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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 51 through 60 of 474

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250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: An Esoteric-Social Future Impulse: An Attempt to “Found” a Theosophical Society and Art 15 Dec 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Not only nature, but also souls are subject to organic laws. Some of the spiritual influences that fall on them harden or corrupt them, while others prove to be full of germinating power and transform themselves into new forms of existence.
The souls were not awake enough, were still caught up in the old ideas. The attempts made in social terms met with the strongest resistance from the outside world. We can be seized by a tremendous pain when we see how little we were able to make the teaching fruitful and be suitable instruments for the fire spirit of the helper sent in times of need.
If you think that what has been said is rather strange, then please accept it as having been said with full is that everything that belongs to the laws, to the eternal laws of existence, is observed. And it is also part of the eternal laws of existence that the principles of becoming are taken into account.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: The Social Aspect of Legal and Economic Institutions and the Freedom of the Human Spirit 16 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In a series of lectures, I tried to explain the extent to which the present should strive for a division of the social organism into an area of the spirit with independent administration, an area of law on a democratic basis, and an independent economic area.
For the Orient, the question of freedom or unfreedom has almost no significance; it plays no role at all there. In the West, it became the fundamental question of world view and ultimately even of political life, yes, of criminal law and so on.
And from this marriage of the will with the inwardly freed thoughts, it is to be hoped that the human being emerges who also develops the abilities, in living together with others, that is, in a social community, each for himself and each socially with each other, to produce such legal and economic orders that one accepts as necessary, just as one accepts the necessity of having to carry one's physical body, of obeying its laws, and not being free to grow one's right hand on the left side and vice versa, or one's head in the middle of one's chest.
334. From the Unitary State to the Tripartite Social Organism: The Current Economic Crisis and the Recovery of Economic Life through the Threefold Social Order 26 Apr 1920, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
If you follow the lines of inheritance law into the whole of public life, including the configuration of state and social contexts, you will see how much of economic life depends on this law.
In short, we see in many respects how what comes from blood ties extends into the modern social order; and what is particularly evident in such things as inheritance law, but the human race, with its innermost consciousness, has actually outgrown.
And so it is also necessary not to imagine some arbitrary state of the world and then forge programs based on that, but rather to ask: What is possible? That is the fundamental question for the threefold social organism! And there is no possibility at all that exploitation in the modern sense will take place.
332a. The Social Future: The Social Question as a Cultural Question, a Question of Equity, and a Question of Economics 24 Oct 1919, Zürich
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
We might say that the role which national economy has taken is that of a contemplative spectator; it has retreated more or less before the activity of social life. It has not discovered laws capable of molding human life within the social organism. The very same thing is seen in another way.
In the place of this old conception, with its impelling social force, giving an impulse to life, another appeared, new and more scientific in its orientation. This new conception was concerned with more or less abstract laws of nature, and facts of the senses, outside man himself, abstract ideas and facts.
It is faced by a problem. This is the third aspect of the social question. In these lectures we shall have to learn to look at the social question (a) as a cultural question, (b) as one of law, of the State or politics, and (c) as an economic question.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: The Key Points of the Social Question in the Necessities of Life In the Present and the Future 28 Apr 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And one could go further. I am only hinting at the fundamentals. But anyone who really engages with this development of the modern social movement must also look at the other side.
We are now coming to the second of the key aspects of the social question, the regulation of labor law by separating economic life from state life. The third of the core issues of the social question is the economic question itself.
Now, instead of going into the details of the debate, I would like to point out the fundamental differences between what I believe and what many people see as the solution. You see, what is at issue here is not to set up some abstract program in which a great many people see salvation, but rather to bring people into such a context in social life that they can find what is right from within the social community.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Transforming of Instinctive into Conscious Impulses 13 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have been studying from many points of view the social impulses of the age, of the present day and of the future. You will have seen, among the many and varied phenomena which these impulses bring forth, that there is one apparently fundamental tendency.
For Ricardo and Lasalle could only have meant that if the social structure is left to itself this iron Law of Wages will begin to work. It was just in order that it should not work, that Workers' Associations were founded and that the help and influence of the State was called into play.
All other things they flee from and avoid. The fact is that not only the social thoughts but the social feelings and in the last resort the social events of our time have evolved under the influence of this flight from the spirit, this avoidance of spiritual things.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Logic of Thought and the Logic of Reality 14 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the domain in which I have been speaking to you now for some weeks—in the domain of social life, of the structure of human society, many new demands result simply from the fundamental premises that I have set before you concerning the three-fold division of society which will be necessary for the future.
Then I explained how men did indeed receive Inspirations for the social institutions which they were to make; and how in truth it was not merely the one monarch following the other as in later times, but these things were determined according to the laws received from the Spiritual World.
I said: It is characteristic how men have observed, ever since Ricardo, Adam Smith and the rest, that the economic order entails this consequence: That in the social life of man together, human labor-power is used like a commodity, brought on to the market like a commodity, treated like a commodity after the laws of supply and demand.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Metamorphosis of Intelligence 15 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Without a knowledge of them it is altogether impossible to think fruitfully about the social question. Now let us ask ourselves (we have often touched upon this question, but today we will bring out certain other details),—let us ask ourselves what is the fundamental quality of soul, the fundamental and decisive quality which is brought out in the age that began in the fifteenth century and that will last, as I told you, on into the third millennium?
A unitary idea you must extend over the whole Earth, but of a thing inherently threefold you can say: “In the West the one is predominant; in the Middle the second is predominant; and in the East the third is predominant.” Thus what you find as the ideal of the social structure will be differentiated over the face of the Earth. This is the fundamental difference of the view, here presented out of Spiritual Science, from other views.
The second thing that must be attained is a regulation of social conditions, such that before the law or constitution, before the government in fact, all men are equal: Liberty in spiritual matters; Equality in the State (for if you will, one third may continue to be called so); and Fraternity in relation to the economic life.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: Understand One-Another 21 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In Bolshevism, my dear friends, the intention is to found a social order to the exclusion of all things spiritual—to group mankind in their social life so that the Spiritual plays no part in it at all.
I said: If we really see what is living in the world of man today, the mutual relationship of men, their social life, appears to us like a social carcinoma—a cancerous growth—eating its way through mankind. Men had only shut their eyes to this carcinoma of the social commonweal.
This too creates at the very foundations of all our social order the character of Egoism. For egoism cannot but prevail in the social (I say once more, in the social order—please understand me aright) if to obtain what he requires for his own needs a man must get his labor paid for.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: The Land Question from the Point of View of Threefolding 16 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It is quite possible, in both the Leninist and the Damaschkean system, to render ineffective through all kinds of back doors what enters the world as a law. The impulse for the threefolding of the social organism simply cannot, because it wants something real, close itself off from the fundamental insight that social reality truly cannot be made by those laws that arise when the old social and state ways of thinking and imagining are continued.
Then they cease to be commodities and are subject to laws and insights. Through laws and insights they fit into the social structure. Land cannot be produced; it is therefore not a commodity from the outset.
That is a real relationship. But it is not true, in fact, in this social reality, not everything goes according to plan. The laws – I now mean natural laws, not state laws – are there, but they are only approximations.

Results 51 through 60 of 474

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