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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 221 through 230 of 2213

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172. The Karma of Vocation: Lecture III 06 Nov 1916, Dornach
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker, Gilbert Church, Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
Now, the description we generally give in spiritual science is that man consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego. In explaining the alternation between waking and sleeping, we say that in the waking state the ego and astral body are within the physical and etheric bodies but, during sleep, the ego and astral body are outside.
It is, indeed, during sleep, when the ego and astral body are working from without upon the human being, that everything in him that does not belong to the head but to other parts of his organization is subjected to a far stronger influence of the ego and astral body than when he is awake.
The ego and the astral body need this alternation of sinking downward into the head and rising out of it.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: The Radical World Conceptions
Translated by Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
They are caused by the fact that the ego is deceived by itself. It is really not dependent, for everything on which it could depend must first be produced by the ego.
Stirner leaves all that without consideration. He faces the fact of the self-conscious ego and uses every means at his disposal to express this fact. He wants to speak of the ego in a way that forces everyone to look at the ego for himself, so that nobody can evade this challenge by claiming that the ego is this or the ego is that.
After Stirner had presented the one side of modern consciousness, the fact of the self-conscious ego, the age at first withdraws all attention from this ego and turns to the picture of nature where this “ego” is not to be found.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: Knowledge of Substance as a Basis for the Knowledge of Medicaments
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
There, however, it has its importance. It serves the ego organization. The astral body separates out parts, which tend to become lifeless, from the organic substance. The ego organization needs this transition of organic substance to the lifeless state. But it is the process of transition which it needs, not the result.
Calcium cooperates in the production and formation of the blood. The ego activity is thus relieved of this sphere and can turn to the absorption of the blood.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Evolution of Mankind on the Earth I 04 Jun 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
A short recapitulation of the Saturn existence had to take place. The Spirits of Ego-hood and independence must work once more on the physical bodies, in order to implant in them the power of taking up the Ego.
Let us consider first the animal-men themselves. They were gradually matured far enough for the Ego to be incorporated Thus we now have wandering on the Earth the human being who consisted of four members (physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego).
And with this was given the possibility of perfecting the Ego in the right way.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: How Does One Defend Spiritual Science? 25 Mar 1911, Pforzheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
No mathematical judgement can give the view of the own ego as an object of the own ego, as if we leave our personality and look at ourselves. We cannot find our ego as an object with mathematical judgements.
We are also allowed to stress that beyond doubt there is a time in our life where the ego exists and still the human being cannot find this ego in his memory. However, someone who would like to believe that the ego awakes only then or would be impressed into the human being when the child learns to say "I", would believe something absurd. If our ego extends more backward than our memory reaches, we also are not surprised if spiritual science states that it is possible to expand the ego even more—behind birth to former lives.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: Old Myths as Pictures of Cosmic Facts 12 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
Only for the sake of man's ego did it happen that man descended. In respect to his ego man stems from the gods. This ego descended out of the spiritual world; it was forged on the physical body so that it might become bright and clear.
Before he achieved his ego, man had physical body, etheric body, and astral body. As the ego gradually evolved in these three bodies, it transformed them.
Man, when he arrived on earth, was not yet endowed with the ego. Before the ego was secreted into the astral body, other forces had possession of this body. Then the light-flowing astral body was permeated by the ego.
102. The Influence of Spiritual Beings on Man: Lecture I 06 Jan 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the same way we find in still higher regions, on the devachanic plane, the egos of quite large plant groups, and in the highest parts of Devachan we find the egos of the minerals, personalities as distinct as men are here on the physical plane.
Of all that exists in the human body, there is actually only one thing that belongs or can increasingly belong to man—and that is his blood. Man's blood is the direct expression of his ego. If however he is not perpetually careful to strengthen his ego inwardly through a strong and vigorous will, through strong forces of his soul, if so to speak, he loses control of his ego then other beings can fasten upon his blood, and that is very grave and evil for him.
You are aware that the blood as it flows through the arteries and spreads out in the body is the expression of man's ego and that it becomes a stronger and stronger expression as the ego itself finds its centre, finds its inner centre of strength in an increasing degree.
179. Historical Necessity and Freewill: Lecture VII 17 Dec 1917, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I have often referred to the remarkable scientific achievement of Theodor Ziehen “Die physiologische Psychologie”—“Physiological Psychology.” On page 205 the Ego is also spoken of; but Ziehen is never in a position even to indicate the real Ego, he merely speaks of the Ego-concept.
Indeed, the reflective human being reduces this complexity of the Ego-concept to a relative simplicity by placing his own Ego as the subject of his feelings, thoughts and movements, against the outer objects and other Egos. Of course, this contrast and this sharpening of the Ego-concept has also its deeper scientific and philosophical basis, but considered purely psychologically this simple Ego is only a theoretical fiction.
199. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: Lecture XIII 04 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
When the ego has been strengthened, having completed a certain amount of work on itself, this work then passes over to the astral body.
Physical Body Etheric Body: Animal World Astral Body: Plant World Ego:  Mineral World As I have said, in regard to our ego we are related to the mineral world.
I also told you that the human being works on his ego. Throughout his repeated earth lives he develops his ego. He thus transforms the content born out of the mineral kingdom.
317. Curative Education: Lecture V 30 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
We go therefore outwards from ego to physical body in the head organisation; the arrangement there is centrifugal. In the metabolism-and-limbs system, it is centripetal; we go here inwards from ego to physical.
Having been received by our head, it goes first into the ego, and into the astral body. But an interplay is always taking place in man's organism, and the moment something is caught and held fast, by means of an impression received in the one ego organisation (here in the head), it immediately vibrates right through into the other ego organisation (below).
If however the system down below, and in particular, the ego organisation—which covers there the whole periphery—is too weak, so that the impressions do not stamp themselves strongly enough, then the impressions that fail to sink down into the ego organisation of the lower system, keep streaming back again into the head.

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