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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1771 through 1780 of 1817

˂ 1 ... 177 178 179 180 181 ... 182
297. The Idea and Practice of Waldorf Education: The Art of Teaching and the Waldorf School 08 Sep 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Just because people imagine that anthroposophical researchers are people who conjure up all kinds of ideas that can be had quickly, that are quickly drawn from the imagination - just because people imagine this, that is why they misunderstand the paths that are to be taken from anthroposophy into the spiritual world. If one familiarizes oneself with the way in which man, in a self-education of his entire being, can alone come to open up within himself views of the spiritual world that are just as exact and certain as the results of natural science; only if one informs oneself about how long it takes to research relatively small, insignificant truths that are added to external-physical knowledge - let us say, for example, for the doctrine of human sense, for human anatomy or the like; only if one realizes how decades of research are often necessary for the most trivial little things in the field of spiritual science: then one will learn to understand that research in this field is by no means more convenient and easier than research in the clinical field, in the observatory, in the physics or chemistry laboratory.
297a. Education for Life: Self-Education and Pedagogical Practice: The Supernatural in Man and the World 01 Nov 1922, Rotterdam

Rudolf Steiner
And by applying the exact method to our will, educating ourselves, doing the most beautiful deeds for our self-education, we will not arrive at an outwardly charlatan magic, but at an inward, idealistic magic, and thus again link the moral to the natural, to the religious. And ultimately, what does this anthroposophy of which I speak want? It wants to fill the deep abyss that exists unconsciously, at least for modern man, for all people who somehow experience the world, between the natural amoral world order on the one hand and the religious moral order on the other, so that in the future, in his life, in that which nature, sensuality, gives him through his body, the strong supersensible, into which world morality, not only the morality of humanity, flows, into which not only the natural order, but the divine order flows.
68c. The Story of the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily: Lecture One 04 Apr 1904, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Here he expresses in poetic words what he expressed in the fairy tale in pictures; what we in Anthroposophy call “occult knowledge” is expressed by the old man with the lamp,—the light of occult knowledge cannot shine to anyone who had not prepared himself to receive it.
57. Goethe's Secret Revelation: The Riddle in Faust: Esoteric 12 Mar 1909, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
One learns to recognize what he will one day become, if Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy will illuminate Goethe's esoteric poetry, where he speaks of the spiritual world from his own experiences.
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: The Mission of Truth 22 Oct 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
Anything we think out in advance must prove itself in practice: it must yield results that can be recognised in the external world. The truths of Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy are of this kind. They cannot be found by observing external experience. For example, no findings in the realm of outer Nature can establish the truth we have often dwelt on in connection with the immortal kernel of man's being: the truth that the human Ego appears again and again on earth in successive incarnations.
60. The Nature of Sleep 24 Nov 1910, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
By way of introduction, I would like to mention in advance that on this topic as well, Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy is not in a position to make generalisations of the kind that people love to make today. If today we talk about the nature of sleep, then we will only talk about the nature of human sleep.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Major Civilization Issues of the Present Day 19 Feb 1921, Amsterdam

Rudolf Steiner
There are two soul powers, my dear audience, which are necessary in ordinary life, but which are different in ordinary life than in the soul life of the developed spiritual researcher in the field of anthroposophy. One of the soul powers is the ability to remember. This ability to remember must, as we say, be developed in a normal way in every human being; for if our ability to remember is somehow interrupted for any length of time, we are mentally ill.
62. The World View of Herman Grimm 16 Jan 1913, Berlin
Translated by Peter Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Also known as, Herman Grimm, Contemporary Culture and Spiritual Developments, and Anthroposophy. This single lecture is the 8th of 14 lectures in the lecture series entitled, Results of Spiritual Investigation, published in German as, Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.
62. Errors in Spiritual Investigation: Meeting the Guardian of the Threshold 06 Mar 1913, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In this way the greatest peculiarity arises: Maeterlinck takes to be merely a belief that which anthroposophy or spiritual science has to say when it speaks today about “repeated earthly lives”—when it speaks with a certain outer justification (not with a merely inner conviction, which would be akin to a certain primitive belief of humanity).
184. The Polarity of Duration and Development: Third Lecture 08 Sep 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, it is a principle, and not only today, when we all have to rediscover these things on the basis of anthroposophy, but in all times it was a principle for all spiritual researchers, that time as such is an illusion, and never was time counted in such a way by a real knower of reality that it was thought to be a truth, that it itself would have been thought of as a true reality.

Results 1771 through 1780 of 1817

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