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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 161 through 170 of 678

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80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: The Harmonization of Art, Science and Religion through Anthroposophy 05 Mar 1922, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
on the Aesthetic Education of Man” and what Goethe added to Schiller's reflections in his ‘Fairytale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily’, which forms the conclusion of the ‘Conversations of the German Emigrants’.
For him, the answer to the same question took the form of an image, that powerful image with the most diverse sub-images that we encounter in his “Fairytale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”. I will now pass over all the other figures contained in this fairy tale and describe the actual situation, how the soul wants to reach its goals, its freedom, its experience of its true nature, by different paths.
Anyone who sees allegories or symbols in something like this “Fairytale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily” has not yet penetrated into the real, genuine spiritual life, as it prevails in Goethe, for example.
188. Goetheanism as an Impulse for Man's Transformation: Paganism, Hebraism, and the Greek Spirit, Hellenism 11 Jan 1919, Dornach
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
For the whole fairy tale of the Green Snake end the Beautiful Lily breathes forth this mood of expectation. Where Plato stands in the culture of the Greeks, Goethe stands in the fifth post-Atlantean period. The question “Where does Goethe stand” leads us on to say: As Plato with the definition of the Divine as the Good pointed to the Mystery of Golgotha as a key to understanding the fourth post-Atlantean period, in all that rings forth from his fairy tale of The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, Goethe was pointing to the fresh understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha that had perforce to come.
Then when we prepare ourselves by paganism, as one might say, through something of the nature of the hymn in prose, with all the widening of soul we can get from this, with all the deepening of soul that makes itself felt within us, with all the ennobling of soul we can experience, we shall sink deeply into what there is in many of the scenes in Faust or in the fairy tale of The Green snake and the Beautiful Lily, where we shall find expressed the mood of waiting for a new understanding among the most modern people of the Mystery of Golgotha.
34. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Theosophy and German Culture

Rudolf Steiner
And then there is also his world view, which he summarized in his deeply symbolic fairy tale of “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”. This fairy tale is nothing less than Goethe's “secret revelation”.
266-I. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes I: 1904–1909: Esoteric Lesson 01 Dec 1906, Cologne
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The cross sections of the five etheric streams and their connections with color, taste, and body regions are as follows: earth ether, square with only the corners distinct, yellow, sweet, bones and muscles; water ether, crescent moon at fifth day, white, tart, digestion; fire ether, equilateral triangle, red, hot, blood; air ether, circle, green, sour, nerves; thought (akasha) ether, two intersecting spirals—one is distinct, dark blue, bitter, lymph vessel system.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Theosophy and German Culture 04 Jul 1903, London

Rudolf Steiner
And in addition, he summarized his world view in his deeply symbolic fairy tale of “the green snake and the beautiful lily”. This fairy tale is almost the “secret revelation” of Goethe. It must be read as one reads esoteric writings, its meaning must be studied as one studies the meaning of secret representations of deeply hidden truths.
352. A Spiritual Scientific View of Nature and Man: The Connection Between the Higher Aspects of the Human Constitution and the Physical Body — The Effects of Opium and Alcohol 20 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
When you look at any being, be it of the plant or animal world, you have to ask yourself how these beings relate to the outside world. You see, plants have their green color, first of all, in their leaves. This green color in the leaves comes from the fact that the plant has a very specific relationship to light and warmth. The plant absorbs what comes from the light on the one hand and gives back something else, which it does not absorb. And that is where the green color of the plant comes from. Likewise, you may ask yourself: what is the reason for one or the other in the case of fish?
202. The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia: The Magi and the Shepherds: The New Isis 25 Dec 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Think of all shades of blue being absent from the world, and therefore of green looking different from what it does today, and you will realise that the world around the Greek did not appear to him as it appears to humanity today.
What gave the Magi their knowledge of the world of stars draws inwards, more backwards towards the brain and becomes our mathematical, mechanistic world (green in diagram). A crossing took place; what was inner knowledge, pictorial, naive, instinctive imagination in pre-Christian times becomes our external knowledge, perception through the senses.
What today is our ordinary knowledge through the senses, with which we see nothing but the green surface of grass, the brown skins of animals and the like—to this kind of knowledge when it was still inward, when it had not yet drawn outwards to the eyes, to the skin, there was revealed to the shepherds in the field the deep influence on the earth, the power with which the Christ would work in the earth, what the Christ was to be for the earth.
237. Karmic Relationships III: The Soul's Condition of Those Who Seek for Anthroposophy 08 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
And all this—entering not through windows or doors but through wide-open flood-gates into his soul—translated as it were into little miniatures, came forth as the fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. For the man of whom I speak was Goethe. Miniatures—tiny reflected images, translated even into a fairy-like prettiness—descended thus in Goethe's Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. We need not therefore wonder that when it became necessary to give Anthroposophy in artistic scenes or pictures, (where we too must naturally have recourse to the great Imaginations), my first Mystery Play, ‘The Portal of Initiation’ became alike in structure—albeit different in content—alike in structure to the Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. You see it is possible to look into the deeper connection even through the actual things that have taken place among us.
223. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth: Lecture IV 07 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translated by Barbara Betteridge, Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
You will find in Goethe's Faust the expression “es gruenelt” (It is beginning to get green). Who notices nowadays when it is growing green, when the greenness rising up out of the Earth in the spring, wells and wafts through the air? Who notices when it grows green and when it blossoms? Well, of course people see it today; the red and the yellow of the flowers please them; but they do not notice that the air becomes quite different when the flowers bloom, and again when the fruit is formed.
91. Man, Nature and the Cosmos: Light, Heat, Sound 26 Aug 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Through leaves, the light is processed into the plant, and this creates the pigment chlorophyll, green color. Animal life warmth is produced by the heart. The heart is the organ through which the heat passes into the human and animal body, it works the heat around.

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