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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 261 through 270 of 359

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308. The Essentials of Education: Lecture One 08 Apr 1924, Stuttgart
Tr. Jesse Darrell

Rudolf Steiner
Whatever achievements natural science may have brought to humankind, it cannot be applied directly to the human being. We can ask: What are the laws that govern the development of the world beyond humankind? However, none of the answers come close to the essence of what lives within the limits of the human skin.
We will see that knowledge of the human being has suffered a great deal in the modern world, and this has given rise to many social evils. In a sense, however, knowledge of human beings has only withdrawn to deeper levels of the unconscious than ever before.
To answer this question we must first look directly at the fundamental question: How does a teacher’s temperament affect the child, just by being what it is? The Choleric Temperament We will begin with the choleric temperament.
282. On the Art of Drama 10 Apr 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In that anthroposophically oriented spiritual science is always directed towards knowledge of the human being that which is otherwise only grasped in laws, in abstract forms, expands into an intuitive vision [Anschauung]. One acquires at last a real intuitive vision of the bodily, psychological, and spiritual constitution [Wesen—‘essence’ or ‘being’] of the human being.
In short, through actually conversing with one another in this way about — I’d like to say — social physiognomy, those who are active in the art of drama will be able to bring together a great deal that is more valuable than dramaturgy and, in particular, than biographies of actors and theatre history; the latter is anyhow something that can be left to other people.
With regard to this matter, I will note this question for a later response. Question: Can fundamental and deeper-leading guidelines be given for the comprehension and penetration of new roles than those that we could acquire out of practical experience and out of already available texts?
185. From Symptom to Reality in Modern History: The Birth of the Consciousness Soul 18 Oct 1918, Dornach
Tr. A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
Now mediaeval society was hierarchically ordered; men were grouped according to social status, family connections; they were organized in craft and merchant guilds, etcetera. But all these social stratifications were indoctrinated with Catholicism, and in the form that Christianity had assumed under the impact of various impulses of which we shall learn more in the following lectures (and under the impact of those impulses which I mentioned in earlier lectures).
Only in France therefore, where the inner life of the personality was deeply influenced, could the political and social configuration which developed as I have described lead to the Revolution—via Louis XIV, etcetera.
His chief work was the History of Civilisation in England (1857–61). He saw in the law of causality the determining factor in history. Freidrich Ratzel (1844–1904). Geographer and professor in Munich and Leipzig.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Poetry of the Present — An Overview

Rudolf Steiner
The view of the true anarchist is that one man cannot rule over the actions of another, but that only a state of social life is fruitful in which each individual sets for himself the aim and direction of his actions.
Understandably, such a poet also had to find tones for the feeling that comes from the region of the soul that is most developed in modern man, the social one. This social feeling has awakened feelings in his own heart, as they appear in his poem "On the Journey to Berlin", which provides a reflex image of the unsparing, great world events of the present from a strong, deeply excitable soul.
[ 45 ] Clara Müller has earned the right to be counted among the social poets with her collection "Mit roten Kressen". The appealing thing about these poems is that the social imagination and thinking is thoroughly personal.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Intercourse With the Dead 27 Apr 1913, Düsseldorf
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
The science that deals with the physical world has arrived at a number of laws and connections within the physical realm. These laws when applied to the outer phenomena of nature can only tell us something about the structure of external sense perceptible reality.
Ever more knowledge is accumulated about chemical laws and so forth, but nothing about life itself. The investigation of life is for the natural scientific method a mere ideal because it is something that streams out of the super-sensible realm into the physical world and within this world its laws cannot be fathomed.
Only then is Christianity the religion that transcends race, color and social position. That is Christianity. We enter a new age. Christianity can no longer work in the way it did over the last centuries.
297. Spiritual Science and the Art of Education 27 Nov 1919, Basel
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Yet it is only when they are rightly observed and estimated once again, that a certain impulse will enter into our educational thought and practice—an impulse that is very badly needed, especially in an age which claims to be a social age, an age of social thought. There are certain experiences in life, which we cannot rightly estimate unless we take into account these real observations of the soul- and spiritual-life within the human being.
And if we can rightly observe the working together of these two fundamental forces in the evolving human being, I hen the full and living result of such observation will provide the true basis for the method of teaching and for the curriculum.
There can be no real art of education without this perception of the inner laws and stages of development underlying human life. The Art of Education requires to be adapted to what is growing and developing outwards and upwards in the human being.
288. Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of the First Goetheanum: The Dornach Building as a Home for Spiritual Science 10 Apr 1915, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
The need arose to express what spiritual science has to say about the laws and facts of the spiritual world not only through words, which in a certain way can only hint at the spiritual facts and spiritual laws hidden behind the physical, but to express it in a living presentation, one could say - if the word is taken with the necessary seriousness - to express it through a theatrical presentation.
What is formed on the outside is, so to speak, that which arises from the fact that, by repelling the waves of the world, the other waves of the world approach again, meet with what reaches out into space; and in the encounter, what is formed is, if I may use the word, the outer form, the outer decoration. But the whole must be formed out of this fundamental idea. Out of this fundamental idea, but out of the felt, sensed fundamental idea, this outer form necessarily arose.
Therefore, for everything artistic, for everything social, for religious and many other special areas of life, we can say what Goethe said in relation to the religious feeling of man: He who possesses science and art also has religion.
197. Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind: Lecture IV 13 Jun 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Within the two schools, quite apart from the third, there are however quite a number of people who know that our aim is to speak of the Christ Mystery out of the truth, and of social order out of the triune principle. This makes them sit up and listen; it makes them say: ‘It would take the ground away from under our feet if we were to go for the truth; let us therefore vow to destroy it.’
You may feel tempted now and then to stress the good points of one thing or another. The alliance between Jesuitism and the Social Democrats which is getting closer and closer by the day is something entirely natural. There is nothing unnatural about it. The Social Democrats are equipped with the same kind of ideas as the Jesuits, only they take them the other way round.
306. The Child's Changing Consciousness and Waldorf Education: Lecture III 17 Apr 1923, Dornach
Tr. Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
Now the child is no longer restricted to the narrow circle of people who provide a more intimate social background. In living into the mother tongue, the child also adapts to something broader than the static and dynamic forces.
And through discrimination one will find the fundamental links between the way a child adapts itself to the of static and dynamic forces, and its future destiny during earthly life.
The aim is not to replace the pedantic attitude that has crept into our civilization with a disregard of fundamental rules or with a lack of earnestness. Something entirely different is required when one is faced with children between the change of teeth and puberty.
101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: Forms and Numbers in their Spiritual Significance 28 Dec 1907, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
The physical tones of the lyre are modeled on what first existed spiritually as the relationship of the four elements to one another. The fundamental idea underlying this is that everything that happens in man, in the microcosm, should be modeled on what lives in the macrocosm.
When man builds temples, works of beauty, or when he creates statesmanship for the social coexistence of people, these are all things that have significance for the future. What man builds today with the help of natural forces, he forms the natural products of the future. When man builds a Gothic cathedral, for example, he assembles it according to mineral laws. It is true that the substance, the materiality, the bricks and stones, of which the cathedral is composed, will disintegrate.

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