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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 151 through 160 of 678

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90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Yoga 04 Dec 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Imagine a yellow and a blue liquid mixed together, then a green liquid would result. Just as the yellow and blue liquids, when mixed, produce a green one, so the spiritual and physical powers of man are united.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Return of Christ in the Etheric 06 Feb 1910, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
This saying is very inaccurate and inappropriate. Where a green leaf becomes a flower, there is a leap, and so it is. Just as we can indicate the exact point of transition from green leaf to flower, so we can indicate the time when clairvoyance ceased.
207. Cosmosophy Vol. I: Lecture IX 14 Oct 1921, Dornach
Translated by Alice Wuslin, Michael Klein

Rudolf Steiner
If the astral body is here (see next drawing, red) and the I here (green), then all that modern man experiences is here in the I, and his thoughts are nothing but what the astral body casts into the I as shadow images (yellow).
It would have been preceded by ancient Moon, Sun, and Saturn. Here we would have the next planet, Jupiter (green), which will be transformed from the earth after the earth has passed through its decline. On Jupiter, then, there participate intensively those members of the human being that exist now, as seed: the physical body, etheric body, and astral body; the I, however, takes part only under a certain condition.
295. Discussions with Teachers: Discussion Ten 01 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Helen Fox, Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
Only when the flowers are first beginning to sprout—when the March violet, for example, is still green, before flowers appear, and again when leaves are falling—that the plant world can be compared to dreams.
In the drawing, the red parts of the two smaller squares already lie within the square on the hypotenuse. By moving the blue and the green triangles in the direction of the arrows, the remaining parts of the two smaller squares will cover those parts of the square on the hypotenuse still uncovered.
277b. The Development of Eurythmy 1918–1920: Eurythmy Address 12 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The whole plant with all its complications, with all its complicated structures, whether it is a tree or a green foliage plant: for Goethe, everything that is a plant is a transformed leaf; whether it is a colored petal or a green leaf, for Goethe it is a whole plant.
68c. Goethe and the Present: Goethe as Theosophist 22 Apr 1904, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
To illuminate Goethe's theosophical ideas, the speaker referred in particular to the lesser-known enigmatic fairy tale 'The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily'. The speaker sought to interpret this 'secret revelation' of the poet in a meaningful way.
14. Four Mystery Plays: Beings and Persons Represented

Rudolf Steiner
Similarly the stole, mitre, and crosier of Romanus are bronze and the emblems green. Retardus' costume is a mixture of the above three. Germanus wears long brownish robes and is made to appear like a giant with heavy clogs, as if tied to earth.
91. Man, Nature and the Cosmos: The Three Worlds 17 Jun 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
All colors are seen in their opposite, what is red here is green there, yellow here becomes indigo there, black becomes white. The opposite color is always the one whose covering creates white.
91. Man, Nature and the Cosmos: Colors and Sounds 06 Aug 1905, Haubinda

Rudolf Steiner
The bell, for example, does not care whether it is yellow or green, it does not affect its tone. When one gets beyond the astral world, there are also colors, but they are not only inner colors, but they are creative, bring themselves forth; they are radiant colors.
93. The Temple Legend: Goethe and His Connection with Rosicrucianism (date uncertain) 01 Jan 1906, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Makarius's vision is such an act of contemplation) The Fairy Story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily is a portrayal of an alchemistical initiation as established by Christian Rosenkreutz; this is written correctly—not as in the defective tradition of the Lodges—as 030 degree (vulgarly known in Freemasonry parlance as the 30th degree.

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