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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 111 through 120 of 2142

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202. Course for Young Doctors: Soul and Spirit in the Human Physical Constitution 17 Dec 1920, Dornach
Tr. Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
The warmth organism is paramountly the field of the Ego. The Ego itself is that spirit-organization which imbues with its own forces the warmth that is within us, and governs and gives it configuration, not only externally but also inwardly. We cannot understand the life and activity of the soul unless we remember that the Ego works directly upon the warmth. It is primarily the Ego in man which activates the will, generates impulses of will.
The externalized thinking of today takes account only of the solid body, and again only of this state of consciousness (Ego). The Ego hovers in the clouds and the solid body stands on the ground—and no relation is found between the two.
16. A Road to Self-Knowledge: Sixth Meditation
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Now the soul no longer says, “That is myself,” but, “ I am carrying that something about with me.” Just as the ego in ordinary life feels independent of its own recollections, so our newly-found ego feels itself independent of our former ego.
[ 4 ] The web of recollection which we now regard as our former ego may be called the “ego—body” or “thought—body.” The word “body” must in this connection be taken in a wider sense than that which is usually called a “body.”
Now such a working of ourselves up to the realisation of a higher ego—being within the ordinary ego leads us not only to admit that our thoughts have brought us to a theoretical statement of the existence of such a higher ego, but also makes us realise as a power within ourselves the living activity of this ego in all its reality and feel the ordinary ego as a creation of the other.
318. Pastoral Medicine: Lecture II 09 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
Such people are unable to come with their ego organization properly into their astral body; therefore their feeling life is very much disturbed.
But now there begins to be a stronger pull of the ego organization, drawing the astral body to itself, so that the ego organization and astral body are now more closely bound together.
At some period the person is in a condition (Plate I, 2) where only the ego organization has loosened itself from the other members of the organism. In a later period the person advances to a condition where neither ego nor astral enter the physical or etheric bodies.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: Experiences of Initiation in the Northern Mysteries 26 Mar 1910, Vienna
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
For this reason it was essential in the process of the ancient Initiation that the strength of the, Ego-feeling, the Ego-consciousness, should be subdued. The Ego had as it were to be given over to the spiritual leader or teacher. This subjugation of the Ego was effected in such a way that through the power emanating from the spiritual leader, the Ego-consciousness of the candidate for Initiation was reduced, to begin with, to one-third of its ordinary strength.
The reason for this will be evident when it is remembered that the main feature in this process was the loss of the Ego. The Ego became progressively weaker, until finally man reached the state when he lost himself as a human being.
128. An Occult Physiology: Human Duality 21 Mar 1911, Prague
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
At this point we shall merely affirm in advance what will appear later as having a still more profound basis, that, in the case of man, we must designate the blood as an external instrument for the ego, for all that we denote as our innermost soul-centre, the ego; so that in the nerve-system we have an external instrument of the astral body, and in our blood an external instrument of the ego.
It is the same ego.” And yet, if we now look into what this ego contains, we shall discover this fact: This ego that lives in me is filled with a sum-total of conceptions, sensations, feelings, etc., which are to be attributed to the astral body and which comes into contact with the ego.
The ego then conserves those forces which reach out along the entire horizon of consciousness, and everything is related to the ego.
202. The Bridge Between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitution of Man: Soul-and-Spirit in Man's Physical Constitution 17 Dec 1920, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The warmth-organism is paramountly the field of the Ego. The Ego itself is that spirit-organization which imbues with its own forces the warmth that is within us, and governs and gives it configuration, not only externally but also inwardly. We cannot understand the life and activity of the soul unless we remember that the Ego works directly upon the warmth. It is primarily the Ego in man which activates the will, generates impulses of will.
When we are asleep our warmth-organism is permeated by the cosmic spirituality which on waking we drive out through our Ego, for in waking life it is the Ego that brings about in the warmth-organism what is otherwise brought about by the cosmic spirituality.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: Plant, Animal, Man
Tr. E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
The sentient substance is drawn into the realm of a still further organization. This we may call the ego-organization. The sentient substance transforms itself once more. A threefold stream of substance is produced.
True, they are also taken hold of by the astral body and ego-organization yet only from outside. In sleep, they are taken hold of inwardly by the substances that come into existence under the influence of astral body and ego-organization; while man is sleeping, from the universe as a whole only the forces radiating out of the earth and in toward it work upon him, there are working on him from within, the substance-forces which the astral body and ego-organization have prepared. [ 12 ] If we call the sentient substance the residue of the astral body, and that which has arisen under the ego-organization's influence its residue, then we may say: in the waking human organism the astral body and ego-organization themselves are working, and in the sleeping human organism their substantial residues are at work.
98. Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World: Group Souls of Animals, Plants, and Minerals II 02 Feb 1908, Heidelberg
Tr. Antje Heymanns

Rudolf Steiner
The individual plants grow out of the Earth like the fingernails out of our organism. Inside the Earth, many plant-Egos are together. Not every plant has an Ego, but whole groups of plants share a common Ego. This is also the case with animals. There too whole groups share a common Ego. It doesn’t matter if a lion is in Africa and another one in a menagerie, they are the limbs of the one lion-Ego. Imagine your hand stretched through a screen. We must tell ourselves: an Ego must belong to those fingers. In this way all lions on Earth belong to one single Ego, all tigers on Earth belong to one tiger-Ego.
112. The Gospel of St. John: Human Evolution within the Embodiments of our Earth 28 Jun 1909, Kassel
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
They learned how to cultivate the individual human ego, as opposed to the common ego developed by such groups. The farther back we seek, the more firmly we find the community consciousness bound up with consanguinity, and passing on in time we see it decreasing: man's feeling of independence becomes ever stronger, and he senses the necessity for developing an individual ego, as opposed to the common ego.
But man had been entrusted with the mission to develop and cultivate the ego, not to destroy it. The old initiates had no quarrel with the personal ego, but they maintained that the ascent to the old Gods should be made by way of the early forebears.
—But Christ said: There is another Father through Whom the ego will find the way to the divine; for the ego, or the I am, is one with the divine. There is something eternal thou canst find if thou remainest within thyself.
314. Therapy: First Lecture 31 Dec 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In the sleeping state, these activities resonate without the astral body and ego organization being present. Can you understand that? They continue, just as when I push a ball and the ball still runs away even when I stop pushing, so the activities of the astral body and the ego organization continue during sleep. Therefore, one should not say that if something is derived from the ego organization or the astral organization, it could not therefore be there during sleep. Sleep must only cease when there is danger that the astral or ego after-effects will cease.
The actual syphilitic disease is essentially based on the fact that the human ego organization is overburdened for the metabolic limb system, preferably for the metabolic system. In a sense, the human ego organization slides down into the abdomen.

Results 111 through 120 of 2142

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