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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1791 through 1800 of 1817

˂ 1 ... 177 178 179 180 181 182
342. Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity: Fourth Lecture 14 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In our time, it is only possible to arrive at symbols if one delves lovingly into the secrets of the world; and only out of anthroposophy can a cult or a symbolism actually arise today. You see, it is necessary to start from the elements.
71b. Reincarnation and Immortality: The Historical Evolution of Humanity and the Science of the Spirit 25 Apr 1918, Nuremberg
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp, Adam Bittleston

Rudolf Steiner
Das Wesen Der Anthroposophie. (The Nature of Anthroposophy. Lecture given at Elberfeld, Germany, January 24, 1922) Goethe's observation of human beings and of humanity led him to the following short but comprehensive and significant conclusion that “the most valuable thing about history is the enthusiasm it stimulates.”
337a. Threefold Order of the Body Social II: On Propaganda of the Threefold Social Order 09 Jun 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood

Rudolf Steiner
—People who would like to make compromises, to the extent of being ready to let Anthroposophy be practically swamped by the sort of thing they are used to,—such people are to be found in plenty.
The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): Compiled Notes

Paul Marshall Allen
Rudolf Steiner made extensive reference to Schelling in his writings and lectures, on various occasions praising that philosopher's “important inspirations and suggestions for what must afterwards be said by Anthroposophy, directly out of spiritual vision, on many points of Christianity.” Steiner further spoke of Schelling, “who really always made a significant impression whenever he appeared in public—the short, thick-set man, with the extremely impressive head, and eyes which even in extreme old age were sparkling with fire, for from his eyes there spoke the fire of Truth, the fire of Knowledge.”
60. How Does One Attain Knowledge of the Spiritual World? 15 Dec 1910, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Nothing is easier than to refute Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy, because from a standpoint, imagined to be superior, one can easily say: There are these Spiritual Scientists again, coming out of their mystic 5 darkness with numerical symbolism and say that there is an inner regularity of numbers, and, for example, one has to consider the true foundation of human nature according to the number seven.
73. Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science: The study of nature, social science and religious life seen in the light of spiritual science 15 Oct 1918, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
Considering what has been said so far, we have to ask what the essence is of the newer form of supersensible insight which we seek to find through anthroposophy. The essence is that the way that leads to supersensible investigation must ultimately reach an impersonal sphere.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: The Knowledge of the Spiritual Essence of the World 03 Nov 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
Ladies and Gentlemen, how these things can then be lived out in external civilization, what significance they can have for practical life today, that is to be the subject of a third lecture, which I may give here tomorrow under the title: “Moral and Religious Education from the Point of View of Anthroposophy”. Here I wanted to show that what was once said in a completely different way by ancient human wisdom about the supersensible world can in turn be said by modern man, that this modern man, by meeting all the demands of modern civilization, does not become weak by placing himself in dependence on a guru, but can build precisely on the strong forces of his own individuality, and can enter precisely into those regions where knowledge of the spiritual essence of the world can be gained.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Major Civilization Issues of the Present Day 20 Feb 1921, Hilversum

Rudolf Steiner
I am certainly not using it immodestly to pin what anthroposophy has been able to achieve so far to a world-historical event and to try to explain it in a similar way.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Great Questions of Civilization in the Present Day 21 Feb 1921, Utrecht

Rudolf Steiner
In 1913 and 1908, I spoke in Holland about spiritual science oriented towards anthroposophy. At that time I could only point out what this spiritual science was striving for, but not in a sectarian way or with the will to found a new religion.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science in Its Relationship to Religious and Social Movements of the Present Day 13 Mar 1914, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
It will not be a temple, but a name is needed. It will be no more a temple than anthroposophy wants to be a new religion or the founding of a sect. If one wants a name, one can say: it will be a “Free University for Spiritual Science”.

Results 1791 through 1800 of 1817

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