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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 801 through 810 of 1459

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94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Astral World II 06 Jun 1906, Paris
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
The occultist will never dream of imposing dogmas. He is one who tells what he has seen and tested in the astral and spiritual worlds or what has been revealed to him by trustworthy and reliable teachers.
266-I. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 16 Jan 1908, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
When man lived through the man's being, his consciousness was similar to what we experience as the last remnant in our dreams, it was a dull image consciousness. Here on earth we have the bright awareness of the day, which will remain when man rises again to the consciousness of images on Jupiter, so that we then have a bright consciousness of images there.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: Exercises of Cognition and Will 09 Sep 1922, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Humanity had developed these ideas at a time when an old dream-like Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition still existed. They were taken out of their tradition and woven into the material of pure intellectual, logical or dialectic demonstration.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Directly they are so taken, they are worth little more than ordinary dreams. They must present themselves to us like the letters of an alphabet. We do not look at the shape of the letters, but read in them what it is desired to express by their means.
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: The Esoteric Life 08 Mar 1908, Rotterdam

In this way it can be conquered again, but not in a dream-like state, but with full consciousness. The esoteric life wants to awaken this clairvoyant state of consciousness again through methods that influence the soul.
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: Introduction to Theosophy II 26 Mar 1909, Rome

For him, people, animals, plants, etc. were all Maya, a dream. He wanted to decisively deny this world, which was an illusion to him. During this life, he was already in the spiritual world, and after death he did not feel disoriented at all.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Old Norse Sagas of the Gods 22 Mar 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Loki is his necessary opponent. Baldur was frightened by heavy dreams that were to come true afterwards. All creatures take an oath not to harm Baldur, except the mistletoe; no one can kill him, only the harmful in the development of the earth.
174a. The Weaving and Living Activity of the Human Etheric Bodies 20 Mar 1916, Munich
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Even though it may seem stupid, let me nevertheless say that the world is deep, and that it is not such a simple matter to gain some knowledge in regard to it, nor to judge it; it is not so simple a matter as imagined by those who lead the usual kind of life. The human beings pass through life in a dream or in a state of intoxication. Yet great things are preparing and it is not so easy to attract people’s, attention to these things.
All these things show that particularly the so deeply incisive events of the present contain something that must become a distinctive mark of humanity: namely, the fact that many, many things in spiritual life must change completely; human beings must make up their mind not to pass through life in the same way as the materialists, who merely dream of the world ... Of course, they think that the others are dreaming, nevertheless it is THEY who really dream, for they have never really woken up properly.
159. The Mystery of Death: The Intervention of the Christ Impulse in the Historical Events 13 Mar 1915, Nuremberg
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The name Olaf Åsteson already indicates that subconscious hereditary forces of knowledge are included in it, because somebody is called Olaf Åsteson through whom the blood of his forefathers runs. The solar son Olaf Åsteson sleeps through and dreams for thirteen nights which are the darkest of the year or contain at least the biggest force of the earthly annual darkness in them, from the first Christmas Day up to the 6th January, to Epiphany.
Just as you get a dreaming sleep in the evening, you are in the body of the mother in such a dream-like sleep. Those days in which the dream-like sleep is most receptive to the unaware influence of the spiritual world are just the last days which the human being spends in the body of his mother.
186. Social and Anti-social Forces In The Human Being 12 Dec 1918, Bern
Tr. Christopher Schaefer

Rudolf Steiner
Never before has there been such a contrast in political life as the one between the dream of unity in 1848 and that which was really established in 1871.2 There you see the swing of the pendulum, the shift from that which really strives for aesthetic form, which can become untrue, an illusion, a dreamy picture when one wishes to apply it to politics.
When the Central European people become politicians they either dream or they lie. I should add that these things must not be discussed with sympathy or antipathy in order to accuse or to acquit.
The reference is to the distinction between the dreams of the German revolution of 1848 and the creation of the German Empire of 1871 by the Prussian State.

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