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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 211 through 220 of 2213

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140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Between Death and a New Birth 21 Jan 1913, Vienna
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
The ego is the sun for the physical body, the astral body is spiritually its moon. Our ego creates a replacement for the influences of the sun, and our astral body for those of the moon.
So during sleep we are not dependent in the spiritual world on the cosmic solar influence. Our ego does what the sun would do otherwise. We are illumined by our own ego and astral body. Ancient occult vision penetrated to this point only occasionally.
We have learned to know the Christ as the Sun Spirit. The ego has emancipated itself from the light of the sun. Then the mighty Sun Spirit descended to the earth, and thereby does the ego of man penetrate into the substance of the Sun Spirit.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: A Brief Outline of an Approach to Anthroposophy
Translated by Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
It is felt how much depends on finding a point of support within the self-conscious ego. But the search stimulated by this feeling only leads to conceptions that do not provide the means of submerging with the ego into a world that provides satisfactory support for existence.
It follows that everything that stimulates the soul to a vigorous, energetic experience of the ego, conceals at the same time the deeper foundations in which this ego has its roots. All knowledge acquired by the ordinary consciousness tends to strengthen the self-conscious ego.
It is the function of this consciousness to strengthen the self-conscious ego. To achieve this it must cast a veil over the connection of the ego with the objective world, and it therefore cannot show how the soul is connected with the true world.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Wrath of Zeus. The Chained Prometheus 21 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is based on the fact that the human being works from his ego on the other members of his being. The ego has done this, which has become out of instincts, desires and passions.
If we want to understand this ego, we must ask ourselves, above all, what is the present stage of the human ego, what has it achieved, conquered by working, partly unconsciously, on its astral body?
But what is the regulator in this relationship? What ensures that the ego does not go beyond the degree of maturity at certain stages? Do we understand what the regulator is, what ensures that the ego can at least do the right thing at each stage?
103. The Gospel of St. John: The Effect of the Christ Impulse Within Mankind 30 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Before that, he will first have to become a true bearer of the “I” or ego, even though it take thousands of years. He will not only have to make his physical body an instrument for the ego, but the other members of his being as well.
In the culture of the ancient Persian epoch, the ego had sunk into the Soul Body. In that of the Assyrian-Babylonian-Chaldean-Egyptian epoch, the ego mounts into the Sentient Soul.
A logic, which is in itself a process of reflection in the ego, in which ideas are united and separated within the ego, in which one forms judgments logically and does not gather them from the things themselves, first appeared in the fourth cultural epoch.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Easter Course V 25 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
And now think of the following: Suppose that astral organization and ego organization impress their own structure upon some organ or system of organs. In other words, something that ought to maintain its physical and etheric structure receives a spiritual structure, becomes an image of the astral and ego organization.
In some hidden way, this is what happens. In a dark room the weakened astral body and ego can take on the forms of the organs to the point of visibility. The manifestations are real, but illicit.
When the astral body and ego organization have the tendency to impress their structure on the physical and etheric body, we have to do with the choleric temperament.
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: Human Egoism 25 Nov 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
And we say, that within these three members lives the true kernel of his being, the Ego. We must regard the Ego as the bearer of egoism both when the latter is justified and when it is unjustified.
Within the astral body the Sentient Soul emerges, formed by the work of the Ego from the substance of the sentient body. So the Ego lives in the sentient body and draws from it the substance of the Sentient Soul.
At the very moment when the plant is in course of imprinting its inner being on its visible form, the power behind the plant leads its egoistic principle over into a new plant. But man, as a self-conscious being and an Ego-bearer, is required to bring about by his own efforts this development in himself. At a certain stage he must be prepared to surrender whatever he has received from outside and to give birth, within his own Ego, to a higher Ego; and this higher Ego will not become hardened, but will enter into a harmonious relationship with the entire world.
172. The Cyclic Movement of Sleeping and Waking 06 Nov 1916, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Man, we say, as he appears to us in life, consists of the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and the Ego. We then characterise the alternating conditions of sleeping and waking. In waking life, we say, the Ego and astral body are inside the physical body and the etheric, in sleep they are outside.
During sleep—when the Ego and astral body are working- upon man as it were from without—all that is not 'head' in man, but the remainder of his organisation, is subjected to a far stronger influence by the Ego and the astral body, than it is in waking life.
Finally, the sympathetic nervous system is related to the Ego, the real Ego of man. These are the primary relationships, as we now have them. Bearing this in mind, we shall readily conceive that there is a peculiarly vivid relationship in sleep between our Ego and our sympathetic nervous system.
227. The Evolution of Consciousness: During Sleep and after Death 26 Aug 1923, Penmaenmawr
Translated by Violet E. Watkin, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
But when he passes into the sleeping state, his physical and etheric bodies separate from the Ego and astral body. They remain—if one may put it thus—in bed, while the astral and Ego organisations enter a purely spiritual world.
There is a close connection, on the other hand, between the Ego and the astral organisation, for neither do they ever part from one another during life on Earth.
But it is only what is experienced by the astral organisation, when outside the physical and etheric bodies, that can be brought back into the thoughts of the etheric body, not what is experienced out there by the Ego. Hence, during the whole of our existence on Earth, the experiences of the Ego in sleep remain subconscious for ordinary consciousness, and even for Imaginative consciousness.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] Man bears within him a real ego, which belongs to a super-spiritual world. In the physical world this real ego is, as it were, concealed by the experiences of thinking, feeling, and willing. Even in the spiritual world man only becomes aware of his real ego when he effaces in himself the memories of everything which he is able to experience through his thinking, feeling, and willing. The knowledge of the real ego emerges out of forgetfulness of what is experienced in the physical world, the elemental world, and the spiritual world.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture VIII 11 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The animal ego is only to be found apart from the physical body; so that we actually become acquainted with a completely different world, when with occult vision, we ascend to the animal ego.
Just as a single soul belongs to our two hands, our ten fingers, and our feet—a soul which has within it its own ego; so does a group of animals of one species possess such an ego as we do not find in our physical world; it only reveals and manifests itself in the physical world.
The astral bodies of the plants are to be found on the so-called astral plane. Now we must also speak of an ego of the plants, when we observe them occultly. We find this ego of the plants again in like manner as a group-ego, as something belonging to a whole group or species of plants, just like the group-egos of the animals; but in vain should we look for the group-egos of the plants in the same sphere as the astral bodies of the plants and the group-egos of the animals.

Results 211 through 220 of 2213

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