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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 801 through 810 of 957

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182. Death as a Way of Life: The Rebelliousness of Men Against the Spirit 30 Jun 1918, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
How many people are there today who say: I do not look up to the various hierarchies, to angels, archangels and so on, but I look up to “my God”. And how many continue to declaim what great progress it is that humanity has come to the one God, to monotheism.
This can only be one of two things: either it is the one angel that protects him, whom man then calls God, who is no higher god than an angel – and since every human being has an angel whose task it is to protect him, we are in a pluralism – or he means his own ego.
That is the concrete thing they call God: either the angel that protects them intervenes – it is only the angel, they call it God – or it is only the individual ego.
53. Schiller, from the Theosophical Standpoint (Schiller Festival) 04 May 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He rested in that which he felt as the world permeated by God, and he felt contented. This changed and had to change in the time when the new world view got entrance in the minds when the world was permeated with the modern spirit of research.
After the hard trials which he was exposed to on account of his youth dramas he was invited by the father of the freedom poet Körner (Christian Gottfried K., 1756–1831) who did everything to support the cultural life.
It should show the godhead himself as the representative of humanity Dionysus. The god, who has descended from higher spheres, who embodies himself in the material substances, who ascends through the realms of nature to the human being to celebrate his redemption and resurrection in the human being.
155. Anthroposophical Ethics: Lecture III 30 May 1912, Norrköping
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The ancient customs were also fashioned after the thoughts of the gods. We have the right view of Anthroposophy when we look upon it as the investigations of the thoughts of the gods.
But we only assume the right attitude towards it when we say: The thoughts we seek are the thoughts wherewith the gods have guided evolution. We think the evolution of the gods. If we understand this correctly we are overwhelmed by something that is deeply moral.
Then we say: In ancient times man had instinctive wisdom from the gods, who gave him the wisdom according to which they fashioned the world, and morality thus became possible.
155. The Spiritual Foundation of Morality: Lecture III 30 May 1912, Norrköping
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
The ancient customs were also fashioned after the thoughts of the gods. We have the right view of Anthroposophy when we look upon it as the investigations of the thoughts of the gods.
But we only assume the right attitude towards it when we say: The thoughts we seek are the thoughts wherewith the gods have guided evolution. We think the evolution of the gods. If we understand this correctly we are overwhelmed by something that is deeply moral.
Then we say: In ancient times man had instinctive wisdom from the gods, who gave him the wisdom according to which they fashioned the world, and morality thus became possible.
343. Foundation Course: Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action: Ordination and Transubstantiation 03 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
When they were asked to formulate their soul constitution, they would have said: Yes, we couldn't go through with it in the same way as was still possible in the earlier Mysteries, for instance experiencing the transformation of light to darkness; we can no longer experience how one is anointed with oil and so on, and we can no longer experience the inner pain through recalling; but here a God has incarnated in the form of Jesus who was here, and with whom we have relations and when we really in our consciousness take it up, not merely with intellectual grasping but when in all concreteness we live in it, then something lifts us up into the supersensible world.
The spiritual ancestral line however, must go up to the spiritual father ancestor, the Christ Jesus, it flows through the ongoing, continuous fulfilment of consecrated ceremonies, which lead to the Christ, which certainly must always become more and more outward, because it must ever more make an intensive impression on people.
The celibate already had his inner foundation and there where the celibate was dogmatised it was found throughout that the priest had to withdraw from connecting to all others, was a human personality who found it far more important to practice the priest consecration as a conscious inheritance of the father of his ancestors and because he was placed in this ancestral blood of a spiritual ancestry, he could not be in contact with that world from which he was taken out by the consecration ceremony.
218. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy II: The Art of Teaching from an Understanding of the Human Being 20 Nov 1922, London
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch, Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
Those who have had to deal with such things can also experience them. For example, a father once came to me and said that his son had always been a good boy and had always done what the parents had found morally pleasing.
Well, in such a case, anyone who truly understands human nature would ask where the child had taken the money. The father replied, “from the cupboard.” I then asked further whether someone removed money from the cupboard every day.
The emergence of the butterfly confronts me with the idea of immortality in a simple and primitive way. It was God Himself who wanted to show me something through that emerging butterfly. Only when I can develop such a belief in my pictures is the invisible and supersensible relationship between the child and myself effective.
218. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: Christ and the Metamorphoses of Karma 19 Nov 1922, London
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Nothing that you can ever do on Earth can be as great and manifold as what you have to do when from the starry worlds you build this temple of the Gods, the human body. This is by far the greater task and the more manifold. Nor do you merely make your own body for yourself.
We are obliged to witness this: the spiritual seed has fallen from us; it has gone down into a physical mother and father, entering into the forces of generation, into the stream of generation upon the physical Earth. So it is in all reality. The physical body we also were preparing shrinks and contracts and falls into the streams of generation,—into a physical father and mother upon Earth,—while we ourselves as soul and spiritual being are left behind, feeling that we belong to what has fallen from us, yet cannot unite with it directly.
254. The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century: Lecture II 11 Oct 1915, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
If all things are divine, how comes it that there is evil in the world, since God can only be perfect Goodness? If the soul of man is in God, how comes it that she follows her own self-seeking interests? And if it is God who acts in me, how can I, who therefore in no wise act as an independent being, yet be called free?”
If rationalistic philosophy satisfies him and he desires nothing further, let him content himself with that, but he must give up trying to find in rationalistic philosophy what unfortunately it cannot have within it, namely, the real God and the reality underlying the course of things, and a free relationship of God to the world.’ Negative philosophy will ‘remain pre-eminently the philosophy for the schools, Positive philosophy, the philosophy for life.
4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): Thinking in the Service of Understanding the World
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
This is already shown in the First Book of Moses. The latter represents God as creating the world in the first six days, and only when the world is there is the possibility of contemplating it also present: “And God saw everything that he had made and, behold, it was very good.”
Perhaps it also has some other origin as well, perhaps it comes from God or from elsewhere, but that it is present in the sense that I myself bring it forth, of that I am certain.
Renatus Cartesius, Rene Descartes (1596–1650). The father of modern rationalism, soldier of fortune, scholar, pilgrim, traveler, and firm adherent of the Roman Catholic faith.
53. The Great Initiates 16 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Everybody who strives for esoteric instructions has to get clear in his mind that the human being is not a completed being today, as he faces us, but that he is developing that he gets to much higher stages in future. What has already attained the image of God today, what of the human being has come to the highest level is the human sensuous body what we see of him with eyes, what we can generally perceive with our senses.
The chela who has attained this level is a good citizen and father of a family, a good friend as he would be, if he had not become a chela. He needs to be torn out from nothing.
Therefore, the Jewish secret doctrine also speaks of the inexpressible name of God. This is something that is immediately an announcement of the God in him. It was forbidden to pronounce this name unworthily and unholy.

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