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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 71 through 80 of 474

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24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Proposals for Socialization
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
296. Education as a Social Problem: Historical Requirements of the Present Time 09 Aug 1919, Dornach
Tr. Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
In the sphere of rights, we have been unable to produce anything but a renaissance of Roman law. So, in our social organism we have the Greek spiritual structure and the Roman State structure. Economic life cannot be shaped as a renaissance.
Since these three areas of living are chaotically intermingled, it is necessary that we bring order into them. This can only be done through the threefold social organism. In a most one-sided manner people like Marx and Engels have realized that, for they recognized that it will no longer do to govern with a spiritual life that originates in ancient Greece; nor will it do to live with a government that has been derived from Roman law.
The social thinking of the present adheres to these three concepts. How much has been proclaimed in social science in order to comprehend these three concepts!
296. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: Foreword
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
They transmit a powerful appeal to all those who are deeply concerned with the condition of the social fabric, irrespective of political partisanship; but who look to its cultural and philosophical basis as a means for social action and renewal.
The lectures which follow belong perhaps to the most exciting ones we can find in Rudolf Steiner's lectures an the fundamentals for a social renewal. Like a slow-growing plant they begin to open only gradually into full significance.
In the midst of such conditions (where the practitioners of old vices and their political and power-seeking responses continue to be at work, Rudolf Steiner spoke the following, describing neither a wish nor an ethical utopia, but describing rather his sober insight into a law, that is akin to a law of nature. This will be the healthy social relationship in the future.
185a. The Developmental History of Social Opinion: Eighth Lecture 24 Nov 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But the person who, practically, without sentimentality, with pure, healthy common sense, realizes that every society must necessarily perish because man only works for himself, that is, purely what is egoistically shaped in the social order—that person knows the right thing. This is a law, as surely effective as the laws of nature work, and one must simply know this law. One must simply have the ability to apply common sense in such a way that such a law appears as an axiom of social science. Today we are still far from realizing this. But the recovery of conditions depends entirely on the fact that just as someone regards the Pythagorean theorem in mathematics as something fundamental, he takes this sentence as the basis of the social structure: all work in society must be such that the labor yield falls to the society and the means of existence are not created as labor yield, but through the social structure.
Every person can have a say in this security service. So there must be a parliament, however the social group is constituted, in which deputies can be elected, for example, by universal, secret, direct suffrage, who have to form the laws and everything that is intended for this security service.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: The Path to Psychic Experiences and Knowledge as a Basis for a Real Understanding of People 09 Jul 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
What I would like to say about certain things would not appear to me as a whole if I did not add today's lecture, which I have given here on the social question, to the one I gave today and the one I will give next Friday, because what has been developed here on the social question, although with seemingly quite different aims and from a seemingly quite different world, ultimately stems from the same human spiritual striving that I will be speaking to you about in these two lectures. Those of you who have followed my book on the social question in the necessities of life, present and future, will have seen immediately in the first pages how the social question is approached from a point of view that decidedly considers the spiritual and cultural concerns of humanity.
And it forces itself upon him, not as something subjective, but as an objective fact, the very sober knowledge of nature, and the struggle with the limits of knowledge of nature and that which plays a great role in human nature and human life: sympathy, love, the fundamental tone of all human social intercourse. And man now learns through experience to recognize the relationship between the limits of nature, which stand in the way of his knowledge, and the power of love.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy and Socialism

Rudolf Steiner
No one can understand the external actions of human beings without learning the spiritual laws that underlie them. The personalities who want to heal today's social effects should first of all learn about the causes of these effects.
Werner Sombart, describes the change that took place in the course of the nineteenth century in relation to thinking about social issues in the following sentences: “It is extremely appealing to observe how, since the middle of our (nineteenth) century... the character of the social movement has been transformed in its fundamental ideas, parallel to the theoretical approach to social issues.
Only in the light of an idealistic, spiritual way of thinking can social questions flourish. Under the influence of materialistic thinking, the character traits of the leading personalities of our time have developed in such a way that no one wants to understand the higher laws of human nature anymore, that no one really wants to learn anything that goes beyond mere sensual reality.
190. The Spiritual Background of the Social Question: Lecture V 13 Apr 1919, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Here too there is something which may well up as a feeling of tragedy from contemplation of this stream of culture: men were unable to perceive, to divine, the conditions necessary for the life of the spirit, above all in the social sphere; For the reason why the social life of Middle Europe has developed through the centuries to the condition in which it finds itself today is that it had no real experience of the spirit, nor felt the need to meet the fundamental requirement of the spiritual life by emancipating it, making it independent of and separate from the political sphere.
All the concepts of natural science, all its notions of laws of nature, are devoid of spirit, are mere shadow-pictures of spirit; while men are investigating the laws of nature, no trace of the spirit is present in their consciousness.
I have now given you one or two indications of what is astir in humanity, and of the need to strive for a new ordering of social life. Social demands cannot nowadays be advanced in terms of the trivial concepts commonly employed.
192. Humanistic Treatment of Social and Educational Issues: Eleventh Lecture 29 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And if it is not replaced, man can only rush towards a state that ossifies, mechanizes and so on his later life again and again. These are inner laws of development exactly the same as the laws of development in outer nature, only today man is afraid to develop such strong thinking and cognition that he penetrates to these inner laws of human development.
Not even the greatest man can transcend this fundamental law of human existence. Theosophy, even in its form as anthroposophy, would have been unreservedly rejected by him (Goethe).
But if I speak today of a spiritual law that is just as well founded as a scientific law, he does not believe it, because it must first be known for a few centuries.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: What and How Should Socialization Take Place? 25 Apr 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The one who spiritually understands social life sees everywhere how terribly the tendencies towards social ulcerous growths are sprouting. This is the great cultural concern that arises for the one who sees through existence.
Therefore, today, allow me to treat this social question, this social movement, as a spiritual question, as a legal question, and as an economic question.
This will be a healthy way to socialize capital if we can get what is today capital in inheritance law, in the creation of pensions, of idler's rights, of other superfluous rights, what accumulates in capitals, into the social organism.
330. World Economy: Foreword
Tr. Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
In The Threefold Commonwealth, his fundamental work in the field of social life, published in 1919, Dr. Steiner shows that man has a threefold relationship to the social order. He has the task of developing his own soul and spirit, his individuality; he has the right and the obligation to live in peace with his fellow-men; and he needs certain material things for his bodily and spiritual life. The true form of social order is, therefore, one which “orders” aright these three relationships in social life. The spiritual requires freedom for its full development; the man-to-man relationships call for laws which embody simply what is fair and just, and before which all members of the community have equal rights and obligations; the economic life needs full scope for individual ability together with the impulse of brotherly trust working through an organisation of “economic associations.”
Steiner, therefore, so treats the problems of Economics that what belongs to the economic and what to the legal and spiritual members of the threefold social organism is clearly seen. The advice for the solving of social problems which the author gives in these lectures, and in his other social works, takes the form of general ideas which can be acted upon in freedom under changing conditions of time and space.

Results 71 through 80 of 474

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