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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 91 through 100 of 514

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128. An Occult Physiology: The Being of Man 20 Mar 1911, Prague
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We might likewise, for instance, think how out of a plant, which at first has only green foliage, there grows forth the blossom. And so we might imagine that through the reshaping of a spinal cord, through its elevation to higher stages, the entire brain could be formed.
Between this lilac-blue of the upper portion of the brain, and the green of the lower parts of the spine, we have other colour nuances surrounding the human being which are hard to describe, since they do not often appear among the ordinary colours present in the surrounding world of the senses. Thus, for instance, adjoining the green is a colour which is neither green, blue, nor yellow, but a mixture of all three. In short, there appear to us, in this intermediate space, colours which actually do not exist in the physical world of sense.
101. Christmas: A contemplation out of the Wisdom of Life 13 Dec 1907, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
On the contrary, it gives a pleasant feeling to the earth, in the same way in which the cow suckling her calf gets and bestows a pleasurable sensation. Thus the green of the plant which springs out of the earth, even though fixed, may be compared with the milk of the animal organism.
In the spring, when the days gradually become longer and longer, and more light falls on the earth; when out of her womb the plants, whose seeds were in the earth, spring up, and when everything is once more clothed in green, then we feel that not only what we see—as the shimmering green- is coming forth, but we feel as well that something akin to soul activity is taking place. When winter draws near, the days grow shorter, less light falls on our earth, the plants retire to their winter sleep, and the green changes, we too experience a similar feeling to that which we have at night when we fall asleep.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Eighth Hour 18 Apr 1924, Dornach
Tr. Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
If I schematically draw how they are conjoined, it looks like this. Feeling (green) extends into thinking (yellow); willing (red) extends into feeling. So, in earthly existence the Three are conjoined.
Between what we experience as thinking in the fixed stars and feeling, is the sun in ourselves [the sun sign is inserted between the yellow and green of the second drawing]; and the moon lies between feeling and willing - which we also feel within us. [The moon sign is inserted between green and red.] And by simply meditating on this figure, it has the force to bring us closer and closer to spiritual vision.
321. The Warmth Course: Lecture X 10 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
This is all similar to the manner in which we find in the light spectrum the transition from green through blue to violet and then apparently on to infinity. Yesterday we convinced ourselves that we have to continue below the solid realm into a U region.
In Goethe's sense you know that the spectrum considered as a whole with all its colors included shows as its middle color on one side green, when we make a bright spectrum. On the other side peach blossom which is also a middle color when we make a dark spectrum. Thus we have green, blue, violet extending to peach blossom. By closing the circle we note that at the point where it closes, there is the peach blossom color.
321. The Warmth Course: Lecture XI 11 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
You know from what we have already said that there is really a complete spectrum, a collection of all possible twelve colors; that we have a circular spectrum instead of the spectrum spread out in one dimension of space. We have (in the circular spectrum) here green, peach blossom here, here violet and here red with the other shades between. Twelve shades, clearly distinguishable from one another.
The spectrum we actually get is the well-known linear one extending as a straight line from red through the green to the blue and violet—thus we obtain a spectrum formed from the circular one, as I have often said, by making the circle larger and larger, so that the peach blossom disappears, violet shades off into infinity on one side and red shades off on the other, with green in the middle.
295. Discussions with Teachers: Discussion Three 23 Aug 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Helen Fox, Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
Someone showed a drawing, a design in blue and yellow for a melancholic child. Dr. Steiner drew the same design in green and red for a sanguine child. RUDOLF STEINER: Now you can say to the children: This blue and yellow one can be seen best when it is getting dark; you take it into sleep with you, because that is the color with which you can appear before God. This one, the green and red one, can meet your eyes when you awake. You can gaze at it when you wake up in the morning and enjoy it for the rest of the day!
324a. The Fourth Dimension (2024): Second Lecture 31 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If the occultist were to imagine the cube as red, the space around it would be green, because red is the complementary color of green. The occultist not only has simple ideas for himself, he has vivid ideas, not abstract, dead ideas.
272. Festivals of the Seasons: Easter and Whitsuntide III 22 May 1915, Dornach
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
‘When the spring-tide shower of blossom Flutters down all men upon; When on mortals from earth’s bosom Smiles the fields’ green benison.’ Thus, when nature buds and blossoms in the Whitsuntide springtime, the elemental spirits come forth.
‘When soft breezes swell, and vagrant Haunt the green-embosomed lawn, Twilight sheds its spices fragrant, Sinks its mist like curtains drawn, Breathes sweet peace, his heart composes Like a child’s that rests from play, On his eyes so weary, closes Soft the portals of the day.’
Trust the gleam of new-born day! Vales grow green, and swell like pillows Hill to shady rest to woo, And in swaying silver billows Waves the com the harvest to.’
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 03 Dec 1910, Kassel
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Even though Lucifer and Ahriman combat the direct working of the divine spirit, they're nevertheless wanted by the spirit, for it's only through such resistance that the ego becomes fully objective in the physical world. Without Ahriman we wouldn't see a plant's green as such, but only the spiritual being that's in the plant. A single plant is like a hair in the earth's body.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture VI 02 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In this silica the plant-forms appeared, those cloud-like formations becoming green and fading away. And if, as I said, a man at that time could have looked out into the expanses of the cosmos he would have seen the arising of the animal-creation and those primeval plants which became green and then passed away.
And when he traced further that which was in the silica as the plant-beings becoming green and fading away, the cosmic Word became the cosmic Thought, and the plants living in the silicious element added the Thought to the resounding Word.

Results 91 through 100 of 514

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