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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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73a. Scientific Disciplines and Anthroposophy: Hygiene as a Social Issue 07 Apr 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But we must admit that the consideration and treatment of this social question in the present suffers from the fundamental defect that afflicts so much of our intellectual and moral life, and indeed of our whole civilized life, namely, the intellectualism of our time.
Hygiene really does have a tremendous impact on social life. Quite apart from what one thinks about contagion or non-contagion, this element intervenes in social life during epidemics.
If we take a close look at such a specialized field and see how the three members of the social organism interact, then, my dear audience, we find the full justification of this idea of the threefold social organism.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: The Formation of Social Judgment 16 Aug 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
You see, our time is basically in many ways quite opposed to man forming a healthy social judgment. It is true that much is said today about man as a social being, about social conditions and social demands in general.
In a sense, humanity has not needed to form a social judgment until now. Why? Of course, human beings have always lived in some kind of social circumstances, but basically they have not – not until now – organized these social circumstances out of their social consciousness, out of a real understanding.
But you see, this question – how can the instinctive nature of the old social life be transformed into a social life that is born out of the human soul? – is the main question underlying the impulse for the threefold social organism.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: History of the Social Movement 30 Jul 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Study evening on “The key points of the social question in the necessities of life today and in the future” Stuttgart, July 30, 1919 This evening I do not want to anticipate what these study evenings, based on the book 'The Key Points of the Social Question', are actually supposed to be; instead, I will try to give you a kind of introduction to this evening.
You know, of course, that the way in which this social question was treated until the middle of the nineteenth century is called by today's representatives, at least by many of today's representatives of the social question, “the age of social utopias.”
Faith in conscience and moral insight has been lost in the broadest circles, especially among the representatives of the social question. People say to themselves, people do not act according to their insight when they make social arrangements or when they live their social lives, they act according to their interests.
328. The Social Question: The evolution of social thinking and willing and life's circumstances for current humanity. 12 Feb 1919, Zürich
Tr. Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
In my Newspaper called “Lucifer Gnosis” I tried to point out this fundamental social law in my contribution about the social question, which was published already at the beginning of the century. However, people were sermonizing about many things on this subject and even today, it falls to deaf ears, unfortunately. This law implies that no one, in as far as he or she belongs to the social body, the social organism, actually works for himself or herself.
This is the pure function human labour has in a social law within the social organism. Whoever dispels this law, works against the social organism. One works against the social organism when one implements the idea which has come about in the more recent history that the proletarian worker must live from the proceeds of his labour.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: Freedom for the Mind, Equality for the Law, Fraternity for Economic Life 28 Jul 1919, Mannheim

Rudolf Steiner
But those who are still steeped in the old way of thinking, who have become accustomed to the old social spirit in their thoughts, who are rooted in the old institutions with their habits of life, still cannot bring themselves to really accept that a fundamental transformation is necessary.
I will therefore have to speak to you today about the fundamental challenge of our time as a threefold one. I will have to speak of the social question as a spiritual or cultural question, I will have to speak of the social question as a legal or state question; I will have to speak of the social question as an economic question.
So what should happen will have to happen from this Central Europe, and we will have to say of this event: Freedom for the mind, Equality for the law, Brotherhood for economic life! Discussion [not reported] Closing words Dear attendees, I must say that I have the greatest respect for the first speaker in this discussion in terms of his very beautiful social will, but that I nevertheless – since I have something to say about what he presented today – I must find it disturbing that he, too, has brought up something that I consider a very unfortunate sign of our time.
329. The Liberation of the Human Being as the Basis for a Social Reorganization: The Social Will and Proletarian Demands 09 Apr 1919, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Above all, it will be necessary to determine what relates to labor law, among many other things. But labor law is the first issue for the social movement in the present.
And everything that belongs to the individual comes to him from social capital. After the replacement of the natural economy by money, and the further division of labor that came about through money, it has become a fundamental economic principle that in a social organism in which there is a division of labor, man cannot work for himself, but only for others.
If you sin against it, that is, if you place that superstructure over this self-realizing substructure, through which you selfishly acquire the fruits that actually flow to the general public in the true social process, then you place what I would call a real lie into the world. The egoism of today's economic system is nothing more than a sum of real lies, of sins against what actually happens beneath the surface, and what is beneath the law of social, economic altruism.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: The History of the Social Movement 30 Jul 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
You are also aware that the way in which the social question was treated until the middle of the 19th century is referred to by today's representatives, at least by many of today's representatives of the social question, as “the age of social utopias”.
Faith in conscience and moral insight has been lost in the broadest circles, especially among the representatives of the social question. People say to themselves, people do not act according to their insight when they make social arrangements or when they lead their social lives, they act according to their interest.
The more leading personalities of the social movement then stopped talking about the social question out of moral indignation altogether in the 1980s.
297. The Spirit of the Waldorf School: Supersensible Knowledge and Social Pedagogical Life 24 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Robert F. Lathe

Rudolf Steiner
Just now in this city a limited attempt is being made to solve a social problem, a social problem that is more important than most people want to believe. Perhaps this evening we can point out the difficulties of solving such a specific problem.
It is a social thinking patterned after mechanistic scientific thinking. Why does this social thinking appear to be so unfruitful, as I have often described it in these lectures?
People will recognize each other more clearly than they do today. If, in place of antisocial desires, those social motives that are the basis of true social life are present, then the modern scientific way of thinking can at last become fully useful for humanity.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Fundamental Power of the German Spirit in the Light of Spiritual Science 16 Jun 1915, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
One could also say: At that time, when the Germanic tribes of Central Europe threatened the southern empires, the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Middle Ages, only the Roman spheres of interest with their social and political intentions were confronted with what was to come from Central Europe. Of course, at the time, one could justifiably speak in this way.
This must also give us the strength for the necessary defense, for the defense of German intellectual life as well, which, as perhaps few today already suspect, is in a fundamental struggle, just as much as the external life of the immediate present. It would be out of place to present a reflection that was only meant as a consolation.
And this consciousness lives on to the present day in the most exquisite minds of the German people. It will now be shown how this fundamental strength of the German spirit has led to a deep world view and outlook on life in individual personalities of the nineteenth century.
333. The Problems of Our Time: The Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Nature of the Social Organism 15 Sep 1919, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For more than fifty years the mass of the people have been acquiring social and socialist ideas. Unless we have gone through the last ten years with our eyes shut we must have noticed what changes have come about inside the ranks of the proletariat with regard to the social question.
The proletariat found itself in a new position, no longer confined by a social order dominated, at least in Central and Eastern Europe, by the old ruling powers. It was itself called upon, to a considerable extent, to set its hand to building a new form of social organization.
The workman experiences the whole sphere of human life in the economic field; therefore the social question appears to him entirely in an economic perspective. Anybody who has the opportunity to acquire wider views is bound to see how clearly three spheres of life are to be distinguished, in which three fundamental aspects of the social question present themselves.

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