a group-soul of the animals. The ego worked at that time into the three bodies from outside as these group-souls today work into the animals.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Angels, Folk Spirits, Time Spirits: their part in the Evolution of Mankind 07 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
The ego will transmute the astral body into Manas or Spirit Self, so that it becomes something different from what it is today.
We know that we must think of the ego itself as inwardly organized. The ego works upon a kind of intermediate being. Therefore, between the astral body which man has inherited from the past and the Spirit Self or Manas which he will fashion out of the astral body in the distant future, there are the three preparatory members; the Sentient Soul, the lowest member in which the ego has already worked, the Intellectual or Mind Soul and the Spiritual or Consciousness-Soul.
We see the ego working with the forces of the Sentient, Intellectual and Spiritual Souls upon the astral body, upon the embryo of Spirit Self.
222. The Driving Force of Spiritual Powers in World History: Lecture II 12 Mar 1923, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
As I said yesterday, man is not only the being revealed to external sense-perception and intellectual recognition, but during his earthly existence he is also that super-sensible, invisible being consisting of ego and astral body who is separated during sleep from the physical and etheric bodies. Every night the ego and astral body of a grown-up individual pass out of the physical and etheric bodies.
Now something very definite is in prospect for the ego and the astral body during earthly life when the human being reaches puberty. Just as in the physical realm man stands on Earth, perceives the kingdoms of nature around him but also gazes out into the expanse of the Cosmos and at the stars, thus perceiving what is super-terrestrial and physically manifest, so during sleep do the ego and the astral body experience, to begin with in the elemental world, the surrounding elemental kingdoms.
But at the present stage of his evolution he has not enough forces of his own to establish the ego and the astral body rightly in the elemental world during sleep unless during his waking hours he absorbs spiritual knowledge.

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