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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 171 through 180 of 515

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351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture III 28 Nov 1923, Dornach
Tr. Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir

Rudolf Steiner
I exclude all the other colours, let us say, I exclude red, orange, yellow, green, blue—then the indigo would come in and the violet—these also I exclude (Diagram missing.) (Diagram missing.)
Now, one can add the following: you see, when one proceeds further [drawing on the black-board.] to the so-called ultra-violet rays—here you have red-orange, yellow, green, blue—then indigo would come in, and the violet—the ultra-violet rays. On the other side, the infra-red rays.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Rosicrucian Training — The Interior of the Earth — Earthquakes and Volcanoes 04 Sep 1906, Stuttgart
Tr. Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
If the seer disregards everything lying above it and gazes down directly into this layer, and if then, for example, he places something green before him, the green appears as red; every colour appears as its complementary opposite. A polaric reflection arises, a reversal of the original.
96. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
—The giant peaks that rise supernal Herald the solemn hour; for them first brightens The early radiance of the light eternal, Upon us valley-dwellers later showered. Now are the green-sunk, Alpine meadows vernal With radiance new and new distinctness dowered, And stepwise downward hath the splendour thriven.
We feel how in this night of Christ's Nativity, new, upwelling life streams towards us, This thought is indicated in the fresh roses adorning this Tree; they say to us: the Tree of the Holy Night has not yet become the wood of the Cross but the power to become that wood is beginning to arise in it. The Roses, growing out of the green, are a symbol of the Eternal which springs from the Temporal. The square is the symbol of the fourfold nature of man; physical body, ether-body, astral body and ego.
199. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: Lecture II 07 Aug 1920, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
Here, in the East, we have something fundamental (see sketch, green) which is given little attention today. During the past few years, Bolshevism, Leninism and Trotskyism have spread over the East as destructive forces (white). What I have indicated here in green is trying to surface. Leninism and Trotskyism are merely the continuation of the old czarism and, as I have mentioned before, Lenin is the new czar, only in different attire, but basically the same thing.
201. Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe: Lecture VII 23 Apr 1920, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
You gaze at a red surface, and then quickly turning to a white surface you will see the red in the green after-colour. This shows that the eye is, in a certain sense, still under the influence of the original impression. There is here no need to examine into the reason why the second colour seen should be green, we will only keep to the more general fact that the eye retains the after-effect of its experience.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: Modern and Ancient Spiritual Exercises 27 May 1922, Dornach
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The moment thinking really becomes free of the bodily functions, the moment it has torn itself away from breathing and gradually united with the external rhythm, it dives down—not into the physical qualities of things—but into the spiritual within individual objects. We look at a plant: it is green and its blossoms are red. This our eyes tell us, and our intellect confirms the fact. This is the reaction of ordinary consciousness.
This thinking follows how in a rose, for example, green passes over into red. Thinking vibrates within the spiritual which lies at the foundation of each single object in the external world.
212. Modern and Ancient Spiritual Exercises 27 May 1922, Dornach
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The moment thinking really becomes free of the bodily functions, the moment it has torn itself away from breathing and gradually united with the external rhythm, it dives down not into the physical qualities of things but into the spiritual within individual objects. We look at a plant: it is green and its blossoms are red. This our eyes tell us and our intellect confirms the fact. This is the reaction of ordinary consciousness.
This thinking follows how in a rose, for example, green passes over into red. Thinking vibrates within the spiritual, which lies at the foundation of each single object in the external world.
233a. The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries: Lecture I 19 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The Earth is losing her adornment of plants and green foliage. All things are fading and falling. In place of the green and springing life that began to cover the Earth in Springtime, snow will soon come to envelop, or drought to lay waste, the Earth.
223. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth: Lecture III 02 Apr 1923, Dornach
Tr. Barbara Betteridge, Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
We see them merging into the general earth soul element and rising like a sort of cloud (red, yellow, with green). I might say that during the wintertime these elemental beings are within the soul element of the Earth, where they had become individualized; before this Easter time they had a certain individuality, flying and floating about as individual beings. During Easter time we see them come together in a general cloud (red), and form a common mass within the Earth soul (green). But by so doing these elemental beings lose their consciousness to a certain degree and enter into a sort of sleeping condition.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Moral Qualities and the Life after Death. Windows of the Earth. 01 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Physical knowledge tells us that this unfolding of the plant-world in spring and its fading towards autumn is connected with the Sun, also that, for example, the green coloring of the plants can be produced only under the influence of sunlight. Physical knowledge, therefore, shows us what comes about in the realm of physical effects; but it does not show us that while all the budding, the blossoming and withering of the plants is going on, spiritual events are also taking place.
The rays of the Sun penetrate into the plants, making them green, making them bud.’—All that is external. If we see the soul-and-spirit essence of the Sun, we cannot merely say: ‘The sunlight sparkles on the minerals, is reflected, enabling us to see the minerals,’ or, ‘The light and heat of the Sun penetrate into the plants, making them verdant’—but we shall have to say, meaning now the countless spiritual Beings who people the Sun and who constitute its soul and spirit: ‘The Sun dreams and its dreams envelop the Earth and fashion the plants.’

Results 171 through 180 of 515

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