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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 811 through 820 of 1457

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69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Errors of Spiritual Research 03 Jan 1913, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Only then can an answer to this question be given. Question: What dreams at night, the soul or the brain? Rudolf Steiner: This is easy to answer from what was said yesterday. The soul is in the astral world during sleep, and the human being experiences his dreams inwardly; of course it is not the brain that dreams, but the soul. Question: What consolation can a person who is not clairvoyant find in the doctrine of reincarnation, since only the spiritual researcher can see his past incarnations and the other person would have to despair because he cannot see for himself?
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Goals of Our Time 01 Dec 1913, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
It can occur, for example, as the following: one wakes up in the middle of sleep as if to a dream, but it is not a dream, but a spiritual reality that outshines all the rest of the reality of the day.
Truly, even if he had some imagination, if he were inclined to fantasize par excellence [...], he would never dream up so much fantasy, especially not a fantasy about external descent, about kinship and so on. The strangest things can be read.
117. Deeper Secrets of Human Development in the Light of the Gospels: The Gospels 14 Nov 1909, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The last gift of clairvoyance is sacrificed, it must be expelled from this mission, and if it still shows itself as an inheritance, it is, so to speak, not tolerated within the straight line of succession. Joseph shows a relapse. He has his dreams, he has the old gift of clairvoyance. The brothers cast him out. This shows how tightly this entire mission was drawn: Joseph is cast out.
And the parallels are wonderful everywhere. Who leads the Jews to Egypt? Joseph's dreams lead them there. Who leads the Bethelehemitic Jesus child to Egypt? Also the dreams of Joseph, his father.
343. Foundation Course: Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action: Conceptual Knowledge and Observation 28 Sep 1921, Dornach
Tr. Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
When this shyness is overcome then one doesn't need some of other perception or clairvoyance. Just like one can take a dream as an error or a truth, even if one only experiences the dream for what it is, which is a perception; in the same way one can recognise the truth or error in a painted image.
54. Fundamentals of Theosophy: The Human Races 09 Nov 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If we observe such an Atlantean according to the recordings of the Akasha Chronicle, we find that at the same time the brightness of our present consciousness was not yet achieved. It was a dream consciousness. It was brighter than this, but it did not yet have that bright clarity of the intellect, which our modern consciousness has.
However, all that was in a vague consciousness, in a deeper dream sleep than it existed with the Atlantean. Completely conducted by higher influence, by higher spiritual beings, this Lemurian was a dependent creature in the hands of higher forces, which gave him the impulses of his intentions, of his actions.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Pythagorean Doctrine 09 Nov 1901, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He decides to die after his beloved. For him, reality turns into a dream. What he was previously inclined to regard as a dream, the higher spiritual world, is now reality.
51. Philosophy, History and Literature: On Roman History 19 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He tells us about himself in a remarkable work "The Dream". I mention this, not because it is a significant literary product, but because it can be considered a characteristic sign of the way of thinking of the Roman Empire of that time. Two female figures appeared to him in a dream, one was art, the other was education. Art demanded that he strive for hard work. The education demanded nothing of all this.
133. Earthly and Cosmic Man: The Idea of Reincarnation and its Introduction into Western Culture 02 May 1912, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Inspirations of the greatest grandeur concerning matters of Spiritual Science are to be found everywhere. Inspirations that are like lofty dreams of Science. From Novalis comes something that finds its way into mankind like seed—seed which will spring to life in times to come.
3 The writer could have had no knowledge of the vista of human evolution one day to be opened up by Spiritual Science. Yet something rises up in him that is like a dream of the future of humanity—an instinctive perception of recurrent phenomena in human existence. I am speaking of the poet Anastasius Grün, who in the year 1835 published a poem (Schutt) in which he depicts five recurrences of a certain happening, rhythmic repetitions of the spiritual message working in humanity.
161. Meditaion and Concentration 27 Mar 1915, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
“They would be nearer and more closely related to us than thoughts, ideas, and concepts, for they are not purely spiritual or abstract entities like these, but sense-like spiritual beings, beings who merely express the nature of the force of imagination. Our whole spirit would then be but a dream, a vision of a more beautiful future. Therefore those whom the gravity of understanding hinders from floating around on the surface of the unlimited ocean of imagination will realise that in the depths of our spirit, the living light of the Angels and of all similar heavenly beings is extinguished, as in an atmosphere, un breathable by them.” If these beings then were to enter into our thoughts, our spirit would be a dream—thus writes Feuerbach. He only feels secure when in the region of thoughts, and if the life of the Angels, or other heavenly Entities were to enter these thoughts, he would feel insecure.
163. Chance, Necessity and Providence: Consciousness in Sleeping and Waking States 27 Aug 1915, Dornach
Tr. Marjorie Spock

Rudolf Steiner
We say of them that they are “asleep,” meaning that they go through life as though in a dream. You can tell them something, and in no time at all they have forgotten it. We can't call it real dreaming, but things flit by them as though in a dream and are instantly forgotten.

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